Terminological Practicum for IT Students
Тип работы
V. Yermakova
B. Jolamanova
M. Vasquez
by Academic-Methodological Council
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Rector of Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages Kunanbayeva S.S.
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of Kazakh British Technical University Zagidullin R.Z. Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of IITU Issayev M.K.
Candidate of Economical Sciences, Professor of IITU Berdylulova G.M.
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of IITU Zhanabayeva S.B.
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of IITU Niyazgulova A.A.
Approved by Academic-Methodological Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan
V.A. Yermakova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assistant Professor
B.D. Jolamanova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
M. Vasquez, Senior Lecturer, Master of Special Education
Terminological practicum for IT students/V.A. Yermakova, B.D. Jolamanova, M. Vasquez – Almaty: IITU, 2017.
The manual “Terminological Practicum for IT students” is meant to complement English for ICT textbooks for the students of Pre-Intermediate - Upper Intermediate levels majoring in ICT.
It consists of two parts, each containing several thematically organized modules. Each module comprises a 40-terms glossary, a set of language and speech activities, aimed at memorizing and free use of the ICT terms, and a vocabulary test to check the knowledge. Well-structured and independently organized modules make lesson planning easy and flexible.
The manual is supplemented with the keys for exercises and tests. Alphabetical index provides quick search of terms.
©IITU, 2017
Республиканским учебно-методическим советом
Доктор педагогических наук, профессор, ректор КАЗУМОиМЯ Кунанбаева С.С.
Доктор филологических наук, профессор КБТУ Загидуллин Р.З.
Доктор филологических наук, профессор МУИТ Исаев М.К.
Кандидат технических наук, профессор МУИТ Айтмагамбетов А.З.
PhD, сениор-лектор МУИТ Хамитов А.Н.
MSc in International Business, ассистент профессор МУИТ Каржаубаева С.Э.
Одобрено Республиканским учебно-методическим советом
Ермакова В.А., кандидат филологических наук, ассистент-профессор
Джоламанова Б.Д., кандидат филологических наук, ассоциированный профессор
М. Васкес, магистр педагогики, сениор-лектор
Terminological practicum for IT students/В.А. Ермакова, Б.Д. Джоламанова, M. Васкес. – Алматы: МУИТ, 2017.
Данное пособие предназначено для студентов технических ВУЗов и колледжей, а также ИКТ факультетов изучающих обязательную дисциплину «Профессиональный английский язык». Тематически пособие охватывает широкий спектр информационно-технических специальностей, таких как: Информационные системы, Вычислительная техника и программное обеспечение, Математическое и компьютерное моделирование, Радиотехника, электроника и телекоммуникации, Системы информационной безопасности и Информатика.
Пособие нацелено на введение, расширение и закрепление терминологического словаря обучающихся, развитие навыков использования английского языка как средства профессионального общения и является существенным дополнением к основным учебникам курса, поскольку содержит базовые, широко распространенные термины.
Пособие построено по тематическому принципу и состоит из двух блоков: общего (содержащего общие ИКТ термины, необходимые каждому обучающемуся в работе с ПК и в Интернете) и специального (предназначенного для отдельных технических специальностей, перечисленных выше). Модуль является независимой единицей, что делает удобным и гибким планирование программы обучения.
Каждый модуль состоит из глоссария, содержащего 40 наиболее частотных и значимых терминов по указанным специальностям, и снабжен: серией из 15 упражнений (7 языковых и 8 речевых) на закрепление и выведение в речь отобранных терминов, контрольным тестом на проверку качества усвоения терминов, состоящим из 20 заданий множественного выбора и ключами к тесту и упражнениям закрытого типа. Алфавитный индексальный глоссарий обеспечивает легкий поиск терминов.
Module 1. People in IT 5
Module 2. Devices and gadgets
Module 3. Texting
Module 4. Hardware
Module 5. Software
Module 6. Cyberspace
Module 7. Cyber crime
Module 8. Cyber security
Module 8. Trends in IT
Module 10. Data storage
Module 11. Networks
Module 12. Programming
Module 13. Radioelectronics
Module 14. Telecommunication
Module 15. Computer modeling
Module 16. Mathematics
Module 1. PEOPLE IN IT
№ | Term | Definition | Usage |
Administrator (n) | an individual who is responsible for the running of and day-to-day operation of a project, program, business, organization, etc. | work as/perform the functions of/ take on the responsibilities of/earn one’s living as an ~; occupy/get promoted to/give up/take up the position of an ~; database/system ~; administration (n), administer (v), administrative (adj); administratively; syn. manager | |
Analyst (n) | a person engaged in detailed examination of the computer systems and procedures and designing information system solutions to help them operate more efficiently and effectively | work as/perform the functions of/take on the responsibilities of/earn one’s living as an ~; occupy/get promoted to/give up/take up the position of an ~; information security/support ~; analysis (n), analyze (v), analytical (adj), analytically (adv) | |
Architect (n) | the one who designs and builds computer systems | work as/perform the functions of /take on the responsibilities of/earn one’s living as an ~; occupy/get promoted to/give up/take up the position of an ~; architecture (n): personal computer /modern computer/client-server/64-bit computer ~; architectural (adj): ~ design | |
Back (adj) | the side or part of the work that is not normally seen by the customer | ~-end programmer/developer; ~ -office employee; ant. front-end; front-office | |
Blogger | an individual or a small group regularly updating its weblog (blog for short) run in an informal or conversational style | a popular/famous/notorious ~; blog (v); blog (n): make a post on/keep/block a ~; blogging (n) | |
Botmaster (n) | an individual who maintains a bot and is responsible for keeping it online, fixing errors, ensuring compliance with the rules of the channel or server it's logged into | act as/perform the functions of/take on the responsibilities of a ~ | |
Cryptographer (n) | the one engaged in protecting sensitive data and making it unreadable for anyone not meant to see the data | work as/ take on the responsibilities of/earn one’s living as a ~; occupy/give up /take up the position of a ~; decrypt (v), encrypt (v), cryptography (n), cryptographic (adj) | |
Consumer (n) | a person who uses goods and services | ~ demand/culture/spending/goods/protection/products/durables/electronics/market/boom; protect/benefit the ~; consume (v), consumerism (n) syn. end-user | |
Customer (n) | a person who buys goods or services from a shop or a business | ~ service/support; customize (v), customized (adj), customization (n) syn. client, clientele | |
Designer (n) | the one who is responsible for creating solutions that have a high visual impact | a graphic ~; design (n): make ~ decisions, computer-aided/creative/ standard ~; designed (adj): a specially ~ feature | |
Developer (n) | the one who creates a computer program and brings it into existence | program/application/web/back-end/front-end ~; develop (v), development (n), developmental (adj) | |
Engineer (n) | a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures | computer software/hardware ~; engineering (n): software/hardware/power ~ | |
Expert (n) | a person who is very knowledgeable about or skillful in a particular area | security ~ ; an ~ in sth; expert (adj): be ~ at sth; ~ evaluation of sth; expertise (n): technical ~; a field of ~; syn. proficiency | |
Follower (n) | on social media sites, someone who subscribes to and receives sb’s updates | have ~s; become sb’s ~; follow (v), following (adj) | |
Geek (n) | a knowledgeable and obsessive enthusiast; an individual who frequently uses the computer in his or her free time rather than participates in any other activities | alpha/ugly~; geek (v), geekish (adj); syn. addict Cf. a nerd | |
Freelancer (n) | a self-employed person hired to work for different companies on particular assignments | earn one’s living as a ~; freelance (n): a ~ programmer, try one’s hand in ~ | |
Lamer (n) | (slang) a stupid, inept, or dull person, who does not understand what he or she is doing | feel like/be a ~; a bunch of ~s | |
Layman (n) | a person without professional or specialized knowledge in a particular subject | a ~ in sth; an interested/intelligent ~; syn. amateur; ant. professional | |
Lurker (n) | a person who reads the postings in an Internet forum without actively contributing to it | be/act as a ~; lurk (v): ~ in a chatroom/on listservs | |
Manager (n) | a person responsible for controlling or administering sth | a network/product/program ~; (mis)manage (v), (mis)management (n), managerial (adj) | |
Master (n) | a person who has complete control of sth | Web/bot~ ; gamemaster (gamester) (); ~ of the situation; ant. slave | |
Moderator (n) | a person who governs, drives, mediates an Internet forum or an online discussion | act as/perform the functions of/take on the responsibilities of a ~; (im)moderate (adj); moderation (n); (im)moderately (adv) | |
Nerd (n) | an individual who is obsessed with science, math, or technology, commonly possessing little or no social skills | a computer ~; nerdy (adj), nerdish (adj), nerdishness (n) syn. geek, devotee | |
Netizen (n) | privacy-conscious ~s; the new generation of ~s; netizenry (n); netizenship (n); Cf. citizen | ||
Newbie (n) | an inexperienced newcomer to a particular activity | netizen ~s; a ~ on the computer; a ~ to Linux syn. novice | |
Programmer (n) | the ones who write codes to create software programs by turning the program designs made by software developers and engineers into instructions that a computer can follow | applications/systems/Java/experienced ~; program (v), program (n), (re)programmable (adj); (re)programming (n) | |
Provider (n) (ISP) | a company that provides Internet access to users or subscribers of its service | a leading/major ~; provide (v): ~ sb with sth; ~ for sth; provision (n); provided that… (conj); syn. supplier | |
Operator (n) | the person responsible for the secure and efficient work of computer hardware systems | machine/equipment ~; operation (n): be (put) in ~; operate (v): ~ upon sb; operational (adj): ~ expenses; be fully ~ | |
Repairer (n) | the one who restores sth damaged or faulty to a normal working condition | work as/use the services of a ~; repair (n): be in a state of ~; need ~; ~ damage; be beyond ~; syn. fix (up), mend | |
Savvy (adj) | shrewd and knowledgeable about sth | a computer-~ person; a ~ player; syn. intelligent, canny | |
Scientist (n) | one inventing and designing new approaches to the computing technology and finding innovative uses for the existing technology | computer/information research ~; science (n); scientific (adj): ~ study/knowledge/community; scientifically (adv); syn. researcher, theorist | |
Specialist (n) | a person highly skilled in a specific and restricted field | computer support/network support/multimedia/security ~; specialize (v): ~ in sth, specialty (n), special (adj), specially (adv) | |
Subscriber (n) | the one who has arranged for access to an electronic mailing list or an online service | ~ to a magazine/service; a new ~; subscribe (v): ~ to sth online; subscription (n; ant. unsubscribe | |
Surfer (n) | the one who moves from site to site on the Internet | Internet ~; surfing (n), surf (v) | |
Technician (n) | a person employed to look after technical equipment, an expert in the practical application of science | a software/laboratory/CISCO/skilled ~; technique (n), technology (n), technical (adj); Cf. techie | |
Telecommuter (n) | the one working for a company from home, making use of the Internet, email, and the telephone | telecommute (v); telecommuting (n): allow for/promote ~ | |
Troubleshooter (n) | the one analyzing and solving serious problems for a company or other organization, or tracing and correcting faults in an electronic system | helpdesk ~; troubleshooting (v): have a proven track record in ~; preventive maintenance and ~ | |
User (n) | a person who applies or operates sth, a client, customer, consumer | end/power/default ~; ~ manual/account/base/ID/profile /policy; useful (adj), usable (adj), usability (n), user-friendly (adj): ~-interface/device/gadget; user-friendliness (n) | |
Vendor (n) | a person or company that provides a service or a product and offers it for sale, especially in the street | a street ~; vend (v), vending (adj): ~ machine, vendible (adj); syn. seller | |
Wizard (n) | a person who is very skilled in a particular field or activity | a computer/financial ~; syn. genius, master, expert |
1. Computer and information technology occupations. US Bureau of Labour Statistics. [Online]. Available: http://www.bls.gov/ooh/computer-and-information-technology/home.htm [Accessed: 13 Sept. 2015]
2. Browse job profiles. Graduate prospects. [Online]. Available: http://www.prospects.ac.uk/types_of_jobs_information_technology.htm [Accessed: 21 Sept. 2015]
3. Computer dictionary. Computer Hope. [Online]. Available: http://www.computerhope.com/jargon/jd.htm [Accessed: 26 Sept. 2015]
4. Oxford dictionaries. Oxford University press. [Online]. Available: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english [Accessed: 26 Sept. 2015]
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. geek | |
2. administrator | |
3. layman | |
4. end-user | |
5. client | |
6. wizard | |
7. provider |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. backend | |
2. encrypt | |
3. layman | |
4. newbie | |
5. master | |
6. vendor | |
7. client |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
operate | |||
special | |||
program | |||
developmentally | |||
consume | |||
analyst |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
administrator | |
Adj/N | Target vocabulary unit |
user | |
Adj/N | Target vocabulary unit |
programmer | |
Adj/N | Target vocabulary unit |
manager | |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1. cryptographer | A. an individual who is responsible for the running of and the day-to-day operation of a project, program, a business, organization |
2. moderator | B. the one who decides upon the look and functioning of program and is responsible for creating solutions that have a high visual impact |
3. administrator | C. the one engaged in protecting sensitive data and making it unreadable for anyone not meant to see the data |
4. telecommuter | D. a person who drives or mediates an Internet forum or online discussion |
5. designer | E. the one working for a company from home, making use of the Internet, email, and the telephone |
6. vendor | F. the one tracing and correcting faults in an electronic system or analyzing and solving serious problems for a company or other organization |
7. troubleshooter | G. a person or company that provides a service or a product and offers it for sale, especially in the street |
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
1. He is a newbie __ the computer.
2. Who will take __ the manager responsibilities?
3. He is an expert __ programming.
4. You can’t fix the scanner. It is __ repair.
5. Have you subscribed __ this magazine?
6. He has a proven track-record __ troubleshooting.
7. I took __ the position of an administrator.
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following words:
Concepts | Type of logical relations |
1. expert - newbie | A. general and specific |
2. digital technologies – telecommuting | B. cause and effect |
3. developer – designer | C. contrast |
4. architect – designer | D. method and purpose |
5. Internet forum – moderator | E. part and whole |
6. bug – debugging | F. equivalence |
7. wizard – lamer |
Activity 8. Decode John Pfeiffer’s saying about computers and people and comment on it:
Activity 9. Explain the difference between the following concepts using the Venn diagram below:
1. front end - back end programmer | |
2. consumer-customer | |
3. nerd – geek | |
4. lurker – follower | |
5. lamer – newbie | |
6. freelancer – full-time employee | |
7. netizen – citizen |
Activity 10. Divide the above listed IT professions into 2 groups of “white-collar” and “blue-collar” jobs.
Activity 11. Relate the following professions to the respective stages of programming and arrange them chronologically:
Activity 12. Name 5 back-end jobs directly related to programming. Give their brief description.
Activity 13. Name 5 front-end office jobs directly related to programming. Give their brief description.
Activity 14. Identify 5 computer problems and say who you would ask for help (e.g. if you need a non-existent application, if your computer is out of order, if you want to buy a computer, etc.)
Activity 15. Describe your personal experience of working as a…or the computer-related job, which you would like to do.
1 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “master - slave”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) contrast d) part and whole |
2 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “geek – alpha geek”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) contrast d) part and whole |
3 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “subscriber - follower”: a) equivalence b) cause and effect c) contrast d) part and whole |
4 | Mark the odd word: a) fix b) mend c) repair d) restore |
5 | Which of these is a person who governs or mediates an Internet forum or online discussion: a) gamester b) botmaster c) moderator d) administrator |
6 | Which of these maintains an autonomous program on a network: a) gamester b) botmaster c) moderator d) administrator |
7 | Which of these is a computer-savvy person: a) layman b) lamer c) wizard d) newbie |
8 | Which of these has the most theoretical field of expertise: a) expert b) specialist c) analyst d) scientist |
9 | You can subscribe ___ the listserv for £3 per annum and receive advance notice of all events. a) for b) in c) to d) on |
10 | He is an expert __ project development. a) for b) in c) at d) on |
11 | Some people just lurk ___ listservs without participating. a) for b) in c) at d) on |
12 | A developer is the one who a) creates a computer program and brings it into existence b) is responsible for creating solutions that have a high visual impact c) who writes codes to create software programs d) designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures |
13 | A programmer is the one who a) creates a computer program and brings it into existence b) is responsible for creating solutions that have a high visual impact c) who writes codes to create software programs d) designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures |
14 | Mark the odd word: a) provider b) customer c) client d) consumer |
15 | A person who uses goods and services is called a(n)___ . a) consumer b) customer c) client d) vendor |
16 | A person or company that offers a service or a product for sale, especially in the street is called a(n)___. a) consumer b) customer c) client d) vendor |
17 | A repairer is a person a) employed to look after technical equipment, an expert in the practical application of a science b) responsible for the secure and efficient work of computer hardware systems c) who restores sth damaged or faulty to a normal working condition d) tracing and correcting faults in an electronic system or analyzing and solving serious problems for a company or other organization |
18 | An operator is a person ___ . a) employed to look after technical equipment, an expert in the practical application of a science b) responsible for the secure and efficient work of computer hardware systems c) who restores sth damaged or faulty to a normal working condition d) tracing and correcting faults in an electronic system or analyzing and solving serious problems for a company or other organization |
19 | The difference between a nerd and a geek concerns mostly ___ . a) stylistic coloring b) field of operation c) gender d) attitude to occupation |
20 | “Процесс поиска неисправностей, диагностики и устранения неполадок” is best translated as: a) repairing b) mending c) troubleshooting d) fixing |
Module 2. TEXTING
№ | Term | Definition | Usage |
Align (v) | line up type and other graphic elements using a horizontal or vertical line as the reference point | ~ left/right/center; ~ sth with sth; left ~ a paragraph; alignment (n), aligned (adj); syn. justify ant. non-alignment | |
Bold (adj) | confident and courageous; using dark, heavy strokes in typing, especially for emphasis | printed in ~ type; bolding (n): preserve ~; debold (v), unbold (v); syn. conspicuous, distinct | |
Bullet (n) | a heavy dot itemizing particular sections of text or introducing each item in a list, for emphasis | insert/use a ~ point/symbol; bulleted (adj): a ~ list Cf. a numbered list | |
Case (n) | the parameter indicating the letter size to distinguish capital letters as opposed to small letters | upper/lower ~; change ~; ~-sensitive (adj); Cf: caps, caps lock | |
Clipboard (n) | a software facility used for short-term data storage and/or data transfer between documents or applications, via copy and paste operations | send/copy from (to) the ~; the Windows ~; a ~ copy/toolbar/ operation | |
Close (v) | move so as to cover an opening; make a file inaccessible after use, so that it is securely stored until required again | ~ a folder/program/application/ file; (dis)closure (n), disclose (v); ant. open | |
Compile (v) | collect information in order to produce a list, a report, etc. | ~ (a) data/database/list/report/ book/program/statistics/profile/ CV/portfolio; compiler (n), compilation (n); syn. assemble, put together | |
Copy (v) | ~ a file/text/diagram; copy (n): a(n) soft/hard/free/enclosed/ certified/master/backup ~; a photocopy (n); syn. duplicate ant. original | ||
Correct (v) | free from error; put sth (an error or fault) right; bring sth in accordance with fact or truth | ~ a(n) mistake/error/fault; correction (n): ~ fluid; (in)correct (adj), (in)correctly (adv), corrector (n), corrective (adj): a ~ step/action/instruction; correctional (adj): institution/staff/supervisor syn. remedial | |
Delete (v) | ~ a word/file/folder/phrase/ memory; a ~ key; deletion (n), (un)deletable (adj); syn. erase ant. undelete | ||
Edit (v) | revise or correct some written material to make it publishable | ~ a text/file/webpage/article/ paper; editor (n), (un)edited (adj): ~ content/text; edition (n), (un)editable (adj); editorial (n, adj): ~ board; syn. correct, proofread | |
Enter (v) | ~ transactions/data/information into the computer/register/logbook; the ~ key; entry (n): data ~, make/post an ~; entrance (n) | ||
File (n) | a folder or a box for holding loose papers together and in order; collection of related data stored in a computer memory or on a storage device under a single identifying name | save a ~ to a disc; delete/open/ select/share/upload/zip/download a ~; a fact~; ~ extension; rank-and-file; file (v): ~ a(n) document/application/complaint; filing (adj): a ~ system; syn. document | |
Folder (n) | a file which consists solely of a set of other related files or documents | save sth in/add sth to/open/delete/ create a ~; a junk mail/new ~; (un)fold (v), (un)folded (adj); syn. directory | |
Font (n) | a complete set of characters having a specific look, size and style | choose/use/select a ~; a variety of ~s; the required ~; syn. typeface | |
Format (n) | a definite structure for the processing, storage, or display of data | ~ (a) disc/data/text; apply/copy/paste/delete a ~; the binary/file/HTML/JPEG/A4 ~; the ~ requirements; (re)format (v), (re)formatted (adj) | |
Forward (v) | send on to a further destination | ~ a letter/document/message to sb; a ~ slash; forwarded (adj): ~ to/from address; forwarding (adj): a ~ address; syn. redirect | |
Highlight (v) | make sth visually prominent, draw special attention to sth by changing color | ~ an issue; highlight (n): ~ of the season/year; highlighter (n); highlighted (adj): ~ in green | |
Image (n) | a visible impression obtained by a camera, telescope, microscope, or other device, or displayed on a computer or video screen | blurred/focused ~; ~-processing techniques/algorithms; imagine (v), imagery, imagination (n), (un)imaginable (adj) | |
Import (v) | ~ data/a file from (to) a disc; ant. export | ||
Indent (v) | start (a line of text) or position (a block of text) further from the margin than the main part of the text | ~ the first line; indentation (n), indented (adj): ~ two spaces from… ant. unindented | |
Insert (v) | ~ a word/letter/graphic/sound/ text; insertion (n); syn. incorporate | ||
Italic(s) (n) | the sloping (inclined) kind of typeface used especially for emphasis or distinction | ~ type/typeface; remove/preserve /be given in/restore ~s; (de)italicize (v); syn. Cursive | |
Layout (n) | the way in which a text or pictures are set out or arranged on a page or in a work | a(n) physical/randomized/visual/ interactive data/basic/ (un)cluttered/(un)inviting ~; do the ~ | |
Margin (n) | write/scribble sth in the ~; a wide/narrow ~; win by a wide/narrow ~; within the ~ of error; marginal (adj); marginally (adv); marginalize (v) | ||
Move (v) | change the place, position of sth | ~ sth to …; remove (v), move (n): a career ~; unmovable (adj); movement (n), immovable (adj); syn. shift | |
Option (n) | a thing that is or may be chosen | choose/change/select an ~; default/print ~; opt (v): ~ for sth; optional (adj), optionally (adv) syn. alternative, choice | |
Paste (v) | insert a piece of text or other data copied from elsewhere (the contents of the clipboard) at the cursor point | ~ a word/paragraph/symbol into (from) a document/file/section; copy/cut-~ operations; syn. glue | |
Pending (v) | remaining undecided or unsettled, waiting decision or settlement; while in the process of, during | a ~ report/file/action/proceedings/ patent; syn. awaiting decision, incomplete | |
Proofread (v) | read written or printed material for marking and correcting any errors | need/do ~ing; ~ for accuracy
| |
Save (v) | keep safe or rescue sb or sth from harm or danger; keep data by moving a copy to a storage location | ~ time/money/a file/a text/a folder; ~ on to a server/disc/the hard drive/memory stick | |
Select (v) | use a mouse or keystrokes to mark sth on a computer screen for a particular operation | ~ a word/text/passage/file/option; deselect (v), selection (n), selective (adj), selectively (adv); syn. choose | |
Space (n) | a blank between printed, typed, or written words, characters, numbers, etc. | double/single/back/blank ~; ~ bar; leave ~ for sth; spacing (n) | |
Spreadsheet (n) | an electronic document in which data is arranged in the rows and columns of a grid and can be manipulated and used in calculations | fill in/leave sth blank in/create/ enter sth in(to)/print out/copy/paste/use/delete a ~; spreadsheeting (n) | |
Stroke (n) | an act of hitting or striking sb or sth (a key) or moving one’s hand across a surface with gentle pressure | at a ~; a ~ of luck, a key~; strike (v), striking | |
Textese (n) | the language of abbreviations and slang commonly used in digital text messaging | use/master ~; ~ symbols/abbreviations | |
Underscore (v) | (on a computer or typewriter keyboard) a short horizontal line on the baseline ( _ ) | the ~ character/symbol; syn. underline | |
Template (n) | a preset format for a document or file, used so that it does not have to be recreated each time it is used | download/upload/copy/look for a ~; syn. model, blueprint, sample | |
Type (v) | write letters and symbols on a typewriter or computer to input a text by pressing the keys | ~ a text/word; retype (v); typeface (n); typo (n); typist (n) Cf. word-processing | |
View (v) | look at or inspect; to have a particular attitude or opinion | come into/obstruct/hold the ~; a sober/different ~; from sb’s point of ~; with a ~ to sth; on ~; viewer (n), viewable (adj), viewpoint (n) |
1. Oxford Dictionaries, Oxford University Press. [Online]. Available: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english [Accessed: 20 Oct. 2015]
2. Flax collocations. University of Waikato. [Online]. Available: http://flax.nzdl.org/greenstone3/flax?c=590readings&a=g&rt=r&sa=FlaxCollocationRetrieve&s=FlaxCollocationBrowse&s1.query=image [Accessed: 20 Oct. 2015]
3. Texting slang, Your dictionary. [Online]. Available: http://grammar.yourdictionary.com/slang/texting-slang.html [Accessed: 21 Oct. 2015]
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. justify | |
2. alternative | |
3. cursive | |
4. conspicuous | |
5. delete | |
6. folder | |
7. paste |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. bold | |
2. select | |
3. movable | |
4. italicize | |
5. movable | |
6. correct | |
7. upper case |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
align | |||
deletion | |||
immovably | |||
option | |||
strike | |||
marginal | |||
un/imaginable | |||
in/correctly |
Activity 4. Make up phrases by matching the words in the left column with those in the right:
1. correct | A. left/right/center |
2. enter | B. database/a list/a report/a book/a program/a profile/a CV/a portfolio |
3. align | C. a(n) mistake/error/fault |
4. paste | D. transactions/data/information into the computer |
5. compile | E. a word/paragraph/symbol into a document/file/section |
6. pending | F. a word/text/passage/file/option |
7. select | G. (a/n) report/file/action/proceedings/patent |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1. clipboard | A. a heavy dot itemizing particular sections of text or introducing each item in a list |
2. pending | B. a software facility used for short-term data storage and/or data transfer |
3. template | C. a definite structure for the processing, storage, or display of data |
4. margin | D. remaining undecided or unsettled, waiting decision or settlement |
5. bullet | E. a preset format for a document or file, used so that the format does not have to be recreated each time it is used |
6. forward | |
7. format | G. send on to a further destination |
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
1. My notes are highlighted __ green.
2. I have saved the file __ a disc/___ a server.
3. Their party won the elections __ a wide margin.
4. The newly independent countries opted ___ the market economy.
5. You should proofread the translation ___ accuracy.
6. We met them halfway with a view ___ continued cooperation.
7. The truly market mechanisms are not yet ___ place.
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
Concepts | Type of logical relations |
1. write – scribble | A. general and specific |
2. template – model | B. cause and effect |
3. error – typo | C. contrast |
4. page – margin | D. method and purpose |
5. copy – original | E. part and whole |
6. folder – file | F. equivalence |
7. bold type - emphasis |
Activity 8. Decode Sherry Turkle’s saying about texting and comment on it:
Activity 9. Explain the difference between the following concepts using the Venn diagram below:
proofread – edit |
entry – entrance |
type - typeface – font |
strike – stroke |
file-folder |
layout – format – template |
italic-italics |
<Object: word/embeddings/oleObject1.bin> |
Activity 10. Explain the meaning and use of the prefixes “de-“, “im”, “un-“, “in-“, “re-“ and give not less than 3 examples of each.
Activity 11. Say what the following is used for:
1. template | |
2. font | |
3. clipboard | |
4. folder | |
5. bullet | |
6. underscore | |
7. image |
Activity 12. Name 3-5 things/operations you can do for the given purpose; say how you can do them:
1. To emphasize a word in a text
2. To eliminate mistakes in a text
3. To digitize a text
4. To make your text look better
Activity 13. Name the texting operations most problematic for you/rarely use by you. Explain why. Think of some new texting operations that may be introduced and explain why we need them.
Activity 14. Semantic mapping: draw a flow chart reflecting the process of texting.
Activity 15. Write an essay on how word-processing has changed our life.
1 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “emphasis – bold type”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) part and whole |
2 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “write-scribble”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) part and whole |
3 | Which of these is the most specific: a) error b) mistake c) typo d) blunder |
4 | A preset format for a document or file, used so that the format does not have to be recreated each time it is used is known as ___ . a) model b) template d) format d) module |
5 | Many buyers tend to opt ___ a more practical design. a) on b) for c) at d) out |
6 | A software facility used for short-term data storage and/or data transfer between documents or applications, via copy and paste operations is called a/n ___. a) clipboard b) clip c) board d) clip board |
7 | Please save the file ___ a disc. a) on b) in c) to d) from |
8 | A particular design of type in printing is known as ___. a) type b) typeface c) face d) typo |
9 | The language of abbreviations and slang commonly used in digital text messaging is called ____. a) officialese b) textese c) journalese d) Vietnamese |
10 | Mark the odd word: a) correct b) edit c) proofread d) read |
11 | All of these are used for emphasis EXCEPT FOR: a) align b) bold c) italics d) highlight |
12 | All of these are text formatting operations EXCEPT FOR: a) indenting b) proofreading c) aligning d) listing |
13 | Mark the odd word: a) cursive b) italics c) bold d) highlight |
14 | When a large number of copies of the same document or form are required, they can be duplicated or photocopied from a ___ copy. a) backup b) master c) duplicate d) photo |
15 | Small typefaces make the text ___ and difficult to read. a) blurred b) focused c) indented d) distinct |
16 | Before submitting your paper, ___ and correct it if necessary. a) read b) reread c) proofread d) check |
17 | ____ “Esc” to make the message line disappear. a) Entry b) Enter c) Entrance d) Entree |
18 | The computer is also programmed automatically to store the actual date of data ___, without displaying this information. a) entry b) enter c) entrance d) entree |
19 | The Conservatives won the elections in October ___ a very narrow margin. a) with b) by c) on d) in |
20 | Caps Lock will only type letters in the ___ case. a) lower b) upper c) higher d) low |
№ | Term | Definition | Usage |
Assist (v) | help sb typically by doing a share of the work, providing money or information | ~ sb at/in/with sth; assistant (n), assistance (n); assistive (adj): ~ technology; syn. help, aid, give sb a hand ant. hinder sth, prevent sb from doing sth | |
Barcode (n) | a set of printed lines on a product’s label that tells a computer information about it, such as its price | the ~ reader/system/generator/ program/ verifier; read/type/identify/print/ encode/scale the ~; barcode (v): ~ (a/n) product/item/goods | |
Braille (n) | a system of printing and writing for the blind, in which characters are formed by patterns of raised dots which are felt with the fingertips | (the) ~ equipment/display/embosser/ system/writer/label/font/alphabet/converter; use/read/touch/create/ learn ~; written/labeled in ~; brailled (v) | |
BYOD (abbr) Bring Your Own Device | the practice of allowing employees or students to bring their own computing devices to work, college, university etc. for work/study purposes | implement/introduce/follow ~; the ~ policy/practice | |
Camera (n) | a device for recording visual images in the form of photographs, films, or video signals | ~ compartment/user/lens/rig/film/ shot/track; a(n) optical/compact/ the CCTV ~; (re)furbish/upgrade/recharge a ~; cameraman (n) | |
Charge (v) | store electrical energy (in a battery or battery-operated device); formally accuse sb of sth, especially of an offence under law; entrust sb with a duty or responsibility; demand (an amount) as a price for a service rendered or goods supplied | ~ a battery/gadget/device; keep the battery ~d; ~ sb with sth; be in ~ of sth; impose/levy a ~ on sb; lay/bring a ~ against sb; pay/increase/reduce the ~s; free of ~; re/chargeable (adj): ~ battery; charger (n); syn. control, accusation, fee | |
Connect (v) | join together so as to provide access and communication | ~ to a device/wire/network/router/ printer/computer/gadget; connection (n): have/break/sever/establish/find/make/see a ~; (dis)connected, (adj); (dis)connectedly (adv); connective (adj); connectivity (n) syn. link ant. disconnect, disconnection | |
Device (n) | a mechanism or a piece of equipment designed to serve a purpose or perform a function | ~ contention/driver/node; a(n) input/output/MIDI/warning/ reading/locking/surveillance/ household/recording ~; purchase/(dis)connect/upgrade a ~; syn. gizmo, gadget | |
Digital (adj) | stored as numbers or electronic signals (about information) | ~ age/audio/camera/certificate/ computer/divide/film/signature/ detox; digit (n), digitize (v), digitalize (v), digitizer (n), digitally (adv); syn. numeric ant. analogue | |
Display (n) | putting sth in a prominent place for it to be readily seen; the visual representation of the output of an electronic device | plasma/panel/processor/case/screen/unit/terminal ~; a(n) eye-catching/clear/wide ~; put on/go on ~; displayer (n), display (v); syn. show ant. conceal, hide | |
E- (prf) | electronic, indicating the involvement of the Internet | ~ book/zine/pub/commerce/library; purchase/subscribe to a(n) ~ book/zine/publication | |
Fax (facsimile machine) (n) | an output device capable of fast and convenient transmission of photocopied information through a telephone line | send/get/receive sth by ~ ; ~ modem/software/card/mode/call; fax (v): ~ a(n) document/file/agreement /memo | |
Flash memory (n) | a type of non-volatile memory which does not need a constant source of electricity for it to retain the stored data | a ~ card; compact ~; read/(re)format the ~ | |
Gadget (n) | a specialized mechanical or electronic device, usually small in size | use/invent/create/buy a ~; a ~ freak a(n) musical/electrical/modern ~; suffer from a ~ fatigue; syn. gizmo, device | |
Gamepad (n) | a handheld device used to control a computer game or a video game | a ~ button/cord; a USB ~; (dis)connect/play/operate/keep a ~ | |
Google Glass (n) | a computer that is worn like eyeglasses, which has a tiny display within the field of vision, responds to voice commands and eye movements, and has a touchpad at the side | a ~ application/frame/pad/rim/ earpiece/lens/nose pad/end piece; protect/upgrade/polish/wear a ~ | |
Input (n) | information that is put into a computer | ~ devices/data; have/need/get/receive/provide/ process an ~; input (v); ant. output | |
Headset (n) | a device that holds an earphone and a microphone in place on a person's head | a high performance/cordless/ wireless/radio/Bluetooth ~; wear/upgrade/replace/take off/put on the ~ | |
Lens (n) | a clear curved piece of glass or plastic that is used in eyeglasses, cameras, telescopes, etc., to make things look clearer, smaller, or bigger | magnetic/telescopic/cap/ colored/tinted/contact/optical/spectacle/ camera ~; reduce/change/wear/replace/take off the ~;lensed (adj); Cf. glass | |
Monitor (n) | a person who observes a process or activity to check that it is carried out fairly or correctly, especially in an official capacity; an output device that displays text and graphics | color/CCTV/video/computer/screen/high resolution ~; on a/the ~; protect/replace the ~; monitor (v): ~ the performance/progress//procedure/ quality/situation; monitored (adj); monitoring (n), monitorial (adj); syn. screen, control | |
MP3 (n) | a means of compressing a sound sequence to enable its digital storage and transmission | ~ file/player/format/ringtone/music; convert/download/transfer an ~ file | |
Netbook (n) | a small, very light and inexpensive laptop computer with limited memory used primarily for accessing the Internet | ~ computer; high/low-end ~; upgrade/replace/repair a ~ | |
Output (n) | the amount of sth produced by a person, machine, or industry; produced, delivered, or supplied data | an ~ data/file/form/screen/device; increase/decrease/provide some ~; a drop/fall/growth/rise in ~; steady/low/aggregate/gross/ overall/total ~; output (v); ant. input | |
Optical (adj) | relating to sight, especially in relation to the action of light | ~ media/disk/zoom/scanner/storage/fiber/memory/cable/ drive/array/ lens; optics (n), optically (adv), optician (n) | |
Pixel (n) | one of the individual dots that make up a graphical image | a ~ bit/graphic/count/information/ data/resolution/value; binary ~; pack/modify ~s; pixilation (n), pixilate (v), pixelated (adj): a ~ image | |
Plotter (n) | an automated drawing tool that produces finely scaled drawings by moving a pen and/or paper in response to computer commands | a ~ font/display; a drum/flatbed/ pen/chart/laser/electrostatic/ flat bed/color ~; upgrade/use/configure a ~ | |
Projector (n) | a device used for displaying an image on a screen, as from a transparent slide or film | overhead/film/slide/video ~; switch off (on)/operate a ~ | |
PTOYED (abbr) Please Turn Off Your Electronic Devices | (slang) an airline, cinema or theater announcement to make the passengers or viewers turn off their electronic devices and gadgets | implement/break/follow the ~ rule | |
Resolution (n) | a firm decision to do or not to do sth; a formal decision; the action of solving a problem; density of pixels, measured by the number of dots per inch | pass/vote on/adopt a ~; high/screen/spatial/color ~; modify/adjust/configure ~; a successful/peaceful ~ of a problem; resolve (v): ~ a problem; (un)resolved) (adj); (ir)resolute (adj): be ~ in one’s determination to do sth; (ir)resolutely (adv) | |
Retina display (n) | a device that works without a screen by drawing pixels directly on the user’s retina with a focused beam of light | a ~ screen; provide/include/adjust the ~ | |
Sensor (n) | a device that enables digital machines to monitor the physical quantity of the analog world, such as temperature, humidity, or pressure, to provide data used in robotics, environmental climate control, and other applications | ~ data fusion/unit/device; infrared/analog/image/ electromagnetic ~; sense (v); sensory (adj); sensorily (adv); syn. detector | |
Second-hand (adj) | having had a previous owner; not new | a ~ device/gadget/accessory/book/clothing/goods/car/ computer/ knowledge; syn. pre-owned | |
Smart (adj) | having or showing quick wit and intelligence; (of a device) programmed so as to be capable of some independent action | ~ watch/phone/board/house/ TV/ application/interface; smartness (n), smartly (adv); syn. clever, intelligent ant. dumb, stupid, imbecile | |
Speakers (n) | the part of a radio, CD player, etc. which the sound comes out of | high-quality/durable ~; upgrade/(dis)connect/configure the ~ | |
Swap (v) | (coll.) give sth to sb in exchange for sth else | ~ gadgets/accessories/ identity/deal/ideas; syn. trade, exchange | |
Tablet (n) | a small, flat computer that is controlled by touching the screen or by using a special pen | ~ case/accessories/computer/PC/ pen/phone; digitizer/graphic ~; upgrade/configure/furbish a ~; Cf: I-pod, I-pad | |
Touch (v) | come into or be in physical contact with; manipulate sth by pressure and movement of fingers on a screen | ~ pad/screen; multi ~; touch (n): a ~ on/of sb’s hand/shoulder; manipulate sth at the ~of the key; (un)touchable (adj), touchy (adj); syn. stroke | |
Upgrade (v) | improve a computer or another machine by using the most recent developments so as to make it more powerful or effective | ~ (a) computer/gadget/skills/policy/ system/package/standard/security/ phone; upgrade (n): software/ price/network ~; syn. improve ant. downgrade Cf. update, refurbish | |
Wearable (adj) | a computer or other electronic device that is small or light enough to be worn or carried on one’s body | (a) ~ computer/device/clothes/ shades/gadget; wear (v), (un)wearability (n); ant. unwearable Cf. portable | |
Webcam (n) | a device used for video input | a ~ leans/image/software; a wireless ~; install/upgrade/replace a ~; webcamming (n) |
1. Technology dictionary, Technopedia. Available: http://www.techopedia.com/definition [Accessed: 20 Oct. 2015]
2. Computer glossary, Techtarget dictionary and encyclopedia. [Online]. Available: http://bnc.bl.uk/saraWeb.php?qy=best+practices&mysubmit=Go [Accessed: 24 Oct. 2015]
3. Online tech dictionary for IT professionals, IT Business Edge. [Online]. Available: http://www.webopedia.com/ [Accessed: 22 Oct. 2015]
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. upgrade | |
2. sensor | |
3. display | |
3. monitor | |
4. connect | |
5. swap | |
6. gadget | |
7. smart |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. conceal | |
2. wearable | |
3. input | |
4. clever | |
5. downgrade | |
6. assist | |
7. upgrade |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
optician, optics | |||
digitized | |||
wear | |||
(dis)connectedly | |||
monitor | |||
assistance/ant | |||
(un)resolved (ir)resolute |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
digital | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
second-hand | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
tablet | |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
speakers | |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1. upgrade | A. a device that holds an earphone and a microphone in place on a person's head |
2. headset | B. one of the individual dots that make up a graphical image |
3. tablet | C. improve computer or other machine by using the most recent developments to make it more powerful or effective |
4. resolution | D. stored as numbers or electronic signals |
5. digital | E. a small, flat computer that is controlled by touching the screen or by using a special pen |
6. pixel | F. owned or used by someone else before you |
7. second-hand | G. density of pixels, measured by the number of dots per inch |
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
1. Today, our lives are filled ___ all manner of gadgets, gizmos and convenience goods.
2. The company has no plans to move ___ the growing market of digital applications.
3. A new service enables you to purchase/reserve your tickets ___ Facsimile.
4. In the United States, there is a discernable preference ___ products with the technological appeal of a ‘gadget’.
5. He was charged ___ murder.
6. Who is __ charge ___ the department?
7. I have not subscribed ___ this magazine.
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
Concepts | Type of logical relations |
1. input – output | A. general and specific |
2. MP3 – compression | B. cause and effect |
3. label - barcode | C. contrast |
4. gadget overuse – gadget fatigue | D. equivalence |
5. smart - intelligent | E. part and whole |
6. computer – netbook | F. method and purpose |
7. alphabet – the Braille system |
Activity 8. Decode Steve Jobs’ saying about computer device and comment on it:
Activity 9. Explain the difference between the following concepts using the Venn diagram below:
1. compact disk– blue ray |
2. device – gadget |
3. library – archive |
4. restore – recover |
5. overwrite – format |
6. netbook – laptop |
7. resolution – pixel |
Activity 10. Say what the following is used for. Give examples:
1. barcode | |
2. Braille | |
3. facsimile machine | |
4. flash memory | |
5. headset | |
6. MP3 | |
7. Webcam |
Activity 11. Say when and why the following is done:
1. digitization | |
2. faxing | |
3. flash memory | |
4. charging | |
5. swapping | |
6. optimization | |
7. upgrading |
Activity 12. Say what can be… and how:
1. archived | |
2. backed up | |
3. compressed | |
4. formatted | |
5. recovered | |
6. retrieved | |
7. upgraded |
Activity 13. Write a short report about the latest gadget, device or appliance.
Activity 14. Create a survey of students’ favorite devices/gadgets. Make a graph illustrating the results.
Activity 15. Discuss: Today young people are very eager to get the latest models of different gadgets. What do you think their reasons are? What are the dis/advantages of getting ahead with the most up-to-date technology?
1 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “gadget – smartphone”: a) cause and effect b) general and specific c) method and purpose d) part and whole |
2 | One of the individual dots that make up a graphical image is known as (a) ___. a) resolution b) retina display c) brightness d) pixel |
3 | A device used for displaying an image on a screen, as from a transparent slide or film is known as a ___. a) hologram b) projector c) webcam d) monitor |
4 | All of these mean “a mechanism or a piece of equipment designed to perform a number of functions” EXCEPT FOR: a) charger b) gizmo c) device d) gadget |
5 | All of these are output devices EXCEPT FOR: a) speaker b) headset c) microphone d) Braille embosser |
6 | All of these gadgets have rear cameras EXCEPT FOR: a) MP3, b) smartphone c) I-pad d) tablet |
7 | All of these collocate with the adjective “digital” EXCEPT FOR: a) divide b) time c) age d) certificate |
8 | All of these collocate with the adjective “optical” EXCEPT FOR: a) cable b) media c) disk d) pixel |
9 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “show – conceal”: a) cause and effect b) general and specific c) contrast d) method and purpose |
10 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “webcam – input”: a) cause and effect b) general and specific c) contrast d) method and purpose |
11 | Cartographic data consist of ___ maps, that is, maps converted to numerical form. a) digital b) digit c) digitized d) digitally |
12 | Once again, many thanks for your ____ in this matter. a) assistant b) assistance c) assistive d) assist |
13 | All of these are wearable devices EXCEPT FOR: a) camera b) Google glasses c) digital helmet d) Braille embosser |
14 | A person who is obsessed with his electronic gadgets is called a gadget ____. a) freak b) monitor c) gizmo d) fatigue |
15 | The part of a radio, CD player, etc. which the sound comes out of is known as a ___. a) speaker b) headset c) lens d) video card |
16 | Hackers can manipulate bank accounts ___ a keystroke. a) with b) at c) in d) by |
17 | The bank imposed a penalty ___ the manager for data diddling. a) on b) for c) to d) with |
18 | Mark the odd word: a) upgrade b) improve c) optimize d) promote |
19 | To get regular updates one has to subscribe ___ this publication. a) to b) for c) – d) in |
20 | My visually impaired junior assistant helped the group get started on the ____ alphabet. a) Braille b) Brailled c) Brailling d) Brailles |
Module 4. HARDWARE
№ | Term | Definition | Usage |
Battery (n) | a hardware component that supplies power to a device, enabling it to work without a power cord | ~ case/life/level/capacity/pack; portable/external ~ pack; be powered by/run on/use/put/work on ~; syn. power unit, power supply | |
Board (n) | a piece of fiberglass or other material upon which an array of computer chips is mounted | memory/mother/system/circuit ~; replace/dust/upgrade the ~; boardable (adj), board-like (adj), board (v) | |
Break (v) | disconnect or interrupt; stop working, through wear or damage, make or become inoperative: | ~ the circuit/silence/a habit/a record; break (n): ~ time/point; make/have/give/take a ~; breakage (n), (un/non)breakable (adj), breakably (adv); Cf. downtime, uptime | |
Card (n) | a piece of thick, stiff paper or thin pasteboard, used for writing or printing on; a circuit board that can be inserted in a computer to add extra facilities or memory | ~ cage/reader; binary/SD/ punched/graphic/sound/video ~; install/upgrade/pay by/put sth on/use a ~; carder (n) | |
Chip (n) | a small piece of silicon or other semi-conductive material on which circuits can be placed | ~ set/density/card/socket; memory ~; install/upgrade/replace a ~; chipper (n), chipping (n), chipped (adj), (un)chippable (adj) | |
Bluetooth (n) | a standard for a short-range wireless interconnection of mobile phones, computers and other electronic devices | ~ connection/speaker/ headphones/ headsets/adapter; transfer/connect/send via ~ | |
Convert (v) | change into sth of a different form or property | ~(a/n) number/audio/format/graphics/video/data/document/input; converter (n) ~ cable/box/software, AD ~; convertible (adj): ~ data/file/image/audio/video; syn. transform, change | |
Computer (n) | an electronic device designed for performing operations on data at a high speed | ~ animation/architecture/fraud/ graphics/games; run/use/switch on/off/log onto/off/boot up/start up/shut down/reboot/restart a ~; super/mini/mainframe/micro-~computerized (adj): ~ system/information/facility/ tool/ database/journal/record | |
CPU (abbr) Central processing unit | the part of a computer in which operations are controlled and executed | the ~ cooler/fan/slot/technology/ system; upgrade/(un)install the ~ | |
Configuration (n) | an arrangement of parts or elements in a particular form, figure, or combination; the particular choice and interconnection of hardware items that make up a particular computer system | ~ standard/panel/processor/chip; (re/mis)configure (v): ~ a system/hardware/software; configurational (adj), configurative (adj), configurationally (adv) | |
Component (n) | a part or element of a larger whole, especially a part of a machine or vehicle, software or hardware | architecture/basic/important/major/essential/principal/engine/ electronic/ key/software/system ~; subcomponent (n), componential (adj); syn. element, part, piece, bit, constituent, ingredient | |
Crash (n) | (of a machine, a business, etc.) a sudden drop in value or failure; the sudden and complete failure of a disk drive | market/public/financial ~; major/serious/system ~; cause a ~; crasher (n); syn. break down | |
Cycle (n) | a single set of hardware operations, especially that by which memory is accessed and an item is transferred to or from it, to the point at which the memory may be accessed again | ~ stealing/time/path; machine ~; go through/complete/repeat a ~; (re)cycle (v), cyclic (adj), recycling (n) | |
Decoder (n) | a device capable of converting audio or video signals into a different form, for example from digital to analogue | ~ chip/circuit/box/apparatus/board; audio/video/satellite/binary ~; decode (v): ~ a message/signal/ command/ language/symbol/text ant. encode(r) | |
Downtime (n) | the period of time when sth is not in operation, especially as a result of a malfunction | minimize/schedule/eliminate/reduce ~; syn. dead time ant. uptime | |
Drive (n) | an electromechanical device that reads from and writes to disks | CD-ROM/disk/DVD/SSD/HDD/ floppy/hard/zip/optical/magnetic/ hybrid ~; driver (n): CD-ROM/software/printer ~; (non)drivable (adj), drive (v); driving (adj): a ~ force | |
Expand (v) | become or make larger or more extensive | ~ from/to; expandability (n),expandable (adj), expansion (n): ~ slot; syn. extend, enlarge ant. shrink | |
Fault (n) | a defect in a hardware device or component | detection/diagnosis/tree analysis ~; have/diagnose/overlook/discover/find/identify/locate a ~; faulty (adj): ~ wire/picture/perception/content/brake/ program/device syn. defect, flaw, imperfection | |
Joystick (n) | a manual control or cursor device, as one attached to a computer or a video game | ~ port/button; analog ~; (dis)connect/upgrade/replace a ~ | |
Key (n) | a manually activated mechanism on a keyboard used for entering a character or command into a computer system; a field in a record which is used to identify that record uniquely | ~board/pad/stroke; alt/arrow/backspace/control/ delete/escape/function/return/ shift ~; hit/hold down/press/touch a(the) ~; keyed (v), keying (v) | |
Laser (n) | a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation | ~ head/pen/surgery/storage devices/technology/lens/disk/printer/beam/ treatment/gun/light; a powerful ~; use a ~; burn a disc with a ~ | |
Maintain (v) | cause or enable (a condition or situation) to continue; correct or prevent faults in hardware | ~ (a) process/stability/balance/ standard; be difficult/easy to ~; maintenance (n): preventative/ regular/need/proper ~;~ costs/services; maintainable (adj) syn. keep (in a working order) | |
Memory (n) | the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information; the part of a computer in which data or program instructions can be stored for retrieval | have ~ for sth; (non)volatile/poor/bad/ excellent/visual/dynamic/static/ cache/computer/short-term/long-term/random-access ~; be stored in ~; evoke/revive/bring back/impair/ enhance the ~ of sth; commit to/recite from ~; come with 512Mb ~; if my ~ serves me right; memorable (adj), memorial (n); immemorial (adj): from time ~; memorize (v); syn. recall, retention Cf. RAM, ROM | |
Modem (n) modulator and demodulator | a piece of equipment that is used to send information from a computer through a telephone line, cable or other link | connect via (a/the) ~; an external/internal/dial-up ~; use/provide a ~ | |
Monitor (n) | a device used for observing, checking, or keeping a continuous record of sth; a screen which displays an image generated by a computer | color/CCTV/computer ~; display sth on a/the ~; monitor (v): ~ a process/compliance with sth; monitoring (n) | |
Mouse (n) | a cursor control device consisting of a hand-held control box used as a locator | click/double click/move/use a(the) ~; ~ button/click/cursor/pointer/pad | |
Operate (v) | function in a proper or a particular way | ~ a computer/procedure/system/ device; be able to ~; operation (n): computer/logic/machine ~ ; ~ table/ register/code; operational (adj), operationally (adv), operator (n); syn. run | |
Periphery (n) | peripheral (adj): ~ device/processor/ vision/system/feature/card/detail/ expansion; peripherality (n); peripheralize (v); peripherally (adv); syn. outer edge, margin ant. center | ||
Platform (n) | a raised level surface on which people or things can stand; a group of computers that are compatible with each other and can run the same software | microcomputer/mobile computing ~; mount sth/appear/stand on a ~; platformer (n); syn. stage | |
Port (n) | a connection in a computer to which an outside (peripheral) device can be attached | serial/parallel/USB/FireWire/ thunderbolt/Ethernet power ~; portable (adj): a ~ television/device/computer/ cassette/player | |
Printer (n) | an output device for printing text or images, especially the one linked to a computer | a(the) ~ cable/port/ribbon/driver/icon; photo/laser/inkjet/impact/multifunction ~; control/drive/connect a(the) ~; (re)print (v): ~ a document/photo /certificate/publication; printout (n) | |
Process (n) | an instance of a program being executed in a multitasking operating system, typically running in an environment that protects it from other processes | the update/boot/accelerate/launch a ~; process (v): ~ information/code/ data/oil; processor (n): data/audio/ graphics/word/multicore ~; processable (adj); syn. procedure | |
Remove (v) | move sth from where it is; lift, push, transfer, or carry away, or from one place to another | ~ a(n) scratch/virus/program/ application/disc; removable (adj): a ~ disk; removability (n); syn. displace | |
Repair (v) | restore sth to a good condition after damage | ~ (a) hardware/damage/gadget/device; be in need of/need/require/undergo ~; repairer (n); non/repairable (adj); irreparable (adj): ~ damage/loss; syn. fix; ant. damage | |
Repeat (v) | do sth again or more than once | ~ a(n) command/syntax/entry; repetition (n), repetitive (adj), repeater (n), repeatable (adj), repeatability (n); Cf. redo | |
Rotate (v) | allow sth to ~; ~ in a(n) anti-/clockwise direction; rotation (n), rotative (adj): ~ engine/motion; rotating (adj), rotary (adj), rotatory (adj) | ||
Scan (v) | look quickly but not very thoroughly through (a document or other text) in order to identify relevant information; convert into digital form for storage or processing on a computer | ~ a(n) picture/document/pattern/page/ error; ~ sth into a computer; have/give sb/take a ~; scannable (adj), scanner (n): film/fingerprint ~ | |
Sector (n) | an area or portion that is distinct from others; a subdivision of a track on a magnetic disk | ~ configuration; divide sth into ~s; major/public/private/informal/ formal/administration/rural/ urban ~; sectoral (adj) syn. area, locality | |
Server (n) | a computer that provides services to another computer | ~ program/software/page; computer/file/web/client/disk ~; manage/control/protect/maintain/keep (on)/provide a ~ | |
Unit (n) | a device that has a specified function, especially one forming part of a complex mechanism; a single manufactured item | a control/execution/functional/ logic/ processing ~; break sth down into/divide sth into ~s; (un)install/(dis)assemble a ~ |
1. Oxford Reference. Oxford University Press. [Online]. Available: http://www.oxfordreference.com. [Accessed: 16 Sept. 2015]
2. Oxford Dictionaries. Language matters. Oxford Unversity Press. [Online]. Available: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com. [Accessed: 20 Sept. 2015.
3. Computer dictionary. Computer Hope. [Online]. Available: http://www.computerhope.com/jargon/jd.htm [Accessed: 20 Sept. 2015]
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. break down | |
2. remove | |
3. decoder | |
4. repair | |
5. convert | |
6. defect | |
7. battery |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. configure | |
2. damage | |
3. periphery | |
4. master | |
5. encode | |
6. uptime | |
7. shrink |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
irreparably | |||
operate | |||
repetition | |||
breakably | |||
processable | |||
| configure | ||
expandable |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
a joystick | |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
a laser | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
operate a | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
Process | |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1. expand | A. a circuit board that can be inserted in a computer to give extra facilities or memory |
2. repair | B. become or make larger or more extensive |
3. card | C. a computer that provides services to another computer |
4. server | D. restore sth to a good condition after damage |
5. fault | E. a defect in a hardware device or component |
6. sector | F. the controlling unit in a pair of linked machines |
7. master | G. an area or portion that is distinct from others |
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
1. Insert the disk ___ drive A.
2. The information was held ___ computer for regular operations.
3. You can send it to me ___ Bluetooth.
4. This computer may run __ battery for 12 hours
5. The printers are compatible ___ HP LaserJet printers, using the same HP Printer Command Language.
6. The decoder converts the sequence of beeps back ___ a code that identifies the caller.
7. A scanner or digitizer can be imported ___ DesignaKnit and converted into stitch patterns.
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
Concepts | Type of logical relations |
1. maintain – destroy | A. general and specific |
2. printer – output | B. cause and effect |
3. CPU – motherboard | C. contrast |
4. computer - minicomputer | D. method and purpose |
5. gadget - joystick | E. part and whole |
6. operate – run | F. equivalence |
7. overuse – crash |
Activity 8. Decode Ken Olsen’s saying about the hardware system and comment on it:
Activity 9. Explain the difference between the following concepts using the Venn diagram below:
1. CPU – motherboard |
2. card – flash drive |
3. Bluetooth – WiFi |
4. convert – configure |
5. fault – crash |
6. gamepad – joystick |
7. modem – router |
Activity 10. Say what can be… and how:
1. converted | |
2. expanded | |
3. processed | |
4. repaired | |
5. scanned | |
6. repeated | |
7. maintained |
Activity 11. Say what the following is used for:
1. card | |
2. chip | |
3. Bluetooth | |
4. CPU | |
5. joystick | |
6. modem | |
7. port |
Activity 12. Say when and why the following is done:
1. breakdown | |
2. conversion | |
3. downtime | |
4. cycle | |
5. maintenance | |
6. operation | |
7. configuration |
Activity 13. Speak on the latest trends in the hardware system development.
Activity 14. Brainstorm the current issues of e-waste nowadays. What makes it hazardous? What are the possible solutions?
Activity 15. Write a paragraph commenting on the statement in Activity 8 above.
1 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “fix - damage”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) contrast |
2 | What is the logical relationship between “output device” and “printer”: a) general – specific b) method – purpose c) part – whole d) equivalence |
3 | What is the logical relationship between “CPU” and “mother board”: a) general – specific b) method – purpose c) part – whole d) equivalence |
4 | The information was held ___ computer for regular operations. a) into b) in c) on d) to |
5 | A piece of fiberglass or other material upon which an array of computer chips is mounted is known as a ___. a) mother card b) transistor c) card d) board |
6 | All of these are input devices EXCEPT FOR: a) webcam b) keyboard c) printer d) mouse |
7 | All of these are output devices EXCEPT FOR: a) monitor b) projector c) speaker d) webcam |
8 | Mark the odd word: a) break-up b) break off c) breakdown d) break in |
9 | All of these collocate with the word “process” EXCEPT FOR: a) information b) password c) data d) output |
10 | The period of time when sth is not in operation, especially as a result of a malfunction is called ___time. a) up b) on c) down d) over |
11 | Volatile memory, contrary to ____-volatile memory requires power to maintain the stored information. a) non-b) un c) im d) in |
12 | All of these are synonymous to the word “maintain” EXCEPT FOR: a) keep b) regain c) sustain d) preserve |
13 | All of these can follow the noun “printer” EXCEPT FOR: a) cable b) port c) ribbon d) board |
14 | The decoder at the other end converts the sequence of beeps back ___ a code which identifies the caller. a) to b) in c) on d) into |
15 | The manufacturing ___ is relatively simple. a) procedures b) proceeding c) process d) proceedings |
16 | Mark the odd word: a) rotary b) rotative c) rotatory d) rotation |
17 | The broken machine needs ____. a) despair b) compare c) repair d) impair |
18 | That accident involved a truck with ____ brakes. a) fault b) faultless c) faulty d) faultness |
19 | The company claims to have reduced machine ___. a) downtime b) time c) uptime d) time out |
20 | The part of a computer in which operations are controlled and executed is known as (a) ___. a) Bluetooth b) Wi-Fi c) CPU d) server |
Module 5. SOFTWARE
№ | Term | Definition | Usage |
Add (v) | join or put sth in(to) sth else so as to increase the size, number, or amount | ~ a(n) function/program/text/image; ~ on program/weight; addition (n): in ~ to; additive (n); added (adj); additional (adj); syn. augment ant. subtract, deduct | |
Application (n) | a formal request to an authority; a set of one or more programs designed to carry out operations for a specific purpose which are unable to run on their own and depend on the system software to execute | documentation/graphics/presentation /spreadsheet and statistical/data management/file management/ information and reference software/education and training/entertainment /accounting and finance/business ̴ ; ~ of force; develop/set up/uninstall /update an ~; apply (v): ~ for a job/post/position; applied (adj): ~ science/mathematics; (non)applicable (adj); applicational (adj) | |
BIOS (abbr) Basic Input/Output System | the program code and data stored in the permanent memory and used for booting process | ~ setup; embedded/flash ~; display the ~ information | |
Boot (v) | kick sth hard in a specified direction; turn on a computer and get into the operating system | ~ a(n) accelerator/application/band/computer/code/disc/drive/menu/sector/virus; booting (n): the ~ drive/environment /procedure/ process/sequence/stage; bootable (adj): a ~ CD/drive/diskette; reboot (v); syn. reset, (re)start | |
Catalogue (n) | an itemized list of titles, course offerings, or articles for exhibition or sale, including descriptive information or illustrations; a publication containing such a list | a ~ code/of samples/name; enter in/make a ~ of; catalogue (v): ~ business/buyers/by authors; cataloguing (n): ~ problem; catalogued (adj), cataloguer (n); syn. archive, directory | |
Cluster (n) | a group of similar things or people positioned or occurring closely together; a group of connected computers; the smallest managed section of a hard drive that holds a file | cluster (adj): ~ address/administrator/ administration/allocation/acceleration/bomb; form/organize ~(s); clustered (adj): ~ access/database/index; syn. array, bunch | |
Compatible (adj) | able to exist or occur together without problems or conflict; matching the previous versions of software, operating systems or hardware devices | backward/downward~; ~ application/browser/circuit/ blood; syn. adaptable, appropriate, consistent; (in)compatibility (n); ant. incompatible | |
Context (n) | the circumstances that form a setting for an event, statement, or idea, in terms of which it can be fully understood | consider/examine/look at/see/ understand/view sth in the ~ of; general/larger/overall/wider/ educational/regional/historical/cultural ~; define/describe the ~; contextual (adj): ~ analysis/approach; context (adj): ~ switch/menu/area/ analysis/activation; syn. background, setting ant. foreground | |
Desktop (adj) | (of office appliances, such as photocopiers and printers) which can be fitted on top of a desk | ~ publishing/computer/apparatus/computer/access/application/ analysis/environment/accessories/configuration; ant. portable/wearable (computer) | |
Design (v) | decide upon the look and functioning of (a building, garment, or other object), by making its detailed drawing | ~ a book/building/curriculum; redesign (v); design (n): ~ approval/arrangement/automation; designer (n): ~ fashion/clothes /label/aids; syn. architecture, layout | |
Driver (n) | a person who drives a vehicle; a program that controls the operation of a device such as a printer or a scanner | a(n) device/hardware/software/ upgrade /test ~; (un)install/update a ~; drive (v): ~ a car/vehicle/at sth; ~ innovation; driverless (adj); driving (adj, n): the main/principal ~ force of/behind sth; ~ license, reckless ~ | |
Embed (v) | fix (an object) firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass; incorporate sth (a text, a code, a picture) within the body of a file or document | ~ a(n) channel/file/chip/structure/ function/system/operation/ technology/software in(to) sth; embedding (n), embeddable (adj), embedded (adj): ~ OS; syn. enclose, insert, incorporate | |
Emulate (v) | match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation; reproduce the function or action of a different computer, software system, etc. | ~ a sound/action/design/environment/ one’s father/sb’s hairstyle/sb’s success; emulation (n), emulator (n), emulative (adj); syn. imitate, copy, follow sb’s suit
| |
Encapsulate (v) | enclose sth in or as if in a capsule; provide an interface for a piece of software or hardware to allow or simplify access for the user | ~ a layer/information/program/ code; encapsulation (n), encapsulated (adj) | |
Function (n) | an activity that is natural to or the purpose of sb/sth; a basic task of a computer, especially one that corresponds to a single instruction from the user | built-in/system/value/virtual/ annual/social ~; fulfill/perform/attend a ~; ~ procedure/editor/reference/ template; function (v): ~ as a robot/ normally; (non/dis)functional (adj), functionally (adv), functionality (n); syn. feature, activity, operation | |
Icon (n) | sb or sth regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of veneration; a symbol or graphic representation on a screen of a program, option, or window | pop/rock/fashion ~; ~ bar/control/ editor/-based/-driven; program/document ~; create/change an ~; iconic (adj): ~ structure/path/interface /model; syn. picture, symbol | |
Implement (v) | put a decision, plan, agreement, etc. into effect | ~ a(n) scenario/action/plan/ agreement; implementation (n): program ~; ~ chart/file/defect/error/ pattern; implement (n): garden ~ (s); implementer(or) (n); implementable (adj); implementability (n); syn. achieve, carry out | |
Install (v) | place or fix equipment or machinery in position ready for use; copy all of the necessary files to run a software program on a computer | ~ (a) software/driver/process; installer (n); installing (n); installed (adj): ~ equipment/capacity/base; installation (n): ~ aids/company/costs/ directions/instruction/manual/process/program/tool/wizard; installability (n); installable (adj): ~ device/driver/ RAM; syn. put in place, set ant. uninstall | |
Interface (n) | a point where two systems, subjects, organizations, etc. meet and interact; a device or program enabling a user to communicate with a computer | system/program/graphical/object/user/functional ~; ~ adapter/agent/area/ card/channel/connection/ element/design/functionality/kit/ protocol; interface (v): ~ with another system or person, interfaced (adj); interfacial (adj): ~ connection/failure/ joint/resistance/tension; interfacing (n): ~ capability/circuit/protocol/ software; syn. interact with, connect with; Cf. GUI (Graphical User Interface) WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointer) | |
Iteration (n) | repetition of a process or utterance; repetition of a function or process in a computer program; a new version of a piece of computer hardware or software | ~ cycle/algorithm/function/factor/ index/loop/mode; iterate (v): ~ a(n) operation/function/ process; iterative (adj): ~ algorithm/analysis/approach/ code/ calculation/circuit/formula/ function/ filter/method/network/ procedure/ technique; reiterate (v); iterating (adj); iterated (adj): ~ code/form/graph/operator; syn. repetition | |
Kernel (n) | the central or most important part of sth; the most basic level or core of an operating system, responsible for resource allocation, file management, and security | ~ debugger/call/function/mode/driver; ~ of security/action/integral; program/real-time/separable/expanded /security ~; address/define a ~; syn. center, core ant. periphery | |
Launch (v) | set (a newly built ship or boat) afloat for the first time with an official ceremony; send (a missile, satellite, or spacecraft) on its course; start or set in motion (an activity or program) | ~ a campaign/program/vessel/ warship/rocket/spaceship; launch (n): a ~ angle/power/team/ window; launcher (n): a waveguide ~; launching (n): a ~ pad/basin/fiber/rail/ site/tower; launchpad (n); launchway (n): ~ operation; syn. start, commence ant. end, finish | |
License (n) | an agreement that allows sb or sth to use a service or perform an action as long as they agree to the terms provided therein | obtain/revoke a ~; grant a ~ to sb; ~ agreement/fee/key/contract/holder; ~ -free; shrink-wrap/group/ corporate ~; licensed (adj): ~ software/product/ dealer/party; licensee (n); licenser (or) (n); licensing (adj): ~ procedure/scheme, service; syn. certificate, warrant, permit | |
Menu (n) | the food available or to be served in a restaurant or at a meal; a list from which to choose; a list of commands or facilities displayed on screen | icon-driven/quick access/drop-down/context/pull-down/pop-up/application/feature/cascading ~; ~ box/button/access/choice/ entry/key/-driven/-guided/type/bar; click on/choose from/change the ~ | |
OS (abbr) Operating System | the software that supports a computer's basic functions, such as scheduling tasks, executing applications, and controlling peripherals | ~ failure/design/kernel/management; server/user/home edition/virtual/ multiuser/multitasking/ multiprocessing/mobile ~; (un)install/update/change/reconfigure/be compatible with an ~ | |
Package (n) | an object or group of objects wrapped in paper or packed in a box; software that is bunched together to make a complete set | ~ advertising/contract/deal/file/ holiday/module/offer/paper/tour; ~ of subcontract works; build/create a ~; packaged (adj): ~ software/system/ unit; packager (n); packaging (n): ~ density/film/machine/process/ robot; syn. kit, parcel, container | |
Pointer (n) | a long, thin piece of metal on a scale or dial which moves to indicate a figure or position; a movable indicator on a computer screen identifying the point that will be affected by input from the user | ~ device/instrument/operation/ token/tool/-driven/-linked; screen/control/base/vertical/ address ~; point (n): boiling/freezing/hot ~; bring up/raise/concede/yield/cover/discuss/ emphasize/stress/underscore a ~; speak to the ~; at a ~; on this ~; point (v): ~ out problems/errors; pointless (adj): ~ argument; syn. cursor, arrow, issue | |
Recover (v) | return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength; stabilize or take a computer or electronic device back to a point when it was stable; restore a deleted file | ~ command/function/from an error; recovery (n): system ~, ~ bug/control/ data/factor/node/period/process/rate/ work/time; recoverer (n): program ~; recovered (adj): ~ file/heat/oil/signal; recovering (n): ~ time/probability; (ir)recoverable (adj): ~ error/failure/ reserves; (ir)recoverability (n); syn. reclaim, regain, restore | |
Release (v) | allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free; make (a film, recording, or other product) available to the public | ~ a film/disc/book/button/ prisoner; release (n): ~ date/key/node, ~ of pressure/information/fluid; released (adj): ~ capacity/state/version; releaser (n); syn. (set) free, let go, issue | |
Script (n) | handwriting as distinct from print; an automated series of instructions carried out in a specific order; a small non-compiled program written for a scripting language or the command interpreter | ~ file/language/font; command/machine/writer ~; (re)write/create/compose/delete/edit a ~; scripting (n): ~ engine/ programming language; inscription (n), inscribe (v) | |
Software (n) | the programs and other operating information used by a computer | trial/open source/bundled/commercial/ edutainment/public domain/ encryption/licensed ~; (un)install/configure/release/maintain/design/debug/distribute/implement/ manage/control/test ~; ~ bug/cache/ command/component/configuration /debugging/design/distribution/ engineering/failure/implementation/ life-cycle/management/ piracy/publisher/ utility; ~-based controller/design; syn. program ant. hardware | |
Specification (n) | an act of identifying sth precisely or of stating a precise requirement; description of an invention accompanying an application for a patent | ~ change/deficiency/error/limit/ requirements/review/statement/writer; ~ of contract/cargo/tolerances; specify (v): ~ the(a) needs/conditions/ offer/diagnosis/extension; specificity (n): ~ of test/construction; specified (adj): ~ behavior/criteria/constraints/ conditions/load/number/quality/ temperature/time; syn. stipulation, parameter, condition | |
System (n) | a complex whole; a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a group of related programs or hardware units or both, especially when dedicated to a single application | ~ requirements/engineer/ interface/analyst/area/approach/architecture/board/bus/code/console/control/crash/debugging/design/disc/element/failure/library/memory/menu/registry; (re)set/start/boot/(un)install/update/ change/(re)configure/access a ~; application/ computer/back-up/binary/ control/ error-correcting/detecting/ information ~; syn. scheme, structure ant. chaos, disorder | |
Task (n) | a piece of work to be done or undertaken; an activity or a piece of work which CPU has to perform, usually as part of a larger project | active/current ~; perform/set/ fulfill/complete/carry out/ cancel/abandon/undertake/ assign/entrust sb with a ~; ~-based approach/allocation/ activation/assignment/group/list/ plan/queue; ~ scheduler/priority/ queue/register/table/bar; syn. assignment, undertaking Cf. multitasking | |
Update (v) | make sth more modern or up-to-date; download a software file that contains refreshed information and various fixes | ~ a status/software/file; update (n): news/automatic/ manual/timely ~, ~ rate/time; updated (adj): ~ program/antivirus/file /database/information/version/sample; updater (n): table ~; updating (n): batch/file/memo/screen ~; syn. modernize, renovate ant. outdated, out-of-date | |
Utility (n) | the state of being useful, profitable, or beneficial; system software designed to help analyze, configure, optimize or maintain a computer | public/debugging/disk compression/ maintenance/setup ~; ~ allocation/ area/core/computing/device/ equipment/function/kernel; (un)install/update/change a ~; public ~ies; utilize (v): ~ fully/partially; utilizable (adj): ~ waste; utilization (n): ~ coefficient/ factor/level/parameter/property/rate; utilized (adj); utilizer (n); syn. service Cf. recycle | |
Version (n) | a particular form of sth differing in certain respects from an earlier form or other forms of the same type of thing; a particular release of a piece of computer software | demo/beta/active/trial/professional/ crippled/licensed ~; ~ control/ management/tracking; release/copy a ~; versioning (n); syn. form, variant | |
Widget (n) | an application, or a component of an interface that enables a user to perform a function or access a service; an additional feature or extension to a software program, OS GUI, or a web page, which enables additional features | ~ library/set; un(install)/update/change /reconfigure a ~; syn. gizmo, apparatus, appliance, device | |
-ware (n) | manufactured articles of a specified type; type of software | share/demo/ad/group/spy/cripple/crap/ mal/free/stone/table/kitchen/ metal ~; syn. commodity | |
Window (n) | an opening in the wall or roof of a building or vehicle, to admit light or air; a framed area on a display screen for viewing information | ~ control/frame/menu/space/width; ~-based OS; ~ of vulnerability; acceptance/contact/display/help/ hidden/graphics/pop-up/welcome/ active/alert/application ~; overlapping ~s; bring up a ~; extend beyond the edge of the ~; windowed (adj): ~ address/registers; windowing (n): ~ environment/software/system; windowless (adj): ~ photo-multiplication |
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. boot | |
2. catalogue | |
3. design | |
4. embed | |
5. emulate | |
6. function | |
7. icon | |
8. implement |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. add | |
2. context | |
3. install | |
4. kernel | |
5. launch | |
6. recover | |
7. release | |
8. system |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
application | |||
installable | |||
iteratively | |||
pointer | |||
update | |||
implemented |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
cluster | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
desktop | |
Adjective | Target vocabulary unit |
interface | |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
software | |
Adjective | Target vocabulary unit |
utility | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
specification | |
Adjective | Target vocabulary unit |
version | |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1. shareware | A. adjunct software that displays advertising while the program it is attached to is running |
2. software | B. software designed to facilitate collective working by a number of different users |
3. freeware | C. software that self-installs on computers and tracks the user's Internet use, mainly for marketing purposes |
4. adware | D. software that is available free of charge and often distributed informally for evaluation, after which a fee may be requested for continued use |
5. groupware | E. software specifically designed to disrupt or damage a computer system |
6. spyware | F. the programs and other operating information used by a computer |
7. malware | G. software that is available without any payment |
Activity 6. Insert prepositions
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
Concepts | Type of logical relations |
1. context – foreground | A. general and specific |
2. icon - interface | B. contrast |
3. application – graphics software | C. equivalence |
4. core - periphery | D. part and whole |
5. update – security | E. method and purpose |
6. incompatibility - failure | F. cause and effect |
7. Interface – GUI |
Activity 8. Decode Bill Gates’ saying about software and comment on it:
Activity 9. Explain the difference between the following concepts using the Venn diagram below:
GNU - closed source software |
application software - utility |
shareware - freeware |
input – output |
emulate – imitate - simulate |
boot – reboot |
Activity 10. Give examples of the following software types. Add other types of -ware that you know:
1. shareware |
2. software |
3. freeware |
4. adware |
5. groupware |
6. spyware |
7. malware |
Activity 11. Describe a typical program interface, its components and characteristics.
Activity 12. Name some reasons why software should be updated. Illustrate these reasons with examples from your own experience.
Activity 13. Arrange the software layers below in a descending order from top to bottom; comment on the functionality of each software layer:
Operating system
Application software
Activity 14. Say what types of application software given below you have installed in your computer or smart phone:
1. documentation software
2. graphics software
3. presentation software
4. file management software
5. education and training software
6. entertainment software
7. accounting and finance software
Activity 15. Write a paragraph on software compatibility by covering such aspects as: definition, importance, types and examples.
1 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “–core - periphery”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) contrast |
2 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “application software – graphics software”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) part and whole |
3 | Software that is bunched together to make a complete set is known as (a/n) ___. a) groupware b) package d) adware d) utility |
4 | Software designed to facilitate collective working by a number of different users is known as (a/n) ___. a) groupware b) spyware d) adware d) shareware |
5 | Software that is available free of charge and often distributed informally for evaluation, after which a fee may be requested for continued use is known as___. a) malware b) spyware d) adware d) shareware |
6 | An activity or piece of work which CPU has to perform is known as ___. a) thread b) task c) script d) function |
7 | ___ is the most basic level or core of an operating system, responsible for resource allocation, file management, and security. a) kernel b) utility c) periphery d) accessory |
8 | All of these are types of utilities EXCEPT FOR: a) presentation b) maintenance c) disc compression d) setup |
9 | MS Word, Excel, Power Point are examples of ___. a) applications software b) widgets c) utilities d) OS |
10 | All of these are interface components EXCEPT FOR: a) window b) menu c) driver d) icon |
11 | Mark the odd word: a) design b) architect c) format d) layout |
12 | Mark the odd word: a) design b) construct c) layout d) architect |
13 | The queries can be framed using an ______ version of the existing Database Assistance tool. a) updated b) update c) updater d) updating |
14 | All of these collocate with the adjective “desktop” EXCEPT FOR: a) publishing b) computer c) application d) cluster |
15 | The text extended ____ the edge of the window. a) from b) beyond c) behind d) after |
16 | All of these are types of application software EXCEPT FOR: a) graphics software b) presentation software c) spreadsheet software d) desktop software |
17 | Spyware and adware differ mostly by their ___. a) size b) programming language c) purpose d) price |
18 | For further details please contact the Institute for ___Language Studies. a) Applicable b) Applicative c) Applied d) Applicational |
19 | This is the standard way of ___ data in your program. a) installing b) embedding c) introducing d) inserting |
20 | Everyone should be able to design a standard Web page in minutes using the point and click type tools for___ text, graphics and sound. a) installing b) introducing c) encapsulating d) inserting |
№ | Term | Definition | Usage |
Account (n) | a record or statement of financial expenditure; the means by which a user can access a computer system; an Internet-based entity owned by or assigned to a specific user, but stored in an organization | ~ name/password/access/ balance/restriction/manager/policy/number/ status/ID; administrative/computer/ disabled/user/group/guest/local ~; account (v): ~ for sth, take into ~, on ~ of; on this ~; accountability (n): password ~, accountable (n): ~ to sb; (adv); accounting (n): ~ period/control/data system/device/ machine/management/software | |
Anonymity (n) | the state of being purposely unknown, concealing one’s identity | processor ~; anonym (n); anonymous (adj): ~ variable/letter/writer/server/ surfing/user; Cf. pseudonym, alias | |
Avatar (n) | visual manifestation of a person or idea; a movable icon representing a person in cyberspace or virtual reality graphics | an ~ of selflessness, account/colorful ~; choose/change an ~; syn. incarnation, embodiment | |
Block (v) | put an obstacle in the way; keep a troublesome user out of one’s mentions and send them an explicit signal that one wants to have nothing to do with them | ~ a(n) file/software/account/site/mobile phone/network/anonymous user/abusing message/signal; block (n): ~ algebra/method/code; ~ of code/flats/shares; building/ control/data/memory/message/queue storage ~; blockage (n): manual/mechanical ~, the ~ factor; blocked (adj), blocker (n), blockout (n); syn. barrier, obstacle, impediment, hindrance; hinder, ban ant. permit, give access, allow | |
Blog (n) web + log | a site maintained by an individual or a business with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video | create/maintain/add content to/ contribute to a ~, a ~ client/host/-hosting; corporate/company/ news/ business ~; blogger (n): popular/notorious ~; (micro)blogging (n): the art of ~; syn. online journal Cf. splog (n)=(spam+blog) | |
Bookmark (n) | a strip of leather, card, etc., used to mark one's place in a book; a record of the address of a file, Internet page, or other data enabling quick access by a user | create/delete/share/follow a ~, a ~ list; bookmarker (n); bookmarking (n): clever/frequent/individual ~; syn. clip, holder, marker | |
Browse (v) | survey goods for sale in a leisurely and casual way; read or survey (data files) via a network | ~ around the store/through the newspaper; ~ the web/web pages; browse (adj): a ~ list/mode; browser (n): web/popular/heavy ~, ~ interface; browsing (n): web/easy/computer ~; browsable (adj); syn. surf | |
Cast (v) | throw something forcefully; cause (light or shadow) to appear on a surface; arrange and present in a specified form or style | ~ a(n) smile/net/anchor; ~ back/aside/down/away; ~ doubts/lots; casting (n): life ~; cast (n): web/broad/pod/multi/vod ~; syn. emit, put on air | |
Clickbait (n) | enticing readers to click through to the full story with a misleading or sensationalist headline, usually with the goal of generating page views and advertising revenue | ~ headlines/titles/news; clickbaiting (n): engage in ~ | |
CTR (abbr) Clickthrough rate | a common method of reporting on the number of people who have viewed a message or a piece of content and clicked on an ad or a link | increase/decrease/raise/lower/boost the ~; high/low ~ | |
Cookie (n) | a sweet biscuit; a small identifier file placed on a user’s computer by a Web site, which logs information about the user and their previous/current visits | ~ data/file/information/sheet/ verification; ~-enabled browser; delete/steal/spy/create (automatically)/enable/disable/ allow/switch on (off) ~s | |
Content(s) (n) | sng.: a state of satisfaction; pl.: the material dealt with in a speech, literary work, etc. as distinct from its form or style; information made available by a website or another electronic medium | low fat ~; online ~ providers; be ~ with sth; ~ oneself with sth; time of ~; contentless (adj); contented (adj): feel ~;~ -based coding/information retrieval; ~ -driven document; ~ analysis/decoder /management/filtering/provider ; ~s of a book; table of ~ s; the ~s page/list/directory/ dictionary; ~s of a file/data stream/message; block/ provide/create/show/restrict the ~s ant. form | |
Community (n) | a group of people living together in one place, especially one practicing common ownership; a web society uniting people with the same interests, social values and or other particular characteristics | the international/European/virtual/research/information/online/user/AI ~; ~ service/center/college/facilities /health service/worker; syn. society, group | |
Creep (v) | move slowly and carefully in order to avoid being heard or noticed; spend an extended period of time looking through someone’s profiles, photos, and videos on social media | ~ up to sth/forward/back/ \slowly; creeping (adj); creeper (n): anonymous/irritating/fanatic/addicted ~ syn. lurk Cf. follow | |
Crowdfunding (n) | the act of soliciting donations or investments from online users who collectively raise money to support a cause or underwrite a project | vast/urgent/quick/skillful ~ ; try/succeed in/raise money through/ resort to ~ | |
Cyber (adj) | relating to or characteristic of the culture of computers, information technology, and virtual reality | ~ age/space/warfare/ crime/life/criminal/offence/theft/ cash/culture/mail/café/sport/ terrorism/citizen/phobia/ security/slacker/speak/squatting/stalking; cybernated (adj): ~ humanity; cybernation (n): of the world; cybernaut (n); cybernetic (adj): ~ approach/control/machine/model/ system; cybernetics (n); cyborg (n); syn. virtual | |
E- (prf) | indicating the use of electronic data transfer in cyberspace, especially through the Internet | ~-mail/book/journal/commerce/ banking/learning/cash/zine/ crime/literacy/business/culture/government/library/payment/publishing/voting | |
Emoticon (n) Emotion + icon | a representation of a facial expression such as a smile or a frown, formed by various combinations of keyboard characters and used in electronic communications to convey the writer's feelings or intended tone | a(n) strange/(in)appropriate/ (ir)relevant/funny/angry/vertical/ horizontal/sticker ~; send/attach/add/choose an ~; syn. smiley | |
FAQ (acr) Frequently asked questions | a text file containing a list of questions and answers relating to a particular subject, esp. the one giving basic information for users of an Internet newsgroup | publish/consult/ignore/look through/find the answer in ~; Cf. FAQL (frequently asked question list) | |
Feed (v) | frequently updated content subscription to which allows to read the latest posts or watch the newest videos on a computer or any portable device | latest/abusing/parallel ~; web/news/events/line/power ~; (un)subscribe to a ~ | |
Forum (n) | a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged; an online discussion site | a(n) discussion/international ~; join/provide a ~ for sb/sth; post sth on a ~; World Telecommunication ~; Independent Software Developers ~; pl. fora syn. conference, newsgroup | |
Geotagging (n) | the process of adding location-based metadata to media such as photos, video or online maps | automatic/precise/user’s ~; use/ resort to/refer to/be guided by ~ | |
Link (n) | a relationship between two things or situations; a reference in an electronic document that lets a user display or activate another document or program; a reference to data that the reader can directly follow by clicking | perma/hyper/data/cable/fiber-optic/implicit /logical/transmission/ transport ~; follow/click on/build/ manage/control a ~; a ~ access/address/control/error/file; linked (adj): a ~ list/document/ communication; link-up (n): a live satellite ~; linkable (adj):a ~ cycle; linkability (n): ~ of devices/equipment; linkage (n): external/internal ~; syn. tie, connection, (cross-) reference, Cf. liason | |
Log (v) | enter (an incident or fact) in the log of a ship or aircraft or in another systematic record; go through the procedures to begin (or conclude) using a computer system | ~ in to/out of a server; log (n): a ~ command/entry/file/journal/ message/server; logger (n): site/internet ~; logged (adj): ~ data/drive; logger (n): data/ multichannel/system ~, ~ machine; logging (n): error/executive/failure/ machine time ~, ~ printer/unit; login (n): user /remote/automatic ~; ~ name/password/directory/ procedure/prompt/command file; disable a ~; syn. log on/off | |
Mail (n) | letters and parcels sent by post; electronic mail | e/postal/snail/incoming/daily/direct ~; ~ box/edition/filter/program/ system/server/list/bot/man; send/order by ~; check/receive/redirect/delete/sort out the ~; mailable (adj); mailing (adj): ~ list/list manager/processor/program; syn. listserver (listserv) | |
Meme (n) | an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be passed from one individual to another by imitation; an image with a text, video or link describing a thought, idea, joke, or concept to be shared online | interesting/video/colorful/funny/absurd ~; spread/track/send/ post a ~; memetic (adj): ~ algorithm/code/spread | |
Media (n) | media (pl.): the main means of mass communication (television, radio, and newspapers) regarded collectively; medium (sng.): a means by which sth is communicated or expressed; a particular storage container for computer files, such as magnetic tape or a disc | (pl.) civic/social/mass/local/ broadcasting/multi/interactive/ network/communication ~, ~ art/event/ library/studies/processor/-specific; ~ access/control/adapter/computer/ frequency; ~-capacity/-run/-sized; (sing.) information-carrying/input/output/ interactive/magnetic/recording/ storage/transfer (non)volatile ~; the ~ of instruction syn. means | |
Monitor (v) | observe and check the progress or quality of sth over a period of time; observe some activities and measure them against benchmark policies and rules | ~ activity/function/signal; monitor (n): black and white/color/CRT/ refreshed/ enhanced RGB/system/ flat-screen/LCD/LED/thin-film/VGA/TV ~; ~ amplifier/display/ mode/signal/switch; monitored (adj); monitoring (n): call/low-battery/performance/security threat/heat/pulse/remote access ~, ~ of production/ performance/tool breakage; ~ equipment/technology/ window; syn. control, check, audit | |
Navigate (v) | guide (a vessel or vehicle) over a specified route, especially with difficulty, by using instruments or maps; move around a website, the Internet, etc. | a vessel/around the Web/a car through the traffic; be ~ed by the stars; ~ skillfully; ~; navigable (adj): ~ path/waterway; navigating (adj): ~ officer; navigation (n): electronic ~, ~ aids/air radar/area/button/canal/ computer/control/electronics/ facilities/instrument/kit/support/ satellite; navigational (adj): database/guidance/parameter/ query; navigator (n): television/driver’s/GSM ~ | |
Password (n) | a secret word or a phrase that must be used to gain admission to a place; a string of characters that allows sb access to a computer system | generate/change/supply/enter a ~; multi (single)-user/one-time ~, ~ ageing/authentication/changing/ identification/logout/security/ verification; ~-protected; Cf. identification, login | |
Post (v) | send by post; display (a notice) in a public place; make (information) available on the Internet; send (a message) to an Internet bulletin board or newsgroup | ~ a message/status; ~ on the wall/Internet/site; ~ in sb’s blog; post (n): place a ~, a ~ bag/boy/card/ box/exchange/office; postal (adj): ~ address/code/service/transaction; send/receive by ~; provocative/clever/funny ~; syn. mail, correspondence, public message Cf. poste restante | |
Site (n) | an area of ground on which a town, building, or monument is constructed; (short for website) an Internet location that maintains one or more web pages | do sth on ~; ~ visits; a landfill ~; appear/post on the ~; close/block/ban/develop/design/ control/address/administer/compromise a ~; ~ admin/control/database/ development/license/name/ safety/server/testing; a spyware ~; syn. place, location, spot | |
Spam (n) | irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of newsgroups or users for advertising purposes | send/receive/delete/block/report/ avoid ~; ~ filter/bot/buster/victim; spammer (n): annoying/irritating/ advertising ~; spamming (n): ~ of mailboxes/accounts; spamster (n); syn. junk mail | |
Status (n) | relative social or professional position; the current condition a device or a user is in | ~ of the person/bill, ~ bar/error/ control/monitoring/indicator/message/report; update/post/ delete/change/announce/ maintain/preserve/restore the ~; availability/(in)active/current ~; statutory (adj): ~ order/instrument; syn. state, position Cf. status quo | |
Stream (n) | a long, narrow strip of material used as a decoration or symbol; a continuous flow of data or instructions, typically one having a constant or predictable rate | TV/radio/video/information/ communication/file/input/output/ manager/mode/flow ~; ~ of data; instruction/media ~; stream (v); streamed (adj): ~ content/students; streamer (n): a plastic/party/multi-coloured ~ ; decorate/adorn with ~s; digital recording ~; streaming (adj): TV/video ~, audio ~; syn. poster, slogan, flood | |
Trace (v) | follow or mark the course or position of sth; find or discover sth by investigation | ~ a(n) signal/person/activity/actions; ~ sth back; trace (n): electrical/path/program/return/ reverse/signal ~; ~ analysis/ filter/interval/leakage/method/ scheduling; traceable (adj): barely ~; traceability (n); traced (adj): ~ profile; traceless (adj): ~ matrix/operator; tracer (n): ~ activity; syn. track | |
Thread (n) | a long, thin strand of fibers used in sewing or weaving; a topic or subtopic within an electronic discussion group or forum; a programming structure or process linking a number of separate elements concurrently executed in multithreading | execution/discussion/main/single ~, ~ group/ID/ package/time/detector(ion)/ failure/formation; start/close/ continue/limit a ~; thread (v): ~ a needle; threaded (adj): ~ file; threading (n): multi ~, ~ facility/tool | |
Virtual (adj) | not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so; an online computer-simulated space | ~ world/reality/function/address/ business/call/network/channel/ community/computer/\ connection/database/device/directory/disk/library/meeting/memory/server/storage; virtualization (n): ~ engine/ implementation/management/ platform/software/technique/ technology; virtualize (v); virtually (adv): ~ impossible; virtuality (n); syn. cyber ant. real, actual | |
Web (n) World Wide Web | a widely used information system on the Internet enabling the user to search for information by moving from one document to another | ~ conferencing/casting/publishing/ browsing/programming; ~ page/address/application/ browser/designer/document/host/ interface/infrastructure/server/space/cast; ~-based administration/ email/solution; syn. the Internet, global network Cf. webinar, web-master, webcam, webisode, webzine | |
Wiki (n) | (from the Hawaiian “wiki wiki” which means “super fast”) a website or database developed collaboratively by a community of users, allowing any user to add and edit content | ~pedia/books; media ~; ~leaks Cf. encyclopedia |
1. Oxford Dictionary of English, 3rd Edition. - Oxford University Press Inc., 2010
2. Англо-русский словарь по вычислительной технике и программированию. - 8-е изд., исп. и доп. – ABBYY. - Масловский Е.К., 2008.
3. Англо-русский толковый словарь по вычислительной технике, Интернету и программированию - 8-е изд., исп. и доп. – Э. М. Пройдаков, Л. А. Теплицкий, 2011.
4. Англо-русский словарь по телекоммуникациям. - «РУССО». - Александров А.В., 2004.
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. block | |
2. community | |
3. emoticon | |
4. forum | |
5. link | |
6. monitor | |
7. WWW |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. virtual | |
2. block | |
3. log in | |
4. snail mail | |
5. implicit | |
6. external | |
7. anonymous |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
accountably | |||
link | |||
monitored | |||
navigable | |||
stream | |||
trace |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
cyber | |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
a blog | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
contents | |
Adjective/Noun | Target vocabulary unit |
feed | |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
cookies | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
e- | |
Target vocabulary unit | Adjective/Noun |
password | |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1. anonymity | A. a small identifier file placed on a user’s computer by a Web site, which logs information about the user and their previous/current visits for the use of the site next time the user makes contact |
2. avatar | B. a location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more web pages |
3. clickbait | C. the state of being purposely unknown, concealing one’s identity |
4. CTR | D. a text file containing a list of questions and answers relating to a particular subject |
5. cookie | E. a movable icon representing a person in cyberspace or virtual reality graphics |
6. FAQ | F. a common metric for reporting on the number of people who viewed a message or piece of content and clicked on the ad or link |
7. meme | G. an image with text, video or link describing a thought, idea, joke, or concept to be shared online |
8. site | H. web content with a misleading or sensationalist headline that entices readers to click through to the full story, usually with the goal of generating page views and advertising revenue |
Activity 6. Insert prepositions
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
Concepts | Type of logical relations |
1. a cookie – spying | A. general and specific |
2. trace –track | B. cause and effect |
3. mail – postal mail | C. contrast |
4. virtual – real | D. equivalence |
5. a post – a site | E. part and whole |
6. cookie - tracking | F. method and purpose |
7. www – site |
Activity 8. Decode Noam Chomsky’s saying about the Internet and comment on it:
Activity 9. Explain the difference between the following concepts using the Venn diagram below:
emoticon – meme |
blog – site |
Wikipedia - encyclopedia |
log- blog |
www – the Internet – cyberspace |
avatar – icon |
Activity 10. Say what the following is used for:
1. bookmark |
2. FAQ |
3. e-mail |
4. password |
5. status |
6. thread |
7. account |
Activity 11. Outline the major advantages and/or disadvantages of:
Concept | Advantages | Disadvantages |
1. cookie | ||
2. geotagging | ||
3. navigator | ||
4. spam | ||
5. avatar | ||
6. crowdfunding | ||
7. Wikipedia |
Activity 12. Name at least 3 reasons why people should/shouldn’t have an anonymous avatar.
Activity 13. Say which accounts you have got on the Internet. What is the purpose of each account? How often do you use it?
Activity 14. Add to Wikipedia a page describing national clothes, a national musical instrument or the national cuisine (min. 500 words). Report on your contribution, demonstrate the results.
Activity 15. Do a mini research and prepare a short report about famous blogs/bloggers.
1 | Mark the odd word: a) block b) permit c) give access d) allow |
2 | Alexandria is _________ by a network of railway and telegraph lines to the other towns of Egypt. a) linked b) linking c) linkage d) links |
3 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “virtual – real”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) contrast |
4 | All of these are synonymous to the word “link” EXCEPT FOR: a) tie b) connection c) cross-reference d) thread |
5 | E-mail and spam differ mostly by their ___. a) size b) time of delivery c) purpose d) medium of delivery |
6 | A location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more web pages is known as a ___. a) blog b) cookie c) site d) link |
7 | What is the logical relationship between “a blog” and “an online journal”: a) general – specific b) method – purpose c) part – whole d) equivalence |
8 | What is the logical relationship between “mail” and “postal mail”: a) general – specific b) method – purpose c) part – whole d) equivalence |
9 | A blog and a forum differ mostly by their: a) purpose b) number of authors c) location d) topic |
10 | Everybody can contribute ___ Wikipedia. a) with b) in c) to d) for |
11 | A movable icon representing a person in cyberspace is known as a (n) ___. a) avatar b) meme c) emoticon d) smiley |
12 | Computers account ____ 5% of the country's commercial electricity consumption. a) with b) in c) for d) on |
13 | Mark the odd word: a) account b) accountability c) accountant d) accountable |
14 | _________ TV is gaining more and more popularity. a) stream b) streaming c) streamer d) streamed |
15 | Which of the following concepts denotes physical connection: a) www b) landline c) the Internet d) cyberspace |
16 | Maintaining a site with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material is called ____. a) browsing b) blogging c) chatting d) feeding |
17 | The programmer successfully ____ some of software bugs. a) traceless b) traced c) tracing d) trace |
18 | All of these deal with “data rate” EXCEPT FOR: a) bandwidth b) clickbaiting c) throughput d) data transfer capacity |
19 | All of these collocate with the noun “crowdfunding” EXCEPT FOR: a) succeed in b) allocate c) raise money through d) try |
20 | All of these collocate with the noun “password” EXCEPT FOR: a) ageing b) stalking c) generation d) authentication |
№ | Term | Definition | Usage |
Bootlegger (n) | a person engaged in illegal copying of software; an illegally copied software | bootlegging (n); bootlegged (adj); syn. pirate, piracy | |
Breach (n) | an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct; disclosure of sensitive information to an unauthorized outsider | a ~ of law/contract/policy/code of conduct; do sth in ~ of sth; syn. violation, infringement | |
Combat (v) | fight against sth; oppose sth vigorously | ~ piracy/computer crime; syn. fight sth, struggle with sth | |
Commit (v) | do; perform; dedicate oneself to sth | ~ a(n) crime/murder/error/ suicide; ~ oneself to sth; ~ sth to memory/ prison; committed (adj): ~ to a cause/principles/idea/doing sth; a ~ employee/worker; commitment (n): show/demonstrate/make no ~; | |
Comply (v) | meet specified standards; act in accordance with a wish or command | ~ with the rules/regulations/law/ standards; (non-)compliance (n); (non-)compliant (adj); syn. conform to/with, abide by | |
Copyright (n) | the exclusive right given by law to an author to print, publish, and sell copies of his/her original work | secure/protect/ infringe on/ violate the ~; ~ law/holder; copyrighted (adj), copyrighter (n); copywriting (n) ant. copyleft | |
Crack (v) | break or cause to break sth open or apart; find a solution to sth; decipher or interpret sth; break a security system illegally | ~ a joke/code/message; a tough nut to ~, ~ down on criminals; crack (n): a ~ dealer/seller; crack (n): a tiny/narrow ~, cracking (n), cracker (n): a black-hat ~; syn. break, decipher, hack | |
Crime (n) | illegal activity punishable by law | commit/prevent/report/fight (a) ~; punish sb for a ~; ~ rate/incidence; a victim of ~; petty/serious/violent/ organized ~; criminal (adj), criminally (adv), criminality (n), incriminate (v), incrimination (n); syn. felony, wrongdoing | |
Cyberbullying (n) | repeatedly harming or harassing other people online in a deliberate manner | be subject to~; fall/become a victim of ~; syn. cyberstalking, trolling | |
Cybercide (n) | the deletion of an individual's entire online presences (the removal of all social media profiles, shared photos, blog posts, directory entries and so on) | be prone to/commit ~; an act of ~; Cf. suicide, genocide, ecocide | |
Cyberslacking (n) | using company computer for personal purposes during working hours (playing games, shopping online or using social networking sites) | indulge in/engage in/combat ~; cyberslacker (n); syn. cyberloafer, cyberloafing | |
Cybersquatting (n) | purchasing a domain name that contains a well-known trademark or commercial name to sell it to the rightful owner for profit | engage in/be (get) involved in /combat/eliminate ~ | |
Data diddling (n) | modifying data for fun and profit, e.g. modifying grades, changing credit ratings, fixing salaries, or circumventing book-keeping and audit regulations | engage in/be (get) caught ~; data diddler (n) | |
Disseminate (n) | scatter or spread widely, promulgate extensively; broadcast; disperse | ~ information/viruses/knowledge/ ideas/news; dissemination (n); syn. spread, propagate, promulgate | |
Filter (v) | remove undesirable data by sifting | ~ a list of customers/incoming e-mail/traffic; syn. sift away | |
Flooding (n) | an overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits; providing more input than the entity can process properly | engage in/suspect/combat/protect against ~; flood (v), flooded (adj), flooding (n); Cf. mailbombing, packet monkey | |
Fraud (n) | manipulation of data for criminal purposes, e.g. changing banking records to illegally transfer money to an account | a ~ scheme; control/commit/suspect/ combat/ protect against ~; in case of ~; fraudulence (n), fraudulent (adj), fraudulently (adv), fraudster (n) syn. cheating, swindling | |
Hacker (n) | someone who secretly uses or changes the information in other people's computer systems | speed/teleport/ethical ~; hack (v), back-hack (v); syn. cracker
| |
Identity theft (n) | creating a false identity using sb else’s identifying information to make new credit cards or take loans | commit an ~; protect from ~; accuse sb of ~ | |
Intruder (n) | the one who puts oneself deliberately into a place or situation where one is unwelcome or uninvited | network/computer/impudent ~; attack/alert an ~; intrude (v), (un)intrusive (adj), intrusion (n); syn. invader, trespasser | |
Jacking (n) | click/hi/page-~; engage in/be (get) involved in/suspect/combat/protect against ~; create a click-~ site; jack in (v); jacker (n): hi/click/page-~; syn. stealing Cf. identity theft | ||
Keylogging (n) | installing a program on a victim's machine that records every keystroke made by a user for stealing login and password details | suspect/engage in/combat/protect against/suffer from ~; keylogger (n) | |
Mousetrapping (n) | forcing an Internet user to stay on a particular website by triggering a mouse trap | engage in/suspect/combat/protect against ~ | |
Packet monkey (n) | sb who intentionally floods a network server or router with data packets in order to make it unreachable by others | Cf. flooding | |
Phracking (n) | a combination of phreaking with computer hacking | engage in/suspect/combat/protect against ~; phracker (n) | |
Phreaking (n) | hacking telephone systems, usually for the purpose of making free phone calls | engage in/suspect of /combat/protect against ~; freaker (n) | |
Piggybacking (n) | gaining unauthorized access to a computer system via another user's legitimate connection | engage in/be (get) involved in/be caught ~; a piggyback | |
Piracy (n) | the act of illegally copying software, music, or movies that are copyright-protected | computer/software ~; act of ~; engage in/suspect/combat/commit/ protect against ~; anti-piracy (n): ~ law/measures; pirate (n), pirated (adj); syn. bootlegging | |
Pharming (n) | misdirecting traffic from one website to a website controlled by a criminal hacker by altering the domain name system or configuration files on a victim’s computer | engage in/be (get) involved in/ suspect/combat/commit/protect against ~; pharmer (n) | |
Phishing (n) | sending e-mails or creating web pages that are designed to collect confidential information for penetration, financial fraud or identity theft | engage in/be involved in/be caught ~; phisher (n) | |
Repudiation (n) | rejection of a proposal or idea; refusal to fulfill or discharge an agreement, obligation, or debt | ~ of a law/contract/policy/idea/ principle; (n); repudiate (v); syn. reject, renounce ant. non-repudiation | |
/slicing (n) | stealing tiny amounts of money from each transaction | engage in/be (get) involved in/be (get) caught (in) ~ | |
Scavenging (n) | looking through discarded listings, tapes, or other information storage media for useful information such as access codes, passwords, or sensitive data | engage in/be (get) involved in/be (get) caught ~; syn. dumpster diving | |
Spoofing (n) | deceiving a system into thinking you are someone you really are not to bypass security measures | IP ~; engage in/be (get) involved in/be (get) caught ~; spoofer (n) | |
Steal (v) | take sb’s property without permission or legal right and without intending to return it | ~ sth from sb; stolen (adj), stealth (n), stealthy (adj), stealthily (adv); syn. theft (n) Cf. thief | |
Trojan Horse (n) | an innocent-looking program that has undocumented harmful functions | download/detect/neutralize a ~; Cf. Easter egg, time bomb, zombie | |
Trolling (n) | an anti-social act of causing an interpersonal conflict and controversy online, purposely sowing hatred, bigotry, racism, etc. | go ~; engage in/prevent/tackle/stop (an act of)/suffer from/reduce the risk of ~; troll (v); syn. cyberbullying | |
Virus (n) | a computer program designed to replicate and spread itself from one machine to another by human action | download/detect/neutralize/spread/disseminate a ~; Cf. bot, zombie | |
Wiretapping (n) | the interception of electronic communications in order to access information | engage in/detect/be (get) caught/protect against/from ~ | |
Worm (n) | a program which spreads through a computer system or network by replicating itself without human action(like a virus) but without integrating itself into its executable code | install/download/detect/neutralize/ spread/disseminate a ~ |
1. Kabay M. E., Glossary of computer crime terms. [Online]. Available: http://www.mekabay.com/overviews/glossary.pdf [Accessed: 13 Oct. 2015]
2. Ward M., Hi-tech crime: A glossary. BBC news. [Online]. Available: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk/5400052.stm [Accessed: Oct. 14, 2015]
3. The Dictionary. Netlingo. [Online]. Available: http://www.netlingo.com [Accessed: 15 Oct. 2015]
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. bootlegger | |
2. combat | |
3. committed to sth | |
4. breach | |
5. stealth | |
6. cyberslacking | |
7. filter |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. compliant | |
2. repudiation | |
3. violation | |
4.conformity | |
5. copyright | |
6. piracy | |
7. black-hat cracker |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
commit | |||
intruder | |||
criminal | |||
steal | |||
fraudulently | |||
flood | |||
(non-) compliant |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
fraud | |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
a worm/virus | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
commit a(n) | |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
spoofing | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
comply with a | |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1. stealing, jacking | A. modifying data for fun and profit |
2. keylogging | B. using company resources for personal reasons during working hours |
3. mousetrapping | C. taking sth in a manner forbidden by law, rules, or custom |
4. phreaking | D. forcing an Internet user to stay on a particular website |
5. data diddling | E. hacking telephone systems, usually for the purpose of making free phone calls |
6. pharming | F. recording every keystroke that a user makes for stealing login and password details |
7.cyberslacking | G. misdirecting traffic from one Website to a Website controlled by a criminal hacker |
8. spoofing | H. deceiving a system into thinking you are someone you really are not |
Activity 6. Insert prepositions
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
Concepts | Type of logical relations |
1. bootlegging – piracy | A. general and specific |
2. phracking – cracking | B. cause and effect |
3. spoofing – identity theft | C. contrast |
4. stealing – salami slicing | D. method and purpose |
5. worm – virus | E. part and whole |
6. cyberslacking – loss of productivity | F. equivalence |
7. firewall – malware protection |
Activity 8. Decode a Jewish proverb about crime and comment on it:
Activity 9. Explain the difference between the following concepts using the Venn diagram below:
stealing vs jacking |
phracking vs phreaking |
hijacking - page-jacking - click-jacking |
keylogging – mouse-trapping |
malware – grayware |
fraud – theft |
hacker – cracker |
Activity 10. Name at least 2 kinds of crime that involve:
1. violation of social norms
2. telephone calls
3. copyright violations
4. misdirecting or impeding traffic
5. stealing confidential data
6. identity theft
Activity 11. Arrange the computer crimes in the ascending order of the difficulty of committing them.
Activity 12. What kind of crime you might be a victim to if:
1. Your telephone/Internet bills have risen significantly.
2. Your account information has changed.
3. You receive threats and insults on the net.
4. The money in your bank account has disappeared.
5. You receive a lot of unwanted e-mails.
6. Your copyright is violated.
7. You can’t leave an Internet page.
Activity 13. Describe an instance of your suffering from an Internet crime.
Activity 14. What could you do not to fall prey to Internet criminals (name at least 3 measures).
Activity 15. Do a mini-research and add to the above list more recent types of computer crime.
1 | Mark the odd word: a) oppose b) combat c) fight d) struggle |
2 | All of these may be committed EXCEPT FOR: a) crime b) a mistake c) a murder d) suicide |
3 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “breach - compliance ”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) contrast |
4 | A hacker and a cracker differ mostly in the ___ of their activity. a) method b) purpose c) nature d) location |
5 | Which of these is synonymous to the word “cyberbullying”: a) cyberslacking b) cyberstalking c) cybersquatting d) cyberloafing |
6 | Modifying data for fun and profit is known as ___. a) phishing b) spoofing c) data diddling d) phreaking |
7 | One can filter any of these EXCEPT FOR: a) fraud b) a list of customers c) incoming e-mail d) traffic |
8 | What is the logical relationship between “malware” and “a virus”: a) general – specific b) method – purpose c) part – whole d) equivalence |
9 | Names of all crimes that consist in taking sth in a manner forbidden by law, rules, or custom contain the root ___. a) cide b) jack c) tap d) cyber |
10 | Choose the correct preposition: Anyone subject ___ cybercrime should be protected by law. a) of b) in c) to d) with |
11 | The words “trolling”, “cyberbullying”, “cyberstalking” relate to: a) ill-treatment of people online b) loss of confidential information c) stealing sb’s property d) deceiving people |
12 | The concepts of “keylogging”, “mousetrapping”, “pharming” relate to all of these EXCEPT FOR: a) manipulation of people b) loss of confidential information c) blackmailing d) deceiving people |
13 | The words “hijacking”, “pagejacking”, “clickjacking” relate to: a) loss of confidential information b) illegal takeover c) stealing sb’s property d) deceiving people |
14 | The words “piracy”, “bootlegging”, “copyright” relate to: a) ill-treatment of people online b) loss of confidential information c) stealing sb’s intellectual property d) deceiving people |
15 | All of these are synonymous to the word “disseminate ” EXCEPT FOR: a) promote b) spread c) propagate d) promulgate |
16 | Purchasing a domain name that contains a well-known trademark or commercial name to sell it to the rightful owner for a big profit is known as ___. a) cyberslacking b) cybersquatting c) cybercide d) cyberbullying |
17 | He is a convicted credit-card ___. a) fraudster b) fraud c) fraudulent d) fraudulence |
18 | All of these collocate with the noun “worm” EXCEPT FOR: a) install b) commit c) download d) detect |
19 | The difference between “copyright” and “copyleft” concerns mostly the authors’ ___ (their) work. a) income from b) manner of c) method of d) interest in |
20 | A blackhat and a whitehat differ mostly in the ___. a) color b) size c) shape d) purpose |
№ | Term | Definition | Usage | ||
Attack (n) | an attempt to gain unauthorized access to system services, resources, or information, or to compromise system integrity | a(n) violent/aggressive/active/ passive/ inside/outside/spoofing ~; come under ~; be open to/ launch an ~; syn. penetration, intrusion | |||
Authenticate (v) | prove or show sth to be true, genuine, or valid; confirm the correctness of the claimed identity | ~ a document/identity; authentication (n): certificate-based/biometric ~; authenticity (n); syn. verify, validate, confirm Cf. authorize | |||
Authorize (v) | grant a right or a permission to a system entity to access a system resource | ~ sb to do sth; be ~ed to do sth; authorization (n): obtain/sign/present ~; authorized (adj): an ~ payment/dealer; authority (n): have/exercise ~ over sth/sb; delegate ~ to sb; syn. entitle Cf. authenticate | |||
Back door (adj) | a feature or a defect of a computer system that allows secret unauthorized access to data | leave/activate a ~ to a computer; open a ~ to hackers; syn. trap door | |||
Certificate (n) | an official document recognizing sb as possessing certain qualifications or meeting certain standards | issue/renew/revoke/ grant/get/obtain a ~; ~ renewal/revocation; certify (v); certified (adj): a ~ CISCO programmer/accountant/ instructor; certification (n): ~ authority/procedure syn. accredit, qualify | |||
Cipher (n) | ~ text/mode/key; write sth in ~; (de)cipher (v), (de)ciphered (adj): a ~ message syn. code, encrypt | ||||
Classified (adj) | sth or sb arranged in categories according to shared qualities or characteristics; sth categorized as officially secret, access to which requires authorization | a ~ document/information/ advertisement; be ~ according to into some categories; classify (v): ~ sb/sth into … according to…; classification (n): ~ level/type/category; syn. categorize ant. declassified, unclassified | |||
Code (n) | a system of symbols used to represent information in the form other than the original one | write/crack a ~; ~ string/generator/ inspection/length/point; source/malicious/machine/ASCII ~; decode (v), encode (v); syn. cipher, cryptogram | |||
Compromise (v) | reach an agreement or settlement of a dispute by each side making concessions; cause to become vulnerable or function less effectively | ~ a system/data/security/one’s principles; ~ on sth; compromise (n): reach a ~; (un)compromised (adj); syn. undermine, weaken, concession | |||
Confidential (adj) | information to be disclosed only to those authorized to view it | ~ information/service/details/ performance check; keep sth ~; on a ~ basis; divulge ~ information; confidentiality (n): ~ agreement, breach of ~, total ~, under the terms of ~, guarantee/request ~; confidentially (adv); syn. private, personal, secret, sensitive, classified ant. open, public | |||
Corruption (n) | dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery; degradation of a computer database or program by alteration or the introduction of errors | expose/root out ~; allegation of ~; prevent accidental data ~; lead to/cause data ~; rotten with ~; corrupt/ed (adj); ant. integrity Cf. bribery | |||
Dedicated (adj) | devoted to a task or purpose; exclusively allocated to or intended for a particular purpose; a mode of IS operation, wherein all users are authorized to access all data handled by the system | be ~ to a career/cause/team; a ~ channel/security mode/link/ terminal/web page/graphics/card/ employee/LAN /line; dedicate (v): ~ oneself to sth/sb; ~ sth to sb; dedication (n); syn: committed, exclusive, allocated | |||
Deny (v) | refuse to give sth requested or desired to sb; refuse to admit the truth or existence of sth | ~ access/the existence of sth/evidence/a law/a privilege/a claim; ~ sb the right to sth; ~ oneself the pleasure of sth/doing sth; ~ that…; denial (n): ~ of service/access; (un)deniable (adj); syn: reject, decline | |||
Encrypt (v) | convert (information or data) into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access | ~ information/data/a password/a message; cryptography (n), (un)encrypted (adj);encryption (n): ~ standards/code; syn. code, cypher ant. decrypt, decode | |||
Expire (v) | (of a document, authorization, or agreement) reach the end of the validity period | license/contract/term/authorization ~s on/ at …; expiry (n): ~ date; upon/before/after ~; best before ~; expiration (n), expired (adj) | |||
Expose (v) | make sth visible by uncovering it; release sensitive data to an unauthorized entity (as a result of theft, wiretapping, etc.), cause someone to be vulnerable or at risk | ~ sb to danger/risk/treatment/injury; ~ the nature/flaw/defect of sth; exposed (adj): ~ to culture/best practices; ~ and vulnerable; exposure (n): deliberate/unintentional ~; | |||
Detect (v) | ~ (a/n) intrusion/virus/attempt/cancer /crime/changes/trend; detector (n): fire ~; detective (n); syn. become aware/conscious of, perceive | ||||
Digital (adj) | relating to, using, or storing data or information in the form of signals expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1 | ~ certificate/signal/age/map/assistant/ TV/generation/technology/revolution/ recording/cassette/copier/image; digitize (v); digit (n); syn. computerized ant. analogue | |||
Disrupt (v) | interrupt or prevent the correct operation of system services and functions | ~ the workflow/operations/activities/ a(n) application/mechanism/process/ system/production/plans; disruption (n), disruptive (adj); syn. discontinue, interfere | |||
Fail (v) | be unsuccessful in achieving one’s goal; cease to work properly; break down | ~ to qualify/to meet the standards/to do sth; ~ in one’s attempt to do sth /an exam; a ~-safe mode; a ~ grade; ~; failure (n): ~ control; control ~; be doomed to ~; syn. breakdown, malfunction, go wrong; ant. succeed | |||
Filter (n) | a piece of software that processes data before passing it to another application, for example by reformatting characters or removing unwanted types of material | ~ out/through sth; ~ a system/a message/traffic/ information/calls; filter (n): water/oil/software/removable ~; install a ~; ~ capability syn. sift, purify | |||
Firewall (n) | either a hardware program or a feature intended to filter incoming and outbound traffic | install/construct/bypass a ~; monitor computers and networks through a ~; invest in a software ~; up-to-date/outdated/personal ~; voice ~; syn: security, gateway | |||
Identity (n) | the characteristics determining who or what a person or thing is | ~ card; personal/mistaken/group/corporate/ racial/social/ethnic/national ~; identify (v): ~ sb (oneself) with sth/sb; identifier (n); identification (n); syn. selfhood | |||
Integrity (n) | the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; the state of being undivided; internal consistency or lack of corruption in electronic data | a man of ~; data/database ~ check; check sth for ~; structural/moral/territorial ~; ensure/preserve ~; integral (adj), (dis)integrated (adj); syn. soundness, wholeness, solidity | |||
Intrude (v) | enter with a disruptive or adverse effect; gain access to sensitive data without authorization by circumventing a system's security protection | ~ on sb’s privacy/into sb’s private life; intruder (n), intrusion (n): defend sth against ~; syn. encroach, infringe on, invade, disrupt Cf: trespassing, penetration, reverse engineering | |||
Log in/on (v) | gain access to a session to use system resources usually by providing a user name and password to an access control system | ~ to one’s computer/account/network; login (n): type the ~; a ~ command file; log (n): keep a ~ of sth; a logbook (n); ant. log off/out | |||
Password (n) | a secret word or phrase used to gain admission to a place; a string of characters that allows access to a computer, interface, or system | type/enter/change/require/supply/ know/forget the ~; ~ protection; be protected by a ~; a(n) (in)valid ~ | |||
Penetrate (v) | go into or through sth especially with force or effort; gain unauthorized access to sensitive data by circumventing a system's protections | ~ the market/into a system/sb’s words; penetration(n): high/deep ~; ~ level; (im)penetrable (adj): ~ barrier/network; syn. infiltrate, invade | |||
Privacy (n) | the state of being free from public attention; the right of a person to determine the degree to which s/he will share information about him/herself with others | loss/guarantee of ~; invade/protect ~; ~ concerns/issues/policy/setting; for ~ reasons/considerations/ protection; private (adj): a ~ network syn: confidentiality ant. publicity, public | |||
Proprietary (adj) | sth owned by an individual or a company, which needs to be licensed from the owner before it can be used | ~ information/brand/rights/interests/ name /OS/database/software/ system/features; proprietorship (n); ant. open, public/generic (brand) | |||
Rely (v) | ~ on/upon sb/sth; (un)reliable (adj), (un)reliability (n); syn. be confident of; depend on, trust | ||||
Risk (n) | exposure to danger, the possibility that something unpleasant or unwelcome will happen | ~-averse/aversion; the ~ factor; pose a ~; run/take the ~ of; a security ~; a ~ to safety; ~taker; risky (adj), riskiness (n); syn. insecurity, | |||
Safety (n) | the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury | cyber/public ~ ; assure/jeopardize sb’s ~; ~ barriers/precautions; safe (adj): stay ~ on the Internet, be ~ for sb/from sth; safely (adv); syn. security ant. insecurity | |||
Scan (v) | look quickly but not very thoroughly through sth; convert a document or picture into digital form; check manually or automatically for viruses and malware | ~ for/through/into the computer; ~ data/information/library/the contents/pages/headings; scan (n): a quick ~ of sth; scanner (n): optical/ultrasound/color/ desktop ~; buy/test/run the ~ | |||
Secret (n) | not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others | guard/keep/divulge a ~; a(n) open/state/commercial/military ~; meet in ~; secretive (adj): be ~ about sth syn. cryptic, confidential, classified | |||
Secure (adj) | ~ connection/transaction; ~ against/from sth; security (n) : ~ policy/update/ environment/mechanism/service/ protocol/level; social/data ~; ensure/ compromise/undermine ~; ant. insecure, insecurity | ||||
Sensitive (adj) | quick to detect or respond to slight changes, signals, or influences; kept secret or with restrictions on disclosure to avoid endangering security | ~ to criticism/other people’s feelings/about sth; ~ information/issue/test/equipment/area; sense (n), (in)sensitivity (n); ant. insensitive | |||
Threat (n) | a person or thing likely to cause damage or danger, a potential for violation of security or inflicting harm | pose/constitute/cause/carry out/fulfill/face a ~; security/major/hidden ~; a ~ to public safety; under the ~ of sth; threaten (v), threatening (adj); syn. jeopardy, menace | |||
Valid (adj) | legally or officially acceptable or binding; in legal force | ~ contract/license/password/visa; (in)validity (n), (in)validate (v), (in)validation (n); syn. effective ant. invalid, ineffective | |||
Vulnerability (n) | a flaw or weakness in a system that could be exploited to violate the system's security policy | degree of ~; exploit/identify/fix a ~ on a system; in/vulnerable (adj): ~ group/position/to criticism; emotionally/feel ~; ant. immune, immunity |
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. authenticate | |
2. authorize | |
3. compromise | |
4. deny | |
5. endanger | |
6. disrupt | |
7. intrude |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. encrypt | |
2. code | |
3. admit | |
4. vulnerable | |
5. confidential | |
6. succeed | |
7. cipher | |
8. proprietary |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
confide | |||
undeniably | |||
validity | |||
safe | |||
detect | |||
digital | |||
penetration |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
a certificate | |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
a firewall | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
confidential | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
code | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
dedicated | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
deny | |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1. back door | A. disclose confidential information |
2. divulge | B. a feature or defect of a computer system that allows secret unauthorized access to data |
3. deny | C. sth categorized as officially secret, access to which requires authorization |
4. classified | D. internal consistency or lack of corruption in electronic data |
5. integrity | |
6. threat | F. owned by an individual or a company, which needs to be licensed from the owner before it can be used |
7. proprietary |
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
1. I have never come ___ such an aggressive attack before.
2. Medicines should not be used ___ expiry.
3. Travelling abroad one gets exposed ___ various cultures.
4. These efforts are doomed ___ failure.
5. The disc has not been checked ___ integrity.
6. I would hate to intrude ___ his privacy.
7. She didn’t post the information ___ privacy reasons.
8. You can surely rely ___ me.
9. Could you scan the document ___ the computer?
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
Concepts | Logical relationship |
1. authorize-authenticate | A. general and specific |
2. firewall – security | B. cause and effect |
3. deny – admit | C. contrast |
4. scan – digitize | D. method and purpose |
5. character – password | E. part and whole |
6. filter - firewall | F. equivalence |
7. integrity – corruption |
Activity 8. Decode Bruce Schneier’s saying about computer security and comment on it:
Activity 9. Explain the difference between the following concepts using the Venn diagram below:
1. disclosing – divulging information |
2. certificate – license |
3. confidential – classified information |
4. password – login – pin code |
5. data integrity – academic integrity |
6. safety – security |
Activity 10. Say what/who can be… and how:
1. secured | |
2. corrupted | |
3. certified | |
4. dedicated | |
5. in/validated |
Activity 11. Say what the following is used/done for:
1. authentication | |
2. authorization | |
3. encryption | |
4. back door | |
5. invalidation | |
6. coding | |
7. fail-safe mode |
Activity 12. Analyze the reliability of a) passwords; b) firewalls c) licenses.
Activity 13. Do a mini-research and enumerate the computer security measures a) on the part of the user b) on the part of a programmer. Evaluate their reliability.
Activity 14. Describe your personal computer vulnerabilities.
Activity 15. Write a story of mistaken identity.
1 | All of these are synonymous to the word “authenticate” EXCEPT FOR: a) verify b) authorize c) validate d) confirm |
2 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “firewall – security”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) part and whole |
3 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “deny – admit”: a) general and specific b) contrast c) method and purpose d) part and whole |
4 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “filter – firewall”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) equivalence d) part and whole |
5 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “character – password”: a) general and specific b) contrast c) method and purpose d) part and whole |
6 | Which of these is a correct antonym to the adjective “penetrable”: a) unpenetrable b) inpenetrable c) impenetrable d) non-penetrable |
7 | All of these mean “cause to become vulnerable or function less effectively” EXCEPT FOR: a) compromise b) secure c) penetrate d) expose |
8 | Mark the odd word: a) compromise b) corrupt c) disrupt d) detect |
9 | Official recognition of sb as possessing certain qualifications or meeting certain standards is referred to as ___. a) authentication b) certification c) authorization d) verification |
10 | Mark the odd word: a) cipher b) code c) encrypt d) decrypt |
11 | Which of these is antonymous to “confidential”: a) sensitive b) public c) classified d) proprietary |
12 | All of these collocate with the adjective “dedicated” EXCEPT FOR: a) network b) channel c) link d) line |
13 | Choose the correct preposition: While studying abroad one gets exposed ___ the risks of cross-cultural misunderstanding. a) for b) to c) at d) by |
14 | Hackers try to ___ firewalls. a) install b) construct c) bypass d) set up |
15 | All of these are synonymous to the verb “expose” EXCEPT FOR: |
16 | The project is doomed ___ failure. a) for b) to c) – d) from |
17 | One can deny all of these EXCEPT FOR: a) sb’s right to sth b) access b) a service c) some evidence d) an invitation |
18 | When scanning images ___ the computer, you digitize them a) on b) in c) into d) to |
19 | Information categorized as officially secret, access to which requires authorization, is referred to as ___. a) confidential b) classified c) sensitive d) encrypted |
20 | Try not to intrude ___ people’s privacy in social networks. a) — b) on c) at d) into |
Module 9. TRENDS IN IT
№ | Term | Definition | Usage |
Accelerate (v) | increase in rate, amount, or extent; begin to move more quickly | ~ (a) process/development/tempo/ changes/reforms/growth; accelerated (adj), acceleration (n); accelerometer (n); syn. quicken ant. decelerate | |
Ad hoc (adj) | created or done for a particular purpose as necessary | an ~ network/test/analysis/ approach/body/committee; resolve sth ~; do sth on an ~ basis; adhocracy (n) | |
Agile (adj) | able to move or think quickly and easily; characterized by flexibility and pragmatism, adjusting development to customer needs and goals | ~ methods/methodology/ project management/software development agility (n); aglet (agile applet); syn. adaptive, flexible ant. waterfall | |
Amplify (v) | increase the volume, amplitude of sth like a sound, an electrical signal; make sth more intense | ~ (a/n) signal/music/effect/process/ discussion; amplifier (n); amplification (n); syn. enhance, augment; ant. reduce, weaken | |
AI (abbr) Artificial Intelligence | a branch of computer science that aims to program computers for reasoning, problem solving, learning, planning, manipulating objects | theoretical(practical) aspects/area of ~; ~ language/research/ technology/program; specialize in/study/develop ~; (un)intelligent (adj), (un)intelligently (adv), intelligentsia (n) | |
Asynchronous (adj) | not existing or occurring at the same time; (of computing processes) that can start or stop independently of other processes, which maximizes computing resources by utilizing idle times | ~ communication/media/computing; ~ with sth; synchronize with (v), asynchrony, a/synchronously (adv); ant. synchronous | |
Beta test (n) | the second (pre-release) phase of software testing in which a sampling of the intended audience tries the product out and reports bugs back to the developers | launch/undergo/subject to/stand/pass a ~; be on the ~; beta-testing (n); Cf. beta version | |
Best practices (n) | commercial or professional procedures and standards that are globally accepted or prescribed as being correct or most effective | ensure/get exposed to/identify/ use/share/promulgate/adopt/gain an insight into/implement/follow/ transfer ~; industry/current ~; the latest and ~ of the profession; the ~ of the 1990 Cf. Big Data, Machine Learning, IoT, e-gov, e-commerce | |
Biometric (adj) | using biometric traits (fingerprints, eye retina, etc.) to verify users’ claimed identities when accessing devices, networks, networked or Web applications | ~ authentication/ verification/techniques/method/security device; biometrical (adj): approach/genetics/characteristics; biometrics (n), biometrician (n); bioinformatics (n) syn. biometry | |
Breakthrough (n) | a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development | a major/technological/conceptual/ exciting/important/dramatic ~; achieve/make a ~; a ~ in sth | |
Bricks and clicks (n) | business that existed pre-Internet which now also uses the e-commerce selling technology via the Internet | ~ stores/practices; syn. physical VS virtual Cf. bricks and mortar | |
Channel integration (n) | the practice of creating consistent messaging and utility across different complementing customer channels such as radio, TV, printed media, Internet, direct mailing, call center operations, making sure that customers have the same experience, regardless of the channel they use | promote/enhance/contribute to ~; (dis)integrated (adj); ant. disintegration | |
Cloud (n) | a public or semi-public space for delivering hosted data storage, encapsulation, translation and transportation services over the Internet | ~ computing/storage/technology; private/public/hybrid ~ computing services Cf. in-house (storage) | |
Cluster (n) | a group of similar things or people positioned or occurring closely together; a group of loosely coupled computers that work together closely | a ~ of houses/stars /fruit, data ~; cluster (v): ~ around (v), clustered (adj), clustering (n): use/apply application ~, ~ of DB; software ~; clusterize (v), clusterization; syn. bunch, knot | |
Cobot (n) | a robot that has been designed to work in collaboration with a human, as a co-worker would | create/design/operate a ~; cobotic (adj): a ~ device | |
Cutting-edge (adj) | related to technological devices, techniques or achievements that employ the most current and high-level IT developments | ~ technology/equipment; cutting edge (n): the ~ of science/technology, etc.; become/gain a sharper/lose/form/give sb/lack/represent/be at/stay at the ~; syn. state-of-the-art, leading edge | |
Innovate (v) | make changes in sth established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products | failure/desire to ~; keep ~ing; ~ competitively; innovation (n): promote/support/introduce ~s; biotech/latest/breakthrough ~s; innovator (n), innovatory (adj) | |
Knowledge (n) | facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the intellectual assets of an enterprise, system | ~ management/economy; ~ base (n), ~based engineering/economy/ approach; knowledgeable (adj), knowledgeability (n),acknowledge (v), acknowledgement (n) | |
Life hacker (n) | any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency, solves an everyday problem in an inspired, ingenious manner | create/invent/design/be a ~; life-hacking (adj): a ~ device/ method
| |
Modify (v) | ~ a program,/structure/design; modification (n), modified (adj), modifier (n); syn. change, adjust, adapt | ||
Multi- (prf) | related to more than one, many | ~-purpose/functional/media/ mode/user; multiply (v), multiple (adj), multiplicity (n), multitasking (n) | |
Nano (n) | denoting a factor of 10−9 (one billionth part of sth), sth sub-microscopical | ~ technology/material/fiber/scale/ particle/tube/second/bot | |
Neural network | a computational model based on the structure and functions of biological neural networks | theoretical (practical) aspects/area of ~; ~ research/technology/ program; specialize in/study/develop ~; artificial ~ | |
Next-generation (adj) | related to the future, being in store | ~ operational support system/ | |
Open source (n) | the original source code in software engineering which is made freely available to the public and may be redistributed and modified | ~ software/protocol/project/ product/ initiative | |
Outsourcing (n) | using external sources to provide service and support operations | IT/partial/total ~; use/resort to ~; outsource (v): ~ services/ facilities; ant. insourcing | |
3-D printing (n) | an additive manufacturing process that builds layers to create a three-dimensional solid object from a digital model | develop/introduce ~; the cost/ opportunity/introduction of ~; 3-D printer (n) | |
4-D printing (n) | an additive manufacturing that prints objects capable of transformation and, in some cases, of self-assembly | develop/practice/introduce ~; the cost/opportunity/introduction of ~; 4-D printer (n) | |
-proof (adj) | never-failing, protected from | water/fool/bullet/sound/ earthquake~; Cf. water-resistant | |
Quantum programming (n) | a would-be programming, in which calculations are based on the behavior of particles at the sub-atomic level, capable of executing far more millions of instructions per second (MIPS) than before because the data units can exist in more than one state at a time | develop/practice/introduce ~; the cost/opportunity/introduction of ~; ant. binary computer programming | |
Real-time (adj) | a level of computer responsiveness that a user senses as sufficiently immediate, occurring in actual time | ~ decisions/technology/system/ solutions/software/signal processing ant. virtual time | |
R&D (abbr) Research and Development | (related to) researching and developing new products or technologies | ~ department/organization/ budget allocation | |
Recognition (n) | software ability to digitize real-life visual information | voice/speech/face/gesture/optical character ~; recognize (v), (ir)recognizable (adj) | |
Remote (adj) | distant; in computing: about a device which can only be accessed via a network | ~ from sth; ~ control/access/ terminal/ location/area/ administration tool/alarm sensor; remoteness (n), remotely (adv) syn. distant ant. nearby, local | |
Robot (n) | a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one programmable by a computer | build/construct/design/create/ control a ~; interactive/industrial ~; ~ control; robotic (adj): ~ industry/ movement/mechanism/ precision/system; robotics (n): law of ~; ~ technology; robotize (v) Cf. cobot | |
Smart (adj) | having or showing a quick-witted intelligence; any type of equipment, instrument, or machine that is programmed to be capable of some independent action | look ~; a ~ device/phone/home/ city/Aleck; smartly (adv), smartness (n); syn. intelligent ant. dumb | |
Social media (n, pl.) | a catch-all term for a variety of Internet applications that allow users to create content and interact with each other by sharing and commenting on links, photos, videos and posting public updates, etc. | use/support/develop/invent ~; medium (n, sing): ~ of exchange/instruction; provide a ~ for sth; mediate (v), intermediate (adj), intermediary (n) syn. civic media Cf. SMM (social media marketing) | |
Tele- (prf) | far off; to or at a distance | ~vision/phone/transportation/ kinesis/commuting/communication/ marketing syn. remote, distant | |
Tolerant (adj) | (of a plant, animal, or machine) able to endure specified conditions or treatment | failure/fault~; ~ of pollution/high temperature; fault~ data protection/technology; toleration (n), (in)tolerance (n), (in)tolerantly (adv); ant. intolerant | |
Viral (adj, n) | (of an image, video, piece of information, etc.) circulated rapidly and widely from one Internet user to another | a ~ advertising campaign/marketing; go ~; viral (n): the rise of ~s; virally (adv) |
1. Technology dictionary, Technopedia. Available: http://www.techopedia.com/definition [Accessed: 20 Oct. 2015]
2. Computer glossary, Techtarget dictionary and encyclopedia. [Online]. Available: http://bnc.bl.uk/saraWeb.php?qy=best+practices&mysubmit=Go [Accessed: 24 Oct. 2015]
3. Online tech dictionary for IT professionals, IT Business Edge. [Online]. Available: http://www.webopedia.com/ [Accessed: 22 Oct. 2015]
Activity 1. Give synonyms and/or antonyms:
1. quantum programming | |
2. agile | |
3. accelerate | |
4. synchronous | |
5. integrated | |
6. real time | |
7. remote | |
8. tolerant |
Activity 2. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
multiple | |||
modify | |||
recognition | |||
in/tolerantly | |||
amplify | |||
intelligent | |||
robot |
Activity 3. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Noun | Target vocabulary unit |
-proof | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
nano- | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
remote | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
tele- | |
Activity 4. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1. waterfall | A. a business management and corporate culture model based on the ability to adapt quickly to changing conditions |
2. insourcing | B. the underlying set of facts, assumptions, and rules which a computer system has available to solve a problem |
3. adhocracy | C. characterized by sequential stages and a fixed plan of work |
4. knowledge base | D. separating the IS department from the enterprise, usually as a business unit measured by its own profit and loss |
5. tolerant | E. circulated rapidly and widely from one Internet user to another |
6. viral | F. able to endure specified conditions or treatment |
7 7. agile | G. characterized by flexibility and pragmatism, adjusting development to customer needs and goals |
Activity 5. Fill in the blanks with the words “-tolerant”, “-proof”, “multi-“, “tele-“”-free”
1. It will be a wrist-watch shaped device that permits instantaneous ___ portation to the zones where the keys are hidden.
2. ___ sensory devices are now trending.
3. I'm going to seal off the back of the car with a sheet of sound- ___ glass.
4. This set of computer equipment has a water- ___ box for a printer.
5. The device is not at all fault-___
6. They are very well designed and totally bug-___.
7. He had never favored ___ pathy as a means of communication.
8. The receiver is quite fool-___ and generally consists of a few basic components.
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
1. These teacher-student interactions are asynchronous, ____ each other.
2. The invention of fiber-optic communication was a major breakthrough ___ the field of computing.
3. We should make the world more tolerant ___people with physical and intellectual disabilities 4. While studying in the US one gets exposed ___ the best practices in the computer industry.
5. The 750 series SSDs were ___ the cutting edge of storage technologies
6. Cost-conscious companies resort ___ outsourcing as a way to reduce overhead expenses.
7. 3D printers can create a three-dimensional solid object ___ a digital model
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
Concepts | Type of logical relations |
1. cobot – robot | a. general and specific |
2. cutting-edge – state-of-the-art | b. cause and effect |
3. water-proof - water-resistant | c. contrast |
4. smart – dumb | d. method and purpose |
5. remote access – telecommuting | e. part and whole |
6. breakthroughs – smarter devices | f. equivalence |
7. agile – flexible |
Activity 8. Decode Bill Gates’ saying about innovations and comment on it:
Activity 9. Explain the difference between the following concepts using the Venn diagram below:
quantum programming- binary programming |
bricks and clicks |
outsourcing – insourcing |
commuting – telecommuting |
3D printing – 4D printing |
cutting edge – bleeding edge |
R & D (research and development) |
Activity 10. Say what the following is used for:
1. life-hacking | |
2. nanotechnology | |
3. cloud computing | |
4. beta testing | |
5. biometrics | |
6. a fool-proof device | |
7. open source |
Activity 11. Give examples of the devices which may be called:
1. multi-purpose | |
2. multi-mode | |
3. multi-user | |
4. multi-functional | |
5. multi-media | |
6. fault-tolerant | |
7. ad hoc |
Activity 12. Outline the major advantages of:
1. channel integration | |
2. biometric identification | |
3. cloud storage | |
4. cobotic devices | |
5. asynchronous computing | |
6. beta testing | |
7. optical character recognition |
Activity 13. Do a mini-research and briefly characterize:
1. Knowledge economy
2. Quantum programming
3. Real-time technology
4. Bricks and clicks practices
Activity 14. Semantic mapping: Draw a diagram reflecting major breakthroughs and latest innovation trends in ICT development.
Activity 15. Analyze your computer experience and identify the areas in which it lags behind the best practices in the industry.
1 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “bricks - clicks”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) contrast d) part and whole |
2 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “robot - cobot”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) part and whole |
3 | Which of these are equivalents? a) biometrics – fingerprint b) biometrics – eye retina c) biometrics – biometry d) biometrics - face pattern |
4 | Which of these relates to a method of project management that is characterized by sequential stages and a fixed plan of work: a) waterfall b) flexible c) agile d) ad hoc |
5 | The practice of using an organization’s own personnel or other resources to accomplish a task is referred to as ___ . a) outsourcing b) insourcing c) sourcing d) open sourcing |
6 | The use of an original source code in software engineering which is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified is referred to ___. a) outsourcing b) insourcing c) sourcing d) open sourcing |
7 | Additive manufacturing that prints objects capable of transformation and, in some cases, of self-assembly is known as ___ D printing. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 |
8 | This program is very well designed and totally ___proof. a) water b) bug c) fool d) bullet |
9 | This car has ___ proof windows. a) water b) bug c) fool d) bullet |
10 | The supposed ability to move objects at a distance by mental power or other non-physical means is known as tele___ . a) kinesis b) commuting c) communication d) marketing |
11 | Promotion of goods or services by means of telephone calls, typically unsolicited, to potential customers is known as tele-___ . a) kinesis b) commuting c) communication d) marketing |
12 | Mark the odd word: a) cutting-edge b) state-of-the-art c) adhocracy d) leading edge |
13 | The property that enables a system to continue operating properly in the event of the breakdown of some of its components is called failure__. a) tolerant b) tolerance c) toleration d) tolerantly |
14 | Any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency, solves an everyday problem in an inspired, ingenious manner is called (a/n) ___. a) breakthrough b) life hacker c) innovation d) best practice |
15 | The video went ___ and was seen by millions. a) virus b) viral c) virtual d) virtuous |
16 | Mark the odd word: a) enhance b) augment c) amplify d) modify |
17 | A strategy of using software to control multiple servers to provide fault-tolerant systems, quicker responses and more capable data management for large networks is known as application ___. a) clustering b) integration c) outsourcing d) amplification |
18 | The second (pre-release) phase of software testing in which a sampling of the intended audience tries the product out and reports bugs back to the developers is called ____ test. a) alpha b) beta c) gamma d) delta |
19 | The nouns “control”, “access”, “terminal”, “location”, “area” collocate with the word ____. a) demote b) remote c) promote d) commote |
20 | Voice ___ is computer analysis of the human voice, especially for the purposes of interpreting words and phrases or identifying an individual voice. a) identification b) acknowledgement c) recognition d) perception |
№ | Term | Definition | Usage |
Algorithm (n) | a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer | ~ analysis/approach/design/theory/ validation/-based/-specific; create/follow/build/fulfill an ~; algorithmic (adj): a(n) ~ access/error/diagram/method/pattern/ technique/language; algorithmization (n); syn. method, pattern | |
Applet (n) | a very small application, especially a utility program performing one or more simple functions | a Java ~; ~ version/display area/viewer/virus; download/set up/(un)install an ~ | |
Array (n) | an impressive display or a range of a particular type of thing; a data structure that contains a group of elements of the same data type, such as an integer or a string | an ~ access/analysis/bound/chip/data/ component/element/segment; build an ~; a sorted/structured ~; arrayed (adj): ~ data; | |
Assemble (v) | cause sb or sth to gather together for a common purpose; convert or translate programs written in the assembly code to the machine code | ~ editing/mode; assembling (n): automatic/manual/line/machine/robot ~; assembled (adj): an ~ battery/diagram/product/ presentation; assembler (n): the ~ program/operator/language; assembly (n): the ~ code/data/defect/error /line/technique/unit; syn. collect, gather ant. dissemble | |
Binary (adj) | relating to, composed of, or involving two things; a system of numerical notation that has 2 rather than 10 digits as a base | a ~ code/system/array/cell/ compatibility/ digit/file/frequency/interval/mode/phase/ scale/signal/stream/switch; ~-coded/valued; ant. decimal | |
Bug (n) | an unexpected problem with | fix/identify/correct/track ~s; ~ identification/hole/tracking/fix/report/-free; debug (v): ~ a program; (de)bugging (n); buggy (adj): ~ software; syn. error, flaw, defect | |
Code (n) | a system of words, letters, figures, or symbols used to represent others, especially for the purposes of secrecy; a text written in a particular programming language | (a/the) ~ area/chain/compression/error/ key/line/limitation/optimization/structure; ~-sensitive/sharing; coded (adj): ~ address/file/disc/image/signal/word/ information; source/ASCII/ pseudo ~;generate/program a ~; encode (v): ~ a file/message; coding (n): ~ aids/cycle/ pattern; codify (v); decode (v): ~ text/information; syn. cypher, encrypt ant. decypher, decrypt | |
Command (n) | an authoritative order; an instruction or a signal causing a computer to perform one of its basic functions | at someone’s ~; a word of ~; (dis)obey a ~; a ~ bar/button/ delay/file/handler/ interface/key/line/ menu/mode/script/ sequence/switch/ system/unit; -driven; issue/run a ~; command (v): ~ a large vocabulary; commander (n): military/army ~; syn. direction, order, instruction | |
Compile (v) | collect information in order to produce a list or a book; convert a program into a machine-code or lower-level form in which the program can be executed | ~ a table/diagram/code; (de)compiler (n): ~ bug/error/language/ option/program/writer; compiling (n): batch/incremental ~; compilation (n): ~ algorithm/process/time/unit; syn. assemble, gather, compose ant. decompile, decompose | |
Compose (v) | write or create a work of art, especially music or poetry; prepare a text, code for printing | ~ a letter/text/graph/table; composed (adj): ~ component/distribution; composite (n): ~ analysis/error/structure/test/variable; composition (n): ~ of algorithms/functions /groups; compositional (adj): ~ core/ design/product/formula /programming; composable (adj): ~ semantics/sequence; composability (n); syn. create | |
Compress (v) | flatten by pressure; alter the form of (data) so as to reduce the amount of storage necessary | ~ a(n) file/document/image/video/code; compressed (adj): ~ air/audio/data/ disc/gas/volume; compression (n): ~ area/buffer/coding/facility/force/ ratio/utility; compressor (n): ~ engineering/plant/system/unit; compressible (adj); compressibility (n): ~ factor; syn. squeeze, shrink; ant. decompress | |
Compute (v) | reckon or calculate (a figure, value or amount) using mathematical formulas or methods | ~ a number/figure/value/formula; computer(n): ~ access/addiction/ aids/algorithm/analyst/automation/ engineering/equipment/network/security/ skills/software/system/utility/vendor; ~-aided design/-assisted management/-based learning/-controlled robot/-generated hologram/-human interface/-integrated system/-managed instruction/-mediated communication/-oriented system; computability (n); computable (adj); computation (n); computational (adj): ~ linguistics/power; computerize (v): ~ the country; computerized (adj): analysis/catalogue/file/image/ manufacturing/office/system/testing/tools; computing (n): ~ skills/ability/center; parallel ~; computerization (n): ~ of schools/universities; syn. calculate, figure out Cf. computerate = computer-literate, computerphile, computerphobia | |
Condition (n) | the state of sth with regard to its appearance, quality, or working order; a situation that must exist before sth else is possible or permitted | in good/bad/poor/certain ~; do sth (up)on ~ that; impose/set/stipulate/accept/ fulfill/meet/satisfy a ~; ~ of (in)dependence/ (in)stability; living/working/weather/ (un)favorable/difficult/international ~s; conditional (adj): ~ behavior/equation/ reflex/access; conditionally (adv); conditioned (adj): ~ air/gas/process/reflex; conditioner (n): air ~; syn. status, stipulation, prerequisite | |
Configure (v) | arrange or put together in a particular way; arrange or order (a computer system or an element of it) so as to fit it for a designated task | ~ a computer/network/server; configuration (n): hardware/basic/ desktop/(2)3-dimensional/error/port/ problem-solving/software ~; configurable (adj): ~ code/hardware/ memory/processor; configurability (n): network ~; configured (adj): fully/software ~; syn. construct, set up ant. misconfigure | |
Default (n) | failure to fulfill an obligation, especially to repay a loan or appear in a law court; a preselected option adopted by a computer program or another mechanism when no alternative is specified by the user or programmer | by/on ~; the ~ option/address/button/ color/context/interface/mode/ parameter/user/statement/value; defaulting (adj): ~ subscriber | |
Error (n) | the state or condition of being wrong in conduct or judgement; a mistake | ~prone/check/code/correction/detection/ handling/tolerance/checking/control/-free; check/code/correct/detect/handle/ diagnose/indicate an ~; err (v); errorless (adj): ~ code/transmission; erroneous (adj); syn. mistake, fault, flaw | |
Execute (v) | put a plan, order, or course of action into effect; carry out a sentence of death; carry out an instruction or a program | ~ a cycle/packet/program/statement; executing (adj): ~ phase; execution (n): ~ address/error/failure/path/plan/sequence/ speed/time/unit; executive (adj): ~ branch/agreement/committee/council/ language/message/officer/program/ secretary/session/staff; syn. accomplish, implement, perform, fulfill | |
Generate (v) | create; produce (a set or sequence of items) by performing specified mathematical or logical operations on an initial set | ~ (a/n) heat/address/error/function/ sequence/variable; generated (adj): separably/inductively/freely/finitely ~; generator (n): gas/steam/code ~, ~ capacity; generation (n): ~ gap, ~ of sth; generic (adj): ~ term/activity/class/ components/property/software/system; syn. bring about, cause to appear | |
Integrate (v) | combine (one thing) with another to form a whole; find the integral of | ~ sth with/into sth; ~ between A and B/by part/by a substitution; integration (n): economic/racial/close ~; ~ density/ domain/level/platform/problem/tools; integrator (n): system ~; integrity (n): data/system /network ~; integral (n): (in)definite ~; integral (adj): ~ part/value; integrated (adj): ~ analysis/approach/circuit/data/ database/device/environment/ equation/process/software; integrating (adj): ~ coefficient/mechanism; integrative (adj): ~ process; syn. combine, consolidate, ant. disintegrate Cf. IDE (integrated development environment)_ | |
Instruction (n) | a direction or order; a code in a program which defines and carries out an operation | give/follow/break ~s; ~ address/area/manual/window; basic/clear/complete/conditional/effective/entry/(in)direct/input/output ~; (un)instruct (v): ~ users; instructional (adj): ~ advice/computing/software; instructive (adj), instructively (adv), instructiveness (n), instructor (n): programming ~, ~ in physics; syn. direction, guidance | |
Language (n) | a method of human communication, either spoken or written; a system of symbols and rules for writing programs or algorithms | speak/understand/enrich/learn/master/use/compile from… into a ~; high-level/ low-level/machine/absolute/AI/ algorithmic/assembler/command/ foreign/functional/hardware/input/output/ mark-up/script/ source/symbolic/target; ~ barrier/compatibility/converter/ manual/model/selection/specification/ syntax/-specific machine | |
Loop (n) | a shape produced by a curve that bends round and crosses itself; a programmed sequence of instructions that is repeated until or while a particular condition is satisfied | a continuous ~; in the ~; the ~ access/chain/circuit/link/network/ operation/system/technology/-free; looped (adj): ~ cycle/circuit/ link; looping (adj): ~ statement; syn. circle, curve Cf. loophole, loopline | |
Manual (n) | a book giving instructions or information; instructions for using a computer device or program; | a computer/program/reference/ teacher’s ~; manual (adj): ~ work/labor/adjustment backup/control/input/output/mode/ power/programming/scanner/switch/tool/ tracking/training/transmission/tuning/ update; manually (adv): ~ controlled/adjustable/operated/set; syn. reference book, handbook, guidebook; ant. automated | |
Maintain (v) | cause or enable a condition or situation to continue; correct faults, improve performance or other attributes, or adapt the product to a changed environment | ~ a computer/program/equipment; maintenance (n): ~ services/aids/area/center/costs/handbook/manual; ~ of peace/stability/equipment; maintainable (adj): ~ equipment/item; maintainability (n): ~ analysis/control/ specifications/standard; maintainer (n): software ~; syn. control, keep, manage, support | |
Operate (v) | (of a person) control the functioning of a machine, process, or system; (of a machine, process, or system) function in a specified manner | ~ (a) machine; operation (n): in ~, conduct/launch ~; operational (adj): ~ costs/mode/safety/error/database/ efficiency/risk; operator (n): computer/radar/radio ~; operated (adj): automatically/manually/remotely~; operating (adj): ~ system/capacity/ conditions/manual/mode/parameter/ policy/potential/speed/station/time | |
Patch (n) | a piece of cloth or other material used to mend or strengthen a torn or weak point; a small piece of code inserted into a program to improve its functioning or to correct a fault | modem/bug ~, ~ array/cable/line/ memory; patch (v): ~ clothes; patched (adj): ~ connection/ program; patcher (n); patchhole (n); patching (n): ~ tool/repair/material; Cf. dispatch
| |
Process (v) | take a series of actions or steps to achieve a particular end; perform a series of mechanical or chemical operations on sth in order to change or preserve it | ~ automatically/manually; ~ operations/ code/instructions; process (n): ~ automation/control/cycle/design/ flowchart/installation/inspection/planning/state/unit; ~-bound/-driven/-centered/-flexible/-independent/-specific; launch/cancel a ~; processed (adj): ~ data/bit/speech; processing (n): automatic data/parallel ~, ~ accuracy/algorithm/flaw/method/rate/ system/technology/tool; syn. action, course, procedure | |
Procedure (n) | an established or official way of doing sth; a set of instructions for performing an operation within a program | (non)standard/established/built-in/ embedded ~, ~ flowchart/standard, launch/cancel a ~; procedural (adj); procedurally (adj); syn. process Cf. proceeding(s) | |
Program (v) | arrange according to a plan or schedule; provide (a computer or other machine) with coded instructions for the automatic performance of a particular task | ~ in a language; ~ software/a computer/ a network; (re)program (v); program (n): ~ application/background/executable ~; ~ design/file/architecture/directory/error/ code/documentation/failure/interface/ specification/testing/unit/writer; ~ compatible/controlled/(in)dependent/-editing; design/launch/set up/(un)install/ issue/release a ~; programming (n): software ~, ~ aids/algorithm/cycle/error/ flowchart/language/method/pattern; programmed (adj): ~ channel/instruction/ learning/path; programmer (n): (un)skillful/(in)experienced ~; ~ manual/ rating/productivity/ slang; programmable (adj): ~ action/software/ switch/system/terminal | |
Prototype (n) | the first or preliminary version of a device or vehicle from which other forms are developed | develop/build/use/compare a ~; conceptual/evolutionary/hardware/paper/laboratory/pilot/procedure/production/ virtual ~; ~ declaration/device/language/ system; prototyping (adj): ~ aids/kit/modelling/ system; prototypal (adj); prototypic(al) (adj): ~ behavior; syn. original, model, archetype | |
Recursion (n) | application of a repetitive procedure | iterative/mutual/self-/tail ~, the ~ code/ formula/method/scheme, avoid/program/ double/minimize ~; recursive (adj): the ~ function/procedure/call/algorithm/ equation/function/sequence/system; recursively (adv); recursiveness (n): relative ~; syn. reversion, reiteration | |
Redundancy (n) | the state of being no longer needed or useful; the inclusion of extra components functioning in case of failure in other components | ~ allocation/arrangement/assessment/bit/criterion/device/level/mechanism/rate/reduction/testing; ~ of information/ optimization; redundant (adj): ~ code/channel/equipment/system; syn., excessive, superfluous | |
Reverse (v) | move backwards; go in or turn towards the direction opposite to that previously stated | ~ roles/addresses; reverse (n): complete ~, in ~; reverse (adj): ~ calculation/channel/ circuit/flow/motion/ rotation; reversed (adj): ~ chain/arrow/compression/vector; reverser (n): polarity ~; reversibility (n): ~ coat/process; reversion (n): power ~, ~ facility/management; reversal (n): ~ failure/process/time; (ir)reversible (adj), (ir)reversibly; syn. overturn | |
Script (n) | handwriting as distinct from print; an automated series of instructions carried out in a specific order | write/compose/create a ~, the ~ file/engine/language; syn. writing Cf. scriptwriter | |
Test (n) | a short written or spoken examination of a person's proficiency or knowledge; a procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of sth, especially before its widespread use | remote/proficiency ~; ~ center/ completion/condition/drive/ evaluation/ mode/sample/validation; perform/run/automate/complete/generate/ monitor a ~; test (v): ~ hardware/ software/a program; testing (n): routine/battery/compatibility ~, ~ for reliability; testability (n): check/design/ factor/requirement; testable (adj): easily ~; syn. check, inspection, examination | |
Thread (n) | a long, thin strand of fiber used in sewing or weaving; a group of thematically linked messages posted on an Internet forum; a programming structure or process formed by linking a number of separate elements | execution/multitasking/parent/mail/main ~; ~ group/ID; package ~; thread (v): ~ a process; threaded (adj): a ~ file/list/socket; threader (n); threading (n): automatic ~, ~ block/tool; syn. cord, string, fiber | |
Tool (n) | a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to perform a particular function | a design/smart ~, a ~ adapter/adjustment/ bar/box/holder/kit; animation ~; use/apply a ~; syn. instrument, apparatus, device | |
Troubleshoot (n) | analyze and solve serious problems for a company or other organization; trace and correct faults in a mechanical or electronic system | ~ errors/flaws/conflicts; troubleshooter (n); troubleshooting (n): ~ aid/code/costs/ guide/flowchart/process/program/service/tips/unit; syn. debugging, diagnostics, correction | |
Value (n) | the importance, worth, or usefulness of sth; the numerical amount denoted by an algebraic term; a magnitude, quantity, or number | absolute/actual/average/default/input/hexadecimal/initial/null/output/ return/variable ~, ~ function/list/parameter; (in)valuable (adj); ant. valueless; evaluation (n): insurance/performance/full-scale ~, ~ approach/parameter; evaluator (n); syn. amount, significance Cf. value-added tax | |
Variable (n) | sth not consistent or having a fixed pattern; liable to change; an element, feature, or factor that is liable to vary or change | set/calculate/register/(re)name a ~; a floating point/binary/class/ (in)dependent/ integer/key/loop/reference ~; variable (adj); variably (adv); variability (n): ~ of choice, ~ chart/error/index/interval/ratio; ant. invariable |
1. New Oxford American Dictionary, 3rd Edition. – Oxford University Press Inc. – 2010.
2. Oxford Dictionary of English, 3rd Edition. – Oxford University Press. – 2010.
3. Англо-русский словарь по вычислительной технике и программированию. – 8-е изд., исп. и доп. Mасловский Е.К. – 2008.
4. Англо-русский толковый словарь по вычислительной технике, Интернету и программированию (6-е изд., исп. и доп.). – Э.М. Пройдаков, Л. А. Теплицкий – 2011.
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. maintain | |
2. bug | |
3. tool | |
4. command | |
5. condition | |
6. execute | |
7. manual |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. binary | |
2. compile | |
3. variable | |
4. assemble | |
5. code | |
6. compress | |
7 integrate |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
composed | |||
compute | |||
error | |||
generatively | |||
instructional | |||
reversely | |||
testability |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
applet | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
array | |
Adjective | Target vocabulary unit |
thread | |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
a script | |
Adjective | Target vocabulary unit |
procedure | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
default | |
Target vocabulary unit | Adjective |
process- | |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1. loop | A. a very small application, especially a utility program performing one or a few simple functions |
2. troubleshoot | B. a book giving instructions or information; instructions for using a computer device or program |
3. value | C. the numerical amount denoted by an algebraic term |
4. algorithm | D. a programmed sequence of instructions that is repeated until or while a particular condition is satisfied |
5. applet | E. trace and correct faults in a mechanical or electronic system |
6. manual | F. a group of linked messages posted on an Internet forum that share a common subject or theme |
7. thread | G. a list of instructions, procedures, or formulas used to solve a problem |
Activity 6. Place the following words in the columns according to the prefix used to form a negative counterpart:
dependent, crypt, instruct, patch, configure, bug, skillful, experienced, code, install, construct, stability, integrate, efficiency, compress, compatibility, compile
in- | de- | un- | mis- | dis- |
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
Concepts | Type of logical relations |
1. troubleshooting - debugging | A. general and specific |
2. process – thread | B. cause and effect |
3. error-bug | C. contrast |
4. code – ASCII | D. equivalence |
5. command - computation | E. part and whole |
6. prototype – duplicate | F. method and purpose |
7.variable – invariable |
Activity 8. Decode John Romero’s saying about programming and comment on it:
Activity 9. Explain the difference between the following concepts using the Venn diagram below:
1. binary system – decimal system |
2. program – applet |
3. value – variable |
4. calculate – compute |
5. assemble – configure |
6. compose – compile |
7. loop – recursion |
Activity 10. Say what the following is used for. Give examples:
1. applet | |
2. command | |
3. compiler | |
4. manual | |
5. prototype | |
6. script | |
7. toolbar |
Activity 11. Name at least 7 popular tools (buttons) situated on almost every application software toolbar.
Activity 12. Describe the functions of utilities patched into a PC operating system.
Activity 13. Give examples of popular compression utilities, comment on their purposes and mechanisms (text, video and audio compression utilities).
Activity 14. Do a mini-research and briefly characterize the following programming languages in terms of their popularity, complexity and applicability.
1. C++ | |
2. Java | |
3. HTML | |
4. Visual Basic | |
5. Python | |
6. Ruby |
Activity 15. Write a paragraph about the applets you have got in your PC and smart phone right now. Briefly describe some of their functions.
1 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “troubleshooting - debugging”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) part and whole |
2 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “prototype - duplicate”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) contrast |
3 | All of these are synonymous to the word “bug” EXCEPT FOR: a) failure b) error c) flow d) flaw |
4 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “error - bug”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) equivalence d) part and whole |
5 | A very small application, especially a utility program performing one or a few simple functions is known as (a/n) ___. a) applet b) utility d) adware d) tool |
6 | A list of instructions, procedures, or formulas used to solve a problem is known as a(n) ___. a) scheme b) schedule d) plan d) algorithm |
7 | Choose the correct prefix for the word ‘compatibility’: a) dis- b) un- c) de- d) in- |
8 | The report was published in the conference ___. a) process b) procedure c) proceedings d) proceeding |
9 | ______ is a device used to perform a particular function. a) Algorithm b) Tool c) Procedure d) Command |
10 | A ______ is a series of actions or operations viewed as discrete steps. a) process b) procedure c) proceeding d) proceedings |
11 | All of these are synonyms EXCEPT FOR: a) prototype b) copy c) counterpart d) duplicate |
12 | All of these are synonyms EXCEPT FOR: a) integrate b) combine c) consolidate d) configure |
13 | Mark the odd word: a) computer b) computability c) computation d) computerized |
14 | This experimental technology is still error-___. a) tolerant b) prone c) free d) detected |
15 | Copy, paste, cut and bold are examples of ___. a) tools b) widgets c) menus d) codes |
16 | All of these collocate with the noun “default” EXCEPT FOR: a) option b) mode c) parameter d) alternative |
17 | Computer-___ communication is getting more and more widely spread. a) generated b) managed c) integrated d) mediated |
18 | Choose the correct prefix for the word ‘configure’: a) mis- b) un- c) de- d) in- |
19 | All of these are examples of utilities except for: a) compression b) disc defragmentation c) encryption d) documentation |
20 | All of these are examples of application programs EXCEPT FOR: a) compression software b) spreadsheet software c) entertainment software d) documentation software |
Module 11. NETWORKS
№ | Term | Definition | Usage |
Address (n) | the place where a person or organization can be found or communicated with; a numerical designation that uniquely refers to a specific communication entity | ~ mapping/mask/resolution/ space; MAC/IP/destination/ source/hardware/physical/global ~; address (v): ~ a letter; addressee (n); addressed (adj): an ~ call; addressable (adj): ~ memory/area/ storage; addressing (n): absolute/abbreviated ~; readdress (v); unaddress (v) | |
Allocate (v) | assign available resources to various uses | ~ memory/space/resources/ funds; allocation (n): budget ~s; allocated (adj); syn. assign, allot, distribute | |
Backbone (n) | the column of bones in the back which sustains and gives firmness to the frame; the spine; a central network that provides a pathway for other networks to communicate | the ~ of sth; the city/country/system ~; ~ access/area/bus/cable/capacity; provide/constitute a ~; transmit via/lay a ~ | |
Bandwidth (n) | a data transfer capacity or data rate measured in bits | ~ allocation/capacity/assignment; widen/reduce/provide a high ~; a ~ of 450 MHz; syn. frequency range | |
Bridge (n) | a wooden, stone, brick, or iron structure erected over a river or railroad to make a passageway from one side to the other; a device that limits traffic between two network segments by filtering the data between them based on hardware addresses | ~ forwarding/number; build a ~ between sth and sth; bridge (v): ~ a crack/gap/ telephone/digital divide | |
Broadcast (n) | an information transmission to all entities capable of receiving it | television/radio/live/news ~; ~ address/port/net; broadcasting (n), broadcast (v); syn. transmission | |
Cable (n) | an insulated wire or wires having a protective casing and used for transmitting electricity or telecommunication signals | coaxial/fiber-optic ~; ~ access/ adapter/address/adjustment; (dis)connect/lay a ~; cable (adj): ~ connection; syn. cord, wire | |
Channel (n) | a communication path | ~ access/abandonment/ bandwidth; transmit data/packets over a ~; channelization (n); syn. pathway, tunnel, route | |
Collision (n) | an event in which two or more bodies exert forces on each other for a relatively short time | ~ line/avoidance/detection; data/memory ~; avoid/minimize ~; collide (v); collider (n); syn. bump, crash | |
Connect (v) | set a link between two (or more) devices | ~ a bus/cable/call/consumer; ~ to the Internet/network; connectivity (n): hot ~; connected (adj), connector (n), connection (n): provide/support/break a ~ ; syn. hook up, join ant. disconnect, disjoin | |
Dial-up (n) | connection using a modem via a telephone company network | ~ line/modem/access/ connection; set up a ~ connection; dial (v): ~ the number | |
Domain (n) | an area owned or controlled by a particular ruler or government, a specified sphere of activity or knowledge; a distinct subset of the Internet with addresses sharing a common suffix or under the control of a particular organization or individual | ~ record/name; own/enter/register/promote a ~; public ~; Cf. DNS | |
Duplex (adj) | communication flowing in both directions simultaneously | ~ transmission; full/half ~ | |
Echo (n) | a reflection of sound, coming some time after the sound per se; a network continuity test where packets are sent to a distant node that is obligated to immediately send the packets back | ~ check/cancellation; cloud/electric/talker/multiple ~; spread/check/cancel ~; echo (v): ~ a command/packet; syn. imitation, reflection, repetition | |
Ethernet (n) | a standard way to connect computers on a network over a wired connection | ~ provider/connection/bus/cable/ bridge/adapter/access/card; fast/gigabit/thin ~; (dis)connect from/to the ~; | |
Flow (n) | steady and continuous movement (of a liquid, gas, or electricity) in a current or stream; movement of packets or data from a source to a destination | work/data /traffic/gas ~; ~ control/sheet; ~ of (the) refugees/current/program; control/restrict/stop a ~; flow (v); syn. movement, stream | |
Forward (v) | send (a letter or email) on to a further destination; send a frame toward its ultimate destination via an internet-connected device | ~ a packet/data/message; forward (adj): ~ error correction; forwarding (n): packet ~; forwarded (adj); reforward (adj); ant. block | |
Framework (n) | a structure for supporting sth, especially a skeletal support for a construction; a standard network structure | architecture/adaptability/application/ logical ~; ~ -oriented design/class; under/within the ~ of sth; legal/practical/broad/supporting ~; build up/set up a ~; syn. plan, scheme, structure | |
Frequency (n) | the number of occurrences of a repeated event per unit of time, esp. in measuring the speed or the rate of sound, radio and light waves | (light, sound) wave/processor/natural/ negative/normalized ~; ~ range/converter/deviation/ distribution/spectrum; control ~; (in)frequent (adj): ~ replication/changes; frequently (adv): a ~ occurring mistake; frequenter (n); syn. density, recurrence ant. infrequency | |
Hub (n) | the effective center of an activity, region, or network; a central Ethernet-based connection | e-mail/Ethernet/USB ~; (dis)connect a ~; hub (v): ~ a computer/devices on a network; syn. center, nucleus, kernel | |
Hotspot (n) | a Wi-Fi network access point or area | ~ connection/controller; airport/railway station/mobile ~; find/(dis)connect to (from) a ~; place/(re)locate/give access to a ~ | |
Host (n) | one who receives guests in a social or official capacity; a computer that acts as a server for other computers on a network | act as a ~; play ~ to sth; a ~ of sth; ~ address/ number/node; host (v): ~ a conference/meeting/ event; syn. mother computer, Internet node; ant. guest, visitor | |
Latency (n) | the state of existing but not yet being developed or manifest; the time interval between initiating a process, and receiving the results; the time required for a computer on a network to respond to a request | ~ period/mode/optimization/of recovery; network ~; suffer from ~; syn. delay, access time, response time | |
Layer (n) | a single thickness of a material covering a surface or forming an overlying part; a group of communication functions and the protocols implemented therein | a thick/thin/insulating/ozone ~ ; a ~ of dust; create/change/remove/ place in a ~; cover sth with a ~ of sth; ~ address/mode/optimization; internet/memory/upper/physical/transport/user/application ~; syn. stratum Cf. Secure Sockets Layer | |
Network (n) | a group or system of interconnected people or things; a collection of computers, servers, mainframes, network devices, peripherals, or other devices connected to one another allowing for data to be shared and used | a ~ of institutions/organizations/ professionals; a(n) dedicated/corporate/ cable television/dial up/in-house/ local/wireless/Internet/intra/extra/ bot/local/optical/communication/ enterprise/free/radio ~; (a) ~ adapter/address/administrator/architecture/interface/layer/ management/devices; connect to/penetrate into/hack a ~; syn. structure, system Cf. LAN, WAN, WLAN | |
Noise (n) | disturbance that interferes with data transmission and corrupts the quality of the signal | a video signal/random/short/ spontaneous ~; a ~ filter/source; make/produce/block/remove/ get rid of ~; noisy (adj), noisily (adv); ant. silence | |
Packet (n) | a paper or cardboard container, typically one in which goods are sold; a small amount of computer data sent over a network | a ~ of crisps/sugar/tea/flour; ~ flow/access/address/analysis/ sniffer/corruption; single/data/ request/corrupted ~; send/readdress/trace a ~; syn. datagram | |
Protocol (n) | the accepted or established code of procedure or behavior in any group, organization, or situation; a standard set of rules used to define a method of exchanging data over a computer network | communications/network/transport/ interface/Internet ~; the established ~; conform to/follow/infringe on a ~; Cf. http, https, VOIP, TCP/IP, FTP | |
Receiver (n) | a person who gets or accepts sth that has been sent or given to them; a piece of radio or television apparatus that detects broadcast signals and converts them into a visible or audible form | pick up a ~; the ~ account; a satellite/radio /television/call ~; receive (v): ~ a call/message/signal; reception (n), recipient (n); syn. get ant. transmit, send Cf. accept | |
Route (n) | an established line of travel or access; the path a network packet takes to reach its destination | a scenic/railway/train ~; close/take/change/choose/ send over a ~; alternate/default/direct/ main ~; route (v): ~ a cable/signal/message; router (n); routing (n); routed (adj); syn. direction, itinerary, track, trail | |
Server (n) | ~ adapter/address/administration/application/architecture; file/web/network/print ~; program/build/maintain/ administer a ~; syn. host computer ant. client, slave | ||
Session (n) | a period devoted to a particular activity; an on-going relationship between two computers involving the allocation of resources and a sustained data flow | a(n) training/induction/ parliamentary/ editing/user ~; set/conduct/ attend/organize/cancel a ~; charge per ~; chair a ~; syn. conference, period | |
Signal (n) | a gesture, action, or sound that is used to convey information or instructions; an electrical impulse or radio wave transmitted or received | transmit/send/restrict/clear a ~; analog/digital/light/discrete/traffic ~; ~ speed/flare/adapter; a ~ to stop/ turn right; signal (v); signaling (adj) | |
Switch (n) | a device for making and breaking the connection in an electric circuit; a unit used to network multiple computers together | multiple/backbone/optical/ packet/manual ~; switch (v): ~ on/off; switching (n): packet ~ | |
Telephony (n) | the working or use of telephones; a technology that enables a user to receive and make calls through their computer | ~ communication/application/ control/board/backbone; IP ~; radio/voice/wireless ~; telephone (n, v); syn. transmission, call | |
Telecommunication (n) | the process of transmitting data electronically over any communications line | ~ access/bandwidth/path/route/ channel/satellite; commercial/industrial/land/cellular ~; send/intercept ~; telecommute (v) | |
Terminal (n) | the end of a railway or other transport route, or a station at such a point; a simple device with a monitor and a keyboard, at which data can be entered into or retrieved from a network | bus/ferry/airport ~; network/idle/ virtual/teller/office ~; program/access/disable/build/ adjust a ~; terminate (v): ~ a process/action; syn. station Cf. hub | |
Transmit (v) | cause sth to pass on from one person or place to another; send packets of data across a network | ~ a message/signal; transmission (n): ~ path/route/cable, one way/parallel/ serial/optical/voice/packet ~; transmitter (n); syn. disseminate, transfer, pass on ant. receive | |
Topology (v) | the physical configuration of a network that determines how the network computers are connected | bus/ring/tree/star/network/ system ~; build/configure a ~; topological (adj): ~ analysis/function/approach | |
Wireless (adj) | a system that provides communication without the use of wires | ~ access/control/microphone/ connection; syn. Wi-Fi, mobile, cellular ant. wired, cable, landline |
1. New Oxford American Dictionary, 3rd Edition. – Oxford University Press Inc. – 2010.
2. Oxford Dictionary of English, 3rd Edition. – Oxford University Press. – 2010.
3. Англо-русский словарь по вычислительной технике и программированию. – 8-е изд., исп. и доп. Mасловский Е.К. – 2008.
4. Англо-русский толковый словарь по вычислительной технике, Интернету и программированию (6-е изд., исп. и доп.). – Э.М. Пройдаков, Л. А. Теплицкий – 2011.
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. allocate | |
2. bandwidth | |
3. cable | |
4. channel | |
5. framework | |
6. session | |
7. hub |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. connect | |
2. receiver | |
3. frequency | |
4. noise | |
5. server | |
6. transmit | |
7. wireless |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
forwarding | |||
transmit | |||
collided | |||
connectedly | |||
frequent | |||
address | - |
Activity 6. Insert prepositions
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
broadcast | |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
a hotspot | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
packet | |
Adjective | Target vocabulary unit |
layer | |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
a terminal | |
Adjective | Target vocabulary unit |
network | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
telecommunication | |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1. domain | A. communication flowing in both directions simultaneously |
2. duplex | B. a unit used to network multiple computers together |
3. echo | C. a group of computers that can be accessed and administered with a common set of rules |
4. flow | D. a computer that acts as a server for other computers on a network |
5. host | E. movement of packets or data from a source to a destination |
6. switch | F. a technology that enables a user to receive and make calls through their computer |
7. telephony | G. the physical configuration of a network that determines how the network computers are connected |
8. topology | H. a network continuity test where packets are sent to a distant node that is obligated to immediately send the packets back |
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
Concepts | Logical relationship |
1. hotspot – wireless connection | A. general and specific |
2. LAN – WAN | B. cause and effect |
3. route – itinerary | C. contrast |
4. host – guest | D. equivalence |
5. dial-up connection – long response time | E. part and whole |
6. address – MAC address | F. method and purpose |
7. cable - wire |
Activity 8. Decode Alison Gopnik’s saying about the Web and comment on it:
Activity 9. Explain the difference between the following concepts using the Venn diagram below:
1. LAN – WAN - WLAN |
2. full-duplex – half-duplex |
3. DNS - provider |
4. bridge - hub |
5. switch - hub |
6. server – host |
7. hook up – connect |
Activity 10. Say what the following is used for:
1. backbone |
2. bridge |
3. DNS |
4. hub |
5. hotspot |
6. SSL |
7. topology |
Activity 11. Do a mini-research and explain the difference between types of network topology. Which type of topology is the most popular? Why?
Activity 12. Outline the major advantages and disadvantages of:
Connection | Advantages | Disadvantages |
1. wired connection | ||
2. wireless connection | ||
3. satellite connection | ||
4. backbone connection | ||
5. dial-up connection | ||
6. mobile connection |
Activity 13. Name at least 3 popular domains of the 1st and 2nd level.
Activity 14. Give definition of the Internet protocol. Say what the following types of protocols are used for:
Activity 15. Do a mini-research and characterize different types of cables. Say where and when they are used.
1 | What is the logical relationship between “dial-up connection” and “long response time”: a) general – specific b) cause and effect c) part – whole d) equivalence |
2 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “LAN - WAN”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) part and whole |
3 | What is the logical relationship between “modem” and “Internet connection”: a) general – specific b) method – purpose c) part – whole d) equivalence |
4 | All of these are synonymous to the word “latency” EXCEPT FOR: a) response time b) delay c) access time d) period |
5 | A unit used to network multiple computers together is known as a ___. a) duplex b) bridge c) switch d) link |
6 | The physical configuration of a network that determines how the network computers are connected is known as ___. a) topology b) protocol c) backbone d) duplex |
7 | Star, bus and tree are examples of ___. a) protocols b) network topology c) domains d) transmission |
8 | A standard set of rules used to define a method of exchanging data over a computer network is known as ___: a) protocol b) framework c) topology d) domain |
9 | A group of computers that can be accessed and administered with a common set of rules is known as ___: a) domain b) topology c) network d) backbone |
10 | All of these collocate with the adjective “broadcast” EXCEPT FOR: a) news b) media c) TV d) duplex |
11 | All of these collocate with the noun “terminal” EXCEPT FOR: a) enable b) infringe c) adjust d) access |
12 | All of these collocate with the noun “network” EXCEPT FOR: a) dedicated b) private c) dial-up d) corporate |
13 | A big amount of data is quickly transmitted ____ a backbone. a) across b) inside c) via d) along |
14 | Please, pick ___ the receiver. a) with b) in c) up d) on |
15 | It is almost impossible to get rid ___ noise in the network. a) from b) with c) of d) on |
16 | The leaflets were ___ in the city streets. a) distributed b) allocated c) allotted d) assigned |
17 | Such students will be ___ a special task for the summer. a) distributed b) allocated c) allotted d) assigned |
18 | Mark the odd word: a) addressable b) addressing c) addressed d) address |
19 | Mark the odd word: a) protocol b) framework c) scheme d) structure |
20 | All of these are synonymous to the word “channel” EXCEPT FOR: a) pathway b) tunnel c) route d) road |
№ | Term | Definition | Usage |
Access (v) | the means or opportunity to approach or enter a place | ~ mode/provider/time/code; direct/easy/memory ~; ~ to sth; block/deny/provide/have/gain ~; access (v): ~ sth via/from sth; (in)accessible (adj), (in)accessibility (n) | |
Archive (n) | a collection of data objects, perhaps with associated metadata, in a storage system whose primary purpose is its long-term preservation and retention | local/national/official/personal/ private ~; keep/store/put/save in an ~; archival (adj): ~ research/paper/ design/information/ footage/ document; archive (v): ~ a(n) message/item/project | |
Array (n) | an indexed set of related elements, an ordered arrangement of data (numbers, symbols, etc.) organized in rows and columns | broad/diverse/extensive/huge/disk/ ragged/processor ~; hold/show/generate an ~ of sth; arrayed (v): ~ elements/panels/ numbers syn. arrangement, assortment | |
Backup (n) | a copy of the digital data to be stored and used as a replacement in case the main copy is either deleted or corrupted | provide/store/replace/need/make a ~; a ~ copy; backup (v): ~ (a) file/data/hard disk/internal memory/system | |
Bit (n) | the smallest unit of information that can be stored in a computer | ~ map/pad/error/rate/depth/bucket | |
Blu-ray (n) | a DVD format designed for the storage of high-definition video and data | ~ disc/movie; available/video games on ~ | |
Buffer (n) | a temporary memory for data, normally used to accommodate the difference in the rate at which two devices can handle data during a transfer | use sth as a ~; a ~ against ~ overflow/register; buffering (n) | |
Byte (n) | the amount of memory space needed to store one character, which is normally 8 bits | ~ span/order/code; kilo/mega/giga/tera~; | |
Capacity (n) | the maximum amount that sth can contain | high/large/seating ~; be filled/packed to ~; enlarge ~; at full ~; in the ~ of a programmer ant. incapacity | |
Cache (v) | store away in hiding or for future use | ~ memory/controller; data/external/ workspace/secondary ~; cacheing/caching (adj); cached (adj); cacheable (adj): ~ web services/data; syn. store, hide | |
CD (acr) Compact disc | a small round piece of hard plastic with sound recorded on it or computer information stored on it | ~ player/coaster; save to a ~; copy from/to a ~ | |
Compress (v) | minimize the space required for storage or transmittal of sth | ~ data/file/audio/graphics/movie; compressibility (n), compression (n), compressible (adj), compressed (adj); ant. decompress | |
Convert (v) | change the form, character, or function of sth; change media or recording type from one format to another | ~ from/to; ~ (n)file/document/image/ audio; convertible (adj): ~ disk/security/version/car; convertibility (n), conversion (n); syn. change | |
Data (n) | facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis; information in a form that a computer can use | ~ abstraction/acquisition/bus/ integrity/link/mining/network/ reduction/retrieval/storage; meta/primary/raw ~; manipulate/capture/compress/ contain/enter/file/manipulate/collect/retrieve/store ~; Big ~ feed/technology/analysis; Cf. Big Data, DBMS | |
Download (v) | transfer information from a server/remote computer system to the users | ~ data/file/attachment/program/ information/video/ record/software; downloader (n); downloadable (adj): ~ font/character/format/toolbar/ software; reload (v) unload (v); ant. upload | |
Erase (v) | rub out or remove previously written data | ~ completely/virtually/partially from; ~ a document /file/data/command/ information/link/image; erasure (n), (un)erasable (adj): ~ ink/memory/chip/ drive; eraser (n); syn. delete | |
Extend (v) | make larger; increase the portion of available storage space | ~ from/to/over sth; ~ the time/period/area; extension (n): ~ agent/wire/cord; extendable (adj), extensibility (n); syn. expand; | |
File (n) | a collection of data, programs, etc. stored in a computer's memory under a single identifying name | a(n) computer/extension/ (un)readable/personal/command/ configuration/index/text ~; ~ format/ integrity/ manager/name/protection/ system/transfer/viewer/server/; delete/restore/create a ~ ; filer (n), filing (n) | |
Flash (n) | a sudden brief burst of bright light; a sudden, brief or repeated display of information on a TV or computer screen | ~ card/memory/drive; electronic ~; in a ~; flashing (adj): a ~ signal/rate; flashlight | |
Format (n) | a defined structure for the processing, storage, or display of data | large/small/standard ~; compress/develop/accept/delete/save a(the) ~; (re)format (v): ~ a file/disk/USB/computer/hard drive; formatting (n), (re)formatted (adj) | |
Fragment (n) | an isolated or incomplete part of sth | fix/restore/repair/restriction/recover a ~ of sth; fragmentary (adj); (de)fragmentation (n) : ~ level; a task/policy/file ~ ; defragmenter (n): database ~; ant. defragment | |
Keyword (n) | a word used to classify or organize digital content, or to facilitate an online search for information | access/identify/add/file/enter/type/ use a ~ ; a ~ combination/search/directory | |
Library (n) | a collection of computer software that someone can buy or borrow | use/be available at/have access to a ~; search/scan/show/create a ~; ~ loader; program/subroutine ~; librarian (n) syn. archive | |
Memory (n) | the part of a computer in which data or program instructions are stored for retrieval | ~ card/cycle/chip/guard/map/ protection/stick; internal/external/main/immediate/ read-only/computer/virtual ~; restore/lose/recover ~ | |
Overwrite (v) | get rid of information in a computer file by replacing it with other information | ~ a file/database/text/character; overwritten (adj), overwriting (n) | |
Page (n) | a section of memory that is accessible at one time | web/home/current/full ~; create/update/generate/design a web ~; paging (n) | |
Preserve (v) | keep sth intact or prevent it from being damaged or destroyed | ~ data/privacy/identity/evidence/ integrity/policy/system; preservation (n); syn. save, keep; ant. destroy | |
Query (n) | a user's formal request for information, usually to a database or search engine | boolean/database/personal/specific/search ~; ~ language/ processor/operation; have/deal with/send/make a ~; Cf. SQL | |
Record (n) | a number of related items of information which are handled as a unit | keep/track/save/manage/add/ database ~; recorded (adj), recordable (adj): ~ CD/DVD/variable/system/document | |
Recover (v) | the process by which databases are rebuilt after a system fails | ~ (a) data/document/file/function/ memory/time/damage; recoverer (n), (ir)recoverable (adj); syn. restore | |
Register (v) | enter in or record on an official list or directory | ~ a(n) account/status/user/complaint/ concern/copyright/equipment/ change; registered (adj); register (n): remove sb from /enter in the ~; registration (n), registry (n), registrable (adj) | |
Restore (v) | retrieve information that was lost from a hard disk to its former condition | ~ data/information/program/account/ window/button/file/order/ directory/drive; restored (adj), restorable (adj), restoration (n); syn. recover | |
Restrict (v) | limit the access of a user to confidential or sensitive data available under secure conditions | ~ access/connection/user/payment/ time/procedure; ~ oneself; restriction (n), (un)restricted (adj); syn. limit | |
Retention (n) | the continued possession, use, or control of sth; the amount of time, in days, that inactive backed-up or archived files are kept in the storage pool before they are deleted | data/e-mail/record/information ~; ~ rate/level/position/period/policy; retentive (adj), retain (v) syn. preservation | |
Retrieve (v) | copy archived information from the storage pool to the workstation for use | ~ information/data/file/change/ possession/memory/content/ document/item/record; ~ sth from sth; retrieval (n): information ~; (ir)retrievable (adj), (ir)retrievability (n) | |
Store (v) | collect and put sth into one location for future use | ~ a file/information/message/text/ document; ~ carefully/properly/safely; storage (n): media/cloud/tiered/real/ nonvolatile/fixed/centralized ~; off(on)-line ~; ~ capacity; storable (adj), stored (adj) | |
Subscribe (v) | arrange to receive sth (e.g. a publication), regularly by paying in advance; arrange for access to an electronic mailing list or online service | ~ to a(an) magazine/newspaper/ journal/channel/Internet service; subscription (n), subscriber, subscribable (adj); ant. unsubscribe | |
Track (v) | follow the development or progress of sth | ~ changes/routes; data/fast/ right/diplomatic ~; on ~; keep ~ of sth; ~ changes/record/ error/gauge; tracker (n), trackable (adj), tracking (v) | |
Upload (v) | transfer information from a users’ system to a remote system server | ~ data/a document/a file/an archive uploaded (adj) ant. download | |
WORM (acr) Write Once Read Many | any storage medium that allows a computer to save information once | a ~ device/option/ disc |
1) Oxford reference. Oxford University press. [Online]. Available: http://www.oxfordreference.com [Accessed: 12 Oct. 2015]
2) Oxford dictionaries. Oxford University press. [Online]. Available: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english [Accessed: 26 Sept. 2015]
3) Word reference. [Online]. Available: http://www.wordreference.com [Accessed: 26 Sept. 2015]
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. erase | |
2. format | |
3. retention | |
4. preserve | |
5. archive | |
6. backup | |
7. cache |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. subscribe | |
2. fragment | |
3. compress | |
4. upload | |
5. capacity | |
6. preserve | |
7. compress |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
record | |||
store | |||
archive | |||
compressible | |||
subscribe | |||
retentive | |||
accessibly |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
upload | |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
a file | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
memory | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
preserve | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
retrieve | |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1. data | A. a user's request for information, generally as a formal request to a database or search engine |
2. track | B. follow the development or progress of something |
3. WORM | C. store away in hiding or for future use |
4. cache | D. information in a form that a computer can use only; specific facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis |
5. query | E. any storage medium that allows a computer to save information once |
6. format | F. a collection of computer software that someone can buy or borrow |
7. library | G. a defined structure for the processing, storage, or display of data |
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
1. The hall is packed __ capacity.
2. The enormous range of music available ___ compact discs at considerably less than premium price is breathtaking.
3. Linux is seeking permission ___ commercial companies to publish an index of data held.
4. A 100 Mbps data bus is used to download video data ___ a single operation.
5. You don't have to switch on the computer, load the program and recall a file___ discs.
6. You can use a standard format to catalogue datasets ___ information retrieval.
7. The PCX format starts ___ a 128 byte header.
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
Concepts | Type of logical relations |
1. file – archive | A. general and specific |
2. backup – mirror | B. cause and effect |
3. download – upload | C. contrast |
4. erase – loss of data | D. method and purpose |
5. library – storage | E. part and whole |
6. expand – reduce | F. equivalence |
7. CD – CDR |
Activity 8. Decode Charles Babbage’s saying and comment on it:
Activity 9. Explain the difference between the following concepts using the Venn diagram below:
1. bit – byte |
2. subscribe – purchase |
3. cache – store |
4. retrieve – restore |
5. online storage – external hard drives |
6. CD – Blu-ray |
7. overwrite – erase |
Activity 10. Say what the following is used for:
1. archive | |
2. backup | |
3. Blue-ray | |
4. CD | |
5. cache | |
6. storage | |
7. WORM |
Activity 11. Say when and why the following is done:
1. digitization | |
2. faxing | |
3. refurbishment | |
4. optimization | |
5. swapping | |
6. configuration | |
7. restoration |
Activity 12. Discuss the data storage devices you use, their advantages and disadvantages.
Activity 13. Arrange the following data in the descending order of priority and share the results with your partner(s).
e-mails music games photos documents applications movies/videos |
Activity 14. Analyze in groups of 4 the data storage methods (cloud storage, CD/DVD, HDR, etc.) in terms of their pros and cons as the most appropriate way to keep the given entities:
How best to store them? | Pros | Cons | |
1. digital photos | |||
2. books | |||
3. music | |||
4. passport | |||
5. memories |
Activity 15. Make a comparative analysis of the traditional and innovatory data storage methods. Make projections into the data storage perspectives in the future.
1 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “retention - preservation”: a) general and specific b) contrast c) equivalence d) part and whole |
2 | Which of these means “remove the previously written data”: a) erase b) extend c) expand d) expose |
3 | A defined structure for the processing, storage, or display of data is referred to as a ___. a) fragment b) library c) archive d) format |
4 | A collection of related data records stored in a computer memory is referred to as a___. a) document b) file c) archive d) page |
5 | All of these are synonymous to the verb “cache” EXCEPT FOR: a) stash b) keep c) hide d) conceal |
6 | Which of these adjectives is WRONG: a) cacheable b) convertible c) downloadable d) recoverable |
7 | A storage medium that cannot be rewritten is referred to as a ___. a) WORM b) ROM c) DVD d) CD |
8 | Which of these means “cause to last longer”: a) expand b) extend c) enlarge d) augment |
9 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “data – archive”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) part and whole |
10 | Which of these is synonymous to the word “recover”: a) break b) damage c) restore d) destroy |
11 | The ___ mode, as its name suggests, erases existing text to the right of the cursor replacing it automatically with your alteration. a) rewrite b) delete c) overwrite d) retrieve |
12 | The amount of memory space needed to store one character, which is normally 8 bits is referred to as ___. a) byte b) boot c) bot d) bite |
13 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “download – upload”: a) general and specific b) contrast c) method and purpose d) part and whole |
14 | All of these collocate with the adjective “restricted” EXCEPT FOR: a) access b) area c) password d) space |
15 | This videogame is available ___ Blu Ray. a) on b) to c) in d)at |
16 | The files are automatically compressed so they're small enough to send ____ e-mail. a) for b) to c) via d) on |
17 | Which of these suffixes is used to form an antonym to the adjective “retrievable”: a) un b) in c) ir d) non- |
18 | CD, DVD and Blue Ray differ in all of these EXCEPT FOR: a) the method of information recording b) the volume of information they may store c) the type of information they may store d) the number of layers they contain |
19 | Query and request differ in all of these EXCEPT FOR ____. a) field of use b) degree of generality c) part of speech d) style |
20 | A unit of information equal to one million or, strictly, to 1,048,576 bytes, is called a ____byte. a) mega b) tera c) kilo d) bit |
№ | Term | Definition | Usage |
1 | Acoustic (adj) | relating to sound or to the sense of hearing | ~ guitar/technique/environment/ microscope/signal/sound/center/digitizer/effect/wave; acoustics (n); acoustical (adj), acoustically (adv); syn. auditory, audio, phonic |
2 | Amplitude (n) | the amount by which a voltage or current changes from zero or an average value; the maximum extent of vibration or oscillation, measured from the position of equilibrium | ~ modulation; magnetic/tidal ~; ~ of fluctuation/crime/wave; increase/vary in ~; syn. extent, magnitude Cf. attenuation |
3 | Antenna (n) | a device (such as a wire or a metal rod) for sending or receiving radio or television signals | radio/aerial/parabolic/suspended/rod/directional/powered/special ~; antennal (adj): ~ insertion/segment/gland; antennary (adj); syn. sensor, receiver |
4 | Aperture (n) | a space through which light passes in an optical or photographic instrument, especially the opening by which light enters a camera | ~ card/plate/ratio/synthesis; pit/relative/oval/wheel/set/ lens/window/circular/ ~; apertural (adj): ~ margin/face/slit; apertured (adj); syn. hole, opening |
5 | Attenuation (n) | the reduction of the amplitude of a signal, electric current, or other oscillation | ~ constant/factor/switch/theory; attenuate (v): ~ sound/light/signal/ frequency/emission/luminosity/ dissonance syn. reduction, weakening ant. increase, strengthening |
6 | Beacon (n) | a radio transmitter whose signal helps to locate the position of a ship, aircraft, or spacecraft | ~ site/fire/tower/center/system; radio/emergency ~; beacon-to-beacon; beaconless (adj), un/beaconed (adj); syn. beam, signal |
7 | Compass (n) | an instrument containing a magnetized pointer which shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it | ~ rose/point/error/direction/corrector/ course; magnetic/azimuth/gyroscopic ~; use/check/be guided by the ~ |
8 | Coupling (n) | a device for connecting parts of machinery; an interaction between two electrical components by electromagnetic induction, electrostatic charge, or optical link | ~ box/coefficient/rod; capacitive/ close/expansion/inductive/loose ~; couple (v): ~ with; couple (n); coupled (adj) syn. connection, joining |
9 | Cover (v) | put sth on top of or in front of sth in order to protect or conceal it | ~ address/glass/paper/plate/story; get under/pull up (back) ~; cover (n): soft/hard ~; coverless (adj); coverage (n), discovery (n), (dis)coverer (n), (dis)coverable (adj), (dis)covered (adj); syn. screen, wrapping ant. uncover |
10 | Damp (n) | slightly wet; progressively reduced amplitude of (an oscillation or vibration) | suffer from/check for ~; damping (n): ~ ground; signal/amplitude/echo/noise ~; dampness (n), syn. moist, wet ant. dry |
11 | Delay (v) | a situation in which sth happens later than it should | ~ a meeting; delayed (adj): ~ release/occurrence/flight/ broadcast; unduly/slightly/somewhat deliberately ~; delay (n): constant/unexpected ~; syn. suspend, postpone, put off |
12 | Density (n) | the quantity of people or things in a given area or space; degree of consistency measured by the quantity of mass per unit volume, | ~ fluctuation/function; high/low/average/population/traffic/electron ~; change/vary/increase/decrease/ calculate/measure the ~; dense (adj): ~ mass/screen/ /cover/ network; densely (adv): ~ populated area |
13 | Disturb (v) | interfere with the normal arrangement or functioning of sth | ~ (a/the) complacency/function/ process/ procedure/relationship/order; disturbance (n): cause/create/ suffer/prevent/lead to/provoke ~; (un)disturbed (adj), disturbing (adj) disturbingly (adv); syn. distract, bother |
14 | Electron (n) | a very small particle of matter that has a negative charge of electricity and that travels around the nucleus of an atom | ~ affinity/ballistics/cloud/ diffraction/multiplier/optics/tube/microscope/density/beam/transfer/wave/velocity; electronic (adj): ~ edition/company/ timer/notebook/representation/media/handset/receipt/device/mail/system; electronics (n) |
15 | Emission (n) | the production and discharge of sth, especially gas or radiation | ~ line; acoustic/electron/field/ photoelectric/secondary ~; harmful/toxic/exhaust/vehicle/ industrial/atmospheric/acid/ carbon ~; cut/reduce ~; emit (v): ~ sparks/beam/light; emittance (n); syn. diffusion, discharge |
16 | Exposure (n) | the state of having no protection from sth harmful | ~ hazard/index; instantaneous/excessive/low-level /long(short)-term ~;receive/suffer/increase/limit/minimize/ reduce/avoid ~; expose (v): ~ completely/fully/briefly /suddenly; be ~ed to sth: ~ danger; exposed (adj); syn. reveal, uncover ant. conceal, cover |
17 | FM (abbr) Frequency Modulation | the modulation of a radio or other wave by variation of its frequency, especially to carry an audio signal | ~ radio/network/system/station; ant. AM (Amplitude modulation) |
18 | Intensity (n) | the measurable amount of a property, such as force, brightness, or a magnetic field | ~ modulation/rate; ~ of light/radiation; gravitational/horizontal/magnetic/noise/sound ~ ; increase in/ decrease/reduce/ ~; intense (adj): ~ atmosphere/area/pain /annoyance/reaction/competition; intensive (adj): ~ care; labor/capital-~; intensively (adv); intensified (adj); syn. force ant. ease, extensive |
19 | Level (n) | a height or distance from the ground or another stated or understood base; a position on a scale of amount, quantity, extent, or quality | ~ off; unprecedented/wind/action/advanced/entry/ground ~; achieve/reach/increase/raise/maintain/bring down/control/decrease/set the ~; level (v), levelling (n); syn. height |
20 | Locate (v) | discover the exact place or position of sth; place sth within a particular context | ~ a(an/the) object/target; (un)able/difficult to ~; location (n): exact/precise/ specific/secret/undisclosed/ convenient/suitable/related ~; define a ~; locator (n), located (adj); relocate (v); syn. find, place ant. dislocate |
21 | Modulate (v) | ~ radio waves/a signal/one’s voice; module (n): command/rocket/satellite ~; do/study/complete a ~; divide sth into ~s; individual/compulsory/optional ~; modulate (v), modulator (n), modulation (n), modulatory (adj) syn. change, vary, alter | |
22 | Oscillate (v) | move or swing back and forth at a regular speed; vary in magnitude or position in a regular manner around a central point | ~ back and forth/up and down; ~ with amplitude/wavelength; ~ oscillator (n), oscillation (n), oscillatory (adj): ~ motion/component/frequency; syn. swing, vibrate, fluctuate |
23 | Period (n) | a length or portion of time; the time taken to complete one cycle of a regularly recurring phenomenon | within the ~ of…; short/long/extended/lengthy/prolonged ~; drift/fiscal/incubation/induction/ latent ~; periodicity (n), periodical (n) ~ publication/table/directory/ production/index; syn. time span, term |
24 | Phase (n) | a distinct period or stage in a process of change or a part of the development of sth; the relationship in time between the successive states or cycles of an oscillating or repeating system (such as an alternating electric current, light or sound wave) | ~ angle/converter/diagram/ distortion/ inverter; begin/enter/open/start a ~; initial/primary/secondary/final/single /transition/temporary/crucial ~; ~ out sth; phasing (adj), phasal (adj), phased (adj); syn. stage |
25 | Radio (n) | the transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves of radio frequency, especially those carrying sound messages; the activity or industry of broadcasting sound programs to the public; an apparatus for receiving such programs | ~ program/astronomy/balloon/ beacon/beam/bearing/compass/control/electrician/engineering/frequency/navigation/station/ message /signal/waves/ operator; listen to/turn on (off)/tune in to/tune the ~; radiation (adj): emit/ /absorb/measure/monitor ~; expose sb to ~; ~ leakage/dose/level/exposure/ therapy; radiate (v), radiant (adj), radar (n) |
26 | Ray (n) | the straight line in which light or other electromagnetic radiation travels to a given point; a beam of radiant energy (as light) of a small cross section | ~ filter; emit/give off/send out/ expose sb(sth) to/block/filter out/protect/shield sb/sth from the ~; x- ~; syn. beam |
27 | Reflect (v) | think deeply or carefully about sth; (of a surface or body) throw back (heat, light, or sound) without absorbing it | ~ on sth; ~ clearly/directly/accurately; pause to ~; reflection (n): catch/see/ give (sb)/provide ~; syn. think, consider, mirror |
28 | Regulate (v) | control or maintain the rate or speed of (a machine or process) so that it operates properly | ~ the route/work/situation/solution /activity; ~ sth carefully/properly/ strictly; attempt/be designed/be intended to ~; regulations (n), regulatory (adj): ~ measure/legislation/ compliance/monitoring; syn. control, manage, maintain, administer |
29 | Relay (v) | receive and pass on (information or a message); broadcast sth by passing signals received from elsewhere through a transmitting station | ~ a signal/wave/message/data/selection ~; syn. pass on, transmit, broadcast ant. receive |
30 | Resist (v) | remain strong against the force or effect of sth | ~ compression/changes; be difficult/hard/(im-)possible to ~; ~ fiercely/firmly/resolutely/ strongly; resistance (n): ~ movement/pressure; (ir)resistible (adj); resistibility (n), resistive (adj), syn. oppose ant. surrender, give in |
31 | Scatter (v) | throw in various random directions; deflect or diffuse (electromagnetic radiation or particles) | ~ a bomb/diagram/light/wave/ beam; scatterer (n), scattered (adj), scattering (n); syn. disperse, diffuse, deflect |
32 | Signal (n) | an event or statement that provides the impulse or occasion for sth specified to happen; an electrical impulse or radio wave transmitted or received | ~ box/failure/board/tower; automatic/alarm/danger/warning/non-verbal/semaphore ~; interpret/read/see sth as a ~; signal (v), signaling (n) syn. sign |
33 | Stabilize (v) | make or become unlikely to change, fail, or decline | ~ the situation/structure/position /relationship/price/economy/variable/output/currency; stability (n), stabilizer (n), (de)stabilization (n), (un)stable (adj), (un)stably (adv); syn. maintain ant. destabilize |
34 | Synchronize (v) | cause to occur or operate at the same time or rate | ~ the sound/cycle/movement; ~ carefully/precisely; (a)synchronous (adj), (a)synchronously (adv), (a)synchronization (n); syn. harmonize, coordinate |
35 | Spectrum (n) | a characteristic series of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation emitted or absorbed by a substance | ~ analysis/diagram; absorption/atomic /broadcast/interference/molecular/noise/pure ~ ; cover the ~; spectral (adj): ~ analysis; spectrogram (n); spectrograph (n), spectroscope (n), spectroscopic (adj) |
36 | Terminate (v) | bring to an end | ~ a(n) contract/operation/agreement /license /relationship/ engagement; termination (n): ~ date; early/ premature/sudden ~; terminal (adj); terminator (n), terminating (adj), terminated (adj); syn. stop, cease ant. continue |
37 | Threshold (n) | a level, rate, or amount at which sth comes into effect; the maximum level of radiation or concentration of a substance considered to be acceptable or safe | ~ level/value; absolute/differential ~; have/reach/cross/exceed/set a ~; toxic ~; threshold (v); syn. verge |
38 | Tune (v) | adjust or adapt sth to a particular purpose or situation; adjust (a radio or television) so that it receives a broadcast clearly | ~ in/for/to/up; tuning (n): auto ~; tuned (adj); tuning (adj): ~ fork/range/tool; guitar/wavelength ~; syn. adjust, adapt |
39 | Quantum (n) | the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction | ~ of light/energy; ~ computing/ computations/clock/theory/mechanics /oscillations; physical ~ |
40 | Wave (n) | a gesture or signal made by moving one's hand to and fro; a ridge of water between two depressions in open water; a single curve in the course of this motion | ~ analyzer/antenna/band/base/ equation/energy/filter/height/ length/mechanics/motion; emit/generate/deflect/ send ~s; waved (adj), waving (n), wavelength (n): be on the same ~ |
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. aperture | |
2 .cover | |
3.delay | |
4. module | |
5. regulate | |
6. synchronize | |
7. terminate |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. attenuation | |
2. cover | |
3. damp | |
4. expose | |
5. resist | |
6. scatter | |
7. resistible |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
disturb | |||
covered | |||
intensity | |||
modulate | |||
reflection | |||
terminative | |||
stably |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1. amplitude | A. an electrical impulse or radio wave transmitted or received |
2. antenna | B. a broadcasting station or channel |
3. aperture | C. the production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation |
4. compass | D. an instrument containing a magnetized pointer which shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it |
5. emission | E. a space through which light passes in an optical or photographic instrument, especially the variable opening by which light enters a camera |
6. radio | F. a device (such as a wire or a metal rod) for sending or receiving radio or television signals |
7. signal | G. the maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation, measured from the position of equilibrium |
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
Activity 6. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
Concepts | Type of logical relations |
1. antenna – transceiver | A. general and specific |
2. acoustic – visual | B. cause and effect |
3. phase – stage | C. contrast |
4. radio – antenna | D. method and purpose |
5. radio modulation - FM | E. part and whole |
6. vibration - waves | F. equivalence |
7. tuning – clear sound |
Activity 7. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Adj | Target vocabulary unit |
attenuation | |
Adj | Target vocabulary unit |
beacon | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
acoustic | |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
density | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
electron | |
Activity 8. Decode Alison Gopnik’s quote about telecommunications and comment on it:
Activity 9. Explain the difference between the following concepts using the Venn diagram below:
1. ray – signal |
2. vibration – oscillation |
3. attenuation – damping |
4. electron – quantum |
5. period – phase |
6. FM - AM |
Activity 10. Say what can be … and how:
1. damped | |
2. delayed | |
3. emitted | |
4. intensified | |
5. synchronized | |
6. reflected | |
7. tuned |
Activity 11. Say what the following is used for:
1. compass | |
2. beacon | |
3. antenna | |
4. radio | |
5. resistor | |
6. cover | |
7. stabilizer |
Activity 12. Fill in the table reflecting the use of different compass types given below:
dry | liquid | bearing | |
Uses |
Activity 13. Discuss the use of the term ‘quantum’ in mechanics, computing, physics, cryptography and electronics.
Activity 14. Draw a scheme showing how radio works.
Activity 15. Do a mini-research and prepare a short report about the contribution of different engineers such as Alexander Popov, Guglielmo Marconi and Ferdinand Braun to the invention of radio.
1 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “antenna - radio set-”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) part and whole |
2 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “radio modulation - FM”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) equivalence |
3 | All of these are synonymous to the word “aperture” EXCEPT FOR: a) breach b) hole c) eyelid d) opening |
4 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “vibration - waves”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) equivalence d) part and whole |
5 | The maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation, measured from the position of equilibrium is known as ____. a) amplitude b) aperture d) attenuation d) oscillation |
6 | A very small particle of matter that has a negative charge of electricity and that travels around the nucleus of an atom is known as____. a) electron b) quantum d) molecule d) signal |
7 | Travelers leaving the vehicles in Safari are exposed _____ danger. a) to b) under c) for d) in |
8 | The software development project is divided ______ several modules. a) into b) by c) on d) in |
9 | To ______ means to cause to occur or operate at the same time or rate. a) synchronize b) stabilize c) regulate d) terminate a not b |
10 | Mark the odd word: a) intense b) intensity c) intensified d) intensive b not a |
11 | All of these are synonyms EXCEPT FOR: a) synchronize b) harmonize c) coordinate d) terminate |
12 | All of these are antonyms to the word “attenuation” EXCEPT FOR: a) increasing b) enlargement c) strengthening d) decreasing |
13 | Mark the odd word: a) terminated b) terminative c) terminating d) terminate |
14 | What does FM stand for? a) frequency modulation b) frequency module c) frequent modulation d) frequently modulation |
15 | FM and AM are examples of radio___. a) broadcast b) modulation c) phases d) tunes |
16 | All of these collocate with the noun “attenuation” EXCEPT FOR: a) light b) sound c) frequency d) density |
17 | Fire, sea, tower are the types of : a) beacons b) beams c) rays d) compasses |
18 | Work with electronic equipment requires special protective screens to filter _____ the rays that might be optically harmful. a) from b) out c) through d) by b not a |
19 | Which of these is NOT a type of a compass: a) wet b) liquid c) bearing d) sun |
20 | All of these verbs collocate with the noun “density” EXCEPT FOR: a) measure b) calculate c) vary d) cover |
№ | Term | Definition | Usage |
Cellular (adj) | relating to a system that uses radio waves instead of wires to send telephone signals | ~ automation/cryptogram/glass/ phone/radio/operator/mechanism/level/standard/license/network; cell (n): stem ~s; Cf. mobile | |
Beam (n) | a long and heavy piece of wood or metal that is used as a support in a building or ship; a line of energy, particles, etc., that cannot be seen; a ray of light | a ~ anchor/antenna/diameter/ divergence /light/pump/ tube/weapon; a(n) angle/atom/back/balance ~; direct/point/send/shine/play a ~; beaming (n): a ~ light/smile/ face/employee; syn. pole, ray, laser | |
Band (n) | any of several groups into which school pupils of the same age are divided on the basis of broadly similar ability; a group of musicians who play popular music, jazz, etc., often for dancing; a range of frequencies or wavelengths in a spectrum | ~ aid/brake/elimination/rejection/ wheel; absorption/amateur/ balancing/UHF ~; be in/ play in/sing in/fall into/form/join a ~; band (v): be ~ ed into a group/according to sth; syn. group | |
Bear (v) | hold up, support, remain firm under a load or pressure; carry sth | ~ a channel/responsibility/ pain/difficulties/hardships; bearing (n): ~ signal/capability; bearings: get/lose one’s ~; bearer (noun): the ~ signal/service; syn. carry, support | |
Blackout (n) | a period when lights are off because of an electrical power failure | light/news/communication/ mental ~; syn. collapse | |
Carrier (n) | a mechanism or device by which sth is conveyed or conducted; a company that provides facilities for conveying telecommunication messages | ~ dropout/frequency/multiplex/noise level/power/shift/suppression/ wave; air/baby/flag/(ir)regular/ mail/motor/personal/private ~; carry (v): ~ out the analysis/evaluation/ assessment/policy/instruction; syn. shipper, bearer | |
Detect (v) | discover or identify the presence or existence of sth | ~ a signal/risk/mistake/leak/ pattern/miscalculation/sound/ color/position/change; difficult /hard/easy/ (im-)possible to ~; detector (n): infrared/chemical/ smoke/metal ~; detection (n), detectability (adj), detectable (adj); detective (n); syn. discover, find out, reveal, identify ant. overlook | |
Diffuse (v) | spread over a wide area or among a large number of people | ~ reflection/light/idea/responsibility; diffusion (n), diffuseness (n): ~ of method/control; diffusely (adv); syn. scatter, spread, disseminate | |
Disperse (v) | distribute or spread over a wide area; divide (light) into constituents of different wavelengths | ~ news/pollution/seed/fog/bacteria; begin/start/ to ~; disperser (n), dispersible (adj), dispersive (adj); syn. spread, diffuse | |
Distort (v) | give a misleading or false account or impression of; change the natural, normal, or original shape, appearance, or sound of sth in a way that is usually not attractive or pleasing | ~ the result/outcome/pattern/ image/opinion/reality/picture; distorted (adj): seriously/severely/completely/slightly/ deliberately ~; distortion (n), distortive (adj); distortedly (adv); syn. pervert, falsify Cf. alter, change | |
DSL (abbr) Digital Subscriber Line | a technology that allows high-speed transmission of text, audio, and video, usually over standard telephone lines; a form of broadband transmission | asynchronous/synchronous ~; lay/modify/build/transmit over ~ | |
Energy (n) | the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity; power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines | ~ balance/density/drink/ efficiency ratio/spectrum; accumulate/activate/ conserve ~; alternative/available/free/ kinetic/nuclear/solar ~; burst with/be full of/have/ generate/produce/ harness/use/demand/ need/accumulate ~; energetic (adj): ~ activity/man; energize (v); syn. power, strength | |
Engineering (n) | the branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures | ~ company/group/industry/ method/design/facility/program/ technology/services; engineer (v); engineer (n): leading ~; Cf. construction, technology | |
Generate (v) | produce sth or cause sth to be produced | ~ light/power/changes/conflict/ steam/microwave/solution/electricity; generator (n); generation (n): ~ gap, digital ~; syn. produce, develop | |
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) | the world's largest association of technical professionals aiming for the educational and technical advancement of electrical and electronic engineering, telecommunications, computer engineering and allied disciplines | comply with/compliance with ~ standards/requirements/ documentation style/format/specifications | |
Indicator (n) | a thing or device that shows the state, level or condition of sth | airspeed/battery/direction/frequency/fuel/speed/wind ~; serve/ take/see sth as an ~ of sth; indication (n), indicate (v); index/indices (n); syn. a sign Cf. parameter | |
Landline (n) | a conventional telecommunications connection by cable laid across land | ~ (dis)connection; lay/transmit over a ~; Cf. Wi-Fi, satellite/cellular connection | |
Long-Term Evolution (4G LTE) | a standard for wireless communication of high-speed data for mobile phones and data terminals | connect to/support ~ | |
Mount (v) | go or climb up sth; increase in amount; fix sth | ~ a(n) equipment/ device/camera; a(n) engine/gun/lens/pedestal/ pillar ~; ~ quickly/rapidly/steadily/ gradually; mounting (n), mountable (adj), mounted (adj): ~ station/module/panel; syn. ascend, assemble, fix ant. descend, dissemble | |
Mobile (adj) | able to move or be moved freely or easily | ~ application/headquarter/phone/ station/connection; be/become/get ~; (im) mobility syn. movable ant. immovable, unmovable, static | |
Propagate (v) | spread sth widely | ~ the wave/language/message/ knowledge; propagation (n): radio/error ~; propagator (n): ~ virus; propagative (adj), propaganda (n) syn. spread, extend | |
Power (n) | the ability or capacity to do sth or act in a particular way; energy that is produced by mechanical, electrical, or other means and used to operate a device | ~ of attorney/termination; amplifier/car/nuclear/horse/wind ~ ; go off ~; ~ cable; 2 to the ~ of 4; exercise/use/give/grant sb the ~ of; confer ~ on sb; power-engineering; power-plant; syn. capacity, energy ant. incapacity | |
Remote (adj) | distant in relationship or connection; situated far from the main center; operating or controlled from a distance | ~ control/indication/area/date/ storage/site; syn. distant, faraway ant. near, close | |
Resonator (n) | a device that displays electrical resonance, especially one used for the detection of radio waves | ~ test/guitar/system/theory/ ring/axis; cavity/ceramic/optical/piezo/Helmholtz ~; resonance (n), resonate (v): ~ energy/power | |
Roaming (n) | the facility to use a mobile phone outside its normal area of registration, for example when abroad | world/country/street/city ~; roamer (n), roam (v) | |
Satellite (adj) | a natural body that revolves around a planet; an artificial body placed in orbit round the earth or another planet in order to collect information or for communication | ~ orbit/broadcasting/dish/aerial/ link/television/navigation/photograph/picture/data; launch/put into orbit/put up/send up a ~ | |
Saturate (v) | make sth completely wet; put (a device) into a state in which no further increase in current is achievable | ~ sth with sth; saturator (n), saturation (n) saturated (adj): ~ fat/field/pasture; saturable (adj); syn. soak, permeate | |
Sensor (n) | a device that enables digital machines to monitor the physical quantity of the analog world, such as temperature, humidity, or pressure, to provide data used in robotics, environmental climate control, and other applications | ~ network/control/unit/reading/ analysis/data-fusion/device; infrared/analog/image/ electromagnetic ~; sensitivity (n), sensitive (adj), sensory (adj); sensorily (adv); syn. detector; Cf. meter | |
Sequence (n) | a particular order in which related things follow each other | automatic/key/regular/plain/time ~; continuous/complex ~; sequence (v); sequential (adj): ~ pattern/interview/ stage/record/file; syn. series, arrangement, progression, string | |
Shield (v) | protect from a danger, risk, or unpleasant experience; prevent sb or sth from being seen | ~ sb/sth from sth; ~ sth partially/partly/carefully; shield (n): ~ bearer/budding/cell/law/ scale; cultivator/eraser/expansion ~; use sb/sth as a ~; shielding (n), shielded (adj) syn. protect, shelter | |
Solar (adj) | relating to or determined by the sun | ~ system/apex/battery/cell/collector/ compass /eclipse/equation/eye piece/flare/heating/mass/microscope/ motion/energy/radiation | |
Sonde (n) | an instrument probe that automatically transmits information about its surroundings underground, under water, in the atmosphere, etc. | a(n) radio/weather/air/rocket/ satellite/ hydrometer ~; launch a ~ | |
Standard (n) | sth considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparison; an approved model; a rule or principle that is used as a basis for judgment; an average or normal requirement for quality, quantity, level etc. | ~ deviation/English/gravity/ length/model; ~ of living/perfection; high/low ~; apply/enforce/prescribe/ maintain/improve/raise/keep up the ~s; standardize (v): ~ a(n) uniform/ system/equipment/service; substandard (adj): ~ conditions; syn. basic, normal ant. atypical, abnormal | |
Tele- (prf) | a prefix used in the formation of compound words meaning “distant,” especially “transmitted over a distance” | ~ cast/kinesis/meter/phone/graph/ port/scope; ~ commute | |
Traffic (n) | the movement of vehicles, ships, persons, etc.; messages or signals transmitted through a communications system | ~ accident/hazard/block/cop/ density/jam/lane/light/signal; bad/busy/congested/heavy/thick/ light/constant ~; radio/telephone/data/voice/network/ Internet/Web/website ~; Cf. movement, transportation | |
Transition (n) | the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another | ~ area/point/region/temperature/ period/process/phase; bring about/cause/effect ~; abrupt/immediate/rapid/sudden/direct /gradual ~; transit (v), transitional (adj), transitionally (adv), transitionary (adj); Cf. change | |
Tunnel (n) | an underground passageway, esp. one for trains or cars that passes under a mountain, river etc.; a virtual tunnel of encapsulated data transmission | ~ effect/vision; open/smoke/water/wind ~; go through/use/disappear into/enter/go into/ come out of/ build/construct/dig/excavate a ~; long/short/narrow/wide/dark ~; tunneling (n); tunneled (adj) syn. channel | |
Queue (n) | a line of people who are waiting for sth; a series of instructions that are stored in a computer so that they can be processed later | endless/long/growing ~; form/line up in/join/stand in/wait in a ~; queue (v): ~ up for food/bus; queuing (n) syn. line | |
Vibration (n) | a periodic motion about an equilibrium position; an oscillation of the parts of a fluid or an electromagnetic wave equilibrium which has been disturbed | ~ detector/sensor/transmission/ rate/power; anti- ~; ~-free; vibrate (v), vibrational (adj), vibratory (adj); syn. fluctuation, oscillation, tremor ant. stillness, calmness |
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. beam | |
2. bear | |
3. disperse | |
4. distort | |
5. mount | |
6. power | |
7. sequence |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. detect | |
2. landline | |
3. standard | |
4. synchronous | |
5. mobile | |
6. remote | |
7. vibration |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
detect | |||
mounting | |||
propagative | |||
sensorily | |||
transition | |||
vibratory |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1. cellular | A. a technology that allows high-speed transmission of text, audio, and video, usually over standard telephone lines; a form of broadband transmission |
2. blackout | B. a natural body that revolves around a planet; an artificial body placed in orbit round the earth or another planet in order to collect information or for communication |
3. carrier | C. the world's largest association of technical professionals |
4. diffuse | D. relating to a system that uses radio waves instead of wires to send telephone signals |
5. DSL | E. a mechanism or device by which something is conveyed or conducted; a company that provides facilities for conveying telecommunications messages |
6. IEEE | F. spread over a wide area or between a large number of people |
7. satellite | G. a period when lights are off because of an electrical power failure |
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
7. Two ___ the power ___ 4 equals 16
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
Concepts | Type of logical relations |
1. diffusion - dispersion | A. general and specific |
2. landline – satellite connection | B. cause and effect |
3. radio - resonator | C. contrast |
4. power - energy | D. method and purpose |
5. sonde – weather forecasting | E. part and whole |
6. mobile communications standard – 3G | F. equivalence |
7. earthquake - vibration |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Adj | Target vocabulary unit |
energy | |
Adj | Target vocabulary unit |
indicator | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
remote | |
Adj/N | Target vocabulary unit |
sonde | |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
traffic | |
Activity 8. Decode Bob Poe’s quote about telecommunications and comment on it:
Activity 9. Explain the difference between the following concepts using the Venn diagram below:
1. cellular phone – mobile phone |
2. 3G – LTE |
3. remote site – remote storage |
4. traffic light – traffic sign |
5. radio sonde – satellite sonde |
6. ADSL – dial up |
Activity 10. Say what can be … and how:
1. detected | |
2. distorted | |
3. diffused | |
4. generated | |
5. propagated | |
6. shielded | |
7. queued |
Activity 11. Say what the following is used for:
1. ADSL | |
2. carrier | |
3. satellite | |
4. LTE | |
5. remote control | |
6. resonator | |
7. teleport |
Activity 12. Arrange the standards for communication in an ascending order from the least advanced to the most: 3G, 2G, LTE, dial-up. Explain the chosen sequence. What do you know about the latest communication standards?
Activity 13. Brainstorm the current issues of alternative energy sources. Do you think it’s possible to completely substitute traditional energy sources in the near future?
Activity 14. Do a mini research and prepare a short report about the most devastating blackouts in the history of humankind.
Activity 15. Write a paragraph explaining the statement of Bob Poe in Activity 8.
1 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “earthquake - vibration”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) part and whole |
2 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “diffusion – dispersion”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) equivalence |
3 | All of these are synonymous to the word “beam” EXCEPT FOR: a) ray of light b) c) resonator d) radiation |
4 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “mobile communication standard – 3G”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) equivalence d) part and whole |
5 | A mechanism or device by which something is conveyed or conducted is known as a___: a) carrier b) band d) DSL d) LTE |
6 | A standard for wireless communication of high-speed data for mobile phones and data terminals is known as ___: a) LTE b) 2G d) ADSL d) IEEE |
7 | Digital subscriber line is a family of technologies that are used to transmit digital data ______ telephone lines. a) forward b) over c) via d) through |
8 | Keeping _____ the communication standards is rather a challenging task for professionals. a) up b) for c) to d) towards |
9 | A______ is a device that enables digital machines to monitor a physical quantity of the analog world, such as temperature, humidity, or pressure, to provide data. a) resonator b) sensor c) satellite d) sonde |
10 | Mark the odd word: a) detect b) neglect c) ignore d) overlook |
11 | All of these are synonyms EXCEPT FOR: a) distort b) falsify c) pervert d) alter |
12 | All of these are antonyms to the word “landline” EXCEPT FOR: a) satellite connection b) cellular connection c) Wi-Fi d) telephone connection |
13 | Mark the odd word: a) detector b) detection c) detectably d) detective |
14 | LTE, 3G, 4G are examples of a ____. a) standard for satellite connection b) standard for radio connection c) standard for wireless communication d) standard for cellular connection |
15 | Mark the odd word: a) transitory b) transit c) transitional d) transitionary |
16 | All of these collocate with the noun “energy” EXCEPT FOR: a) alternative b) nuclear c) cellular d) solar |
17 | All of these provide information on the state or condition of something EXCEPT FOR: a) indicator b) pointer c) parameter d) index |
18 | Dozens of people had to line ____ ___ queue to get the tickets. a) up in b) up with c) throughout d) in to |
19 | Which of these is the oldest standard of telecommunication: a) dial-up b) 3G c) 4G d) LTE |
20 | What does abbreviation ‘IEEE’ stand for? a) The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers b) The Institute of Electronical and Electronics Engineering c) The Institute of Electrics and Electronics Engineering d) The Institute of Electrical and Electronical Engineers |
№ | Term | Definition | Usage |
Analyze (v) | examine sth scrupulously, typically in order to explain and interpret it | analysis (n): carry out/do/make/ perform an ~; comparative/critical/careful/close/ comprehensive/detailed/indepth/ thorough/financial/historical/linguistic/strategic/spectrum/electrostatic ~; analyzable (adj), analytical (adj): ~ study/technique/system/method/ purpose/mind; syn. examine | |
Behavior (n) | the action, reaction, or functioning of a system, under normal or specified circumstances; the way in which a machine or a natural phenomenon works or functions | ~ modification; control/influence/alter/ change/modify ~; human/aggressive/ disruptive/violent ~ ; behavioral (adj): ~ pattern/term/theory/survey; behaviorally (adv); syn. demeanor | |
CAD (acr) Computer-aided design | the use of computers to create 2D and 3D designs | ~ system/information/equipment/terminal/technology/framework/package/software | |
Component (n) | a constituent part or aspect of sth more complex | basic/central/core/critical/crucial/ essential/fundamental/important/ integral/key/main/major/principal/ significant/vital ~; ~ manufacturer/failure/ supplier; componentize (v);componentized (adj): ~ DRM; componential (adj); ~ analysis; syn. piece, ingredient | |
Concept (n) | an abstract idea; a general notion | have/grasp/understand/define/formulate/frame/introduce/develop a ~; a moral/basic/simple/ abstract/seminal/ broad/general/overall ~; a ~ album/car/keyboard/map; ~; conception (n): ~ of sth; conceptual (adj): ~ system/rationale/evaluation /level/distinction/framework/structure/component/category/ problem/scheme; conceptualize (v): ~ a/the process/event/phenomenon; problem/matter/job/population/system; syn. idea, notion | |
Condition (n) | the state of sth with regard to its appearance, quality, or working order | change/improve/deteriorate ~s; market/ perfect/bad/excellent ~; suffer from/live in/work in(under) ~ ; conditioning (n): social ~ ; conditional (adj): ~ choice/acceptance/ bail/construction/ agreement/plan; conditionality (n): mutual/ ~; conditionally (adv); syn. state | |
Constraint (n) | sth that limits or restricts sb or sth | impose/place/put/remove ~ ; moral/financial/physical/serious/legal/major ~s; ~ approach; constrain (v); syn. restriction, limitation | |
Diagram (n) | a sketch, outline, or plan demonstrating the form or workings of sth | a market/network/circuit/Venn ~; draw/depict/illustrate /indicate/represent/show a ~; diagram (v): ~ a sentence/football play; diagrammable (adj), diagrammatic (adj), diagrammatically (adv); syn. graph, figure | |
Dimension (n) | an aspect or feature of a situation, problem, or thing: a measurement of the size of sth in a particular direction, such as the length, width, height, or diameter | political/spiritual/material/economic/ engineering/time/social/spatial ~; check/measure/add/ give/acquire/take on ~; dimensionality (n), multi/three/two-dimensional (adj): ~ world/look/representation/form/ graphics/map/display/model/design/ structure/space/array/ view/picture; dimensionally (adv); syn. aspect, facet, size | |
Dynamic (adj) | characterized by constant change, activity, or progress; having or showing a lot of energy | a ~ equilibrium/range/ force/leader/market/perspective/approach/data/change/ development/RAM/programming; be/seem/become/remain ~ ; dynamical (adj): ~ effect/property/test/ evolution/state/system/variable/equation/process; dynamically (adv), dynamics (n): ~ simulation/flowchart; cultural/information/system/lattice/group ~; syn. energetic, vigorous ant. static, slow | |
Effect (n) | a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause; an image or a sound that is created in television, radio, or movies to imitate sth real | a special/audio/sound/optical/visual/ digital/possible/probable/dramatic/significant/ drastic/full/decisive/harmful/far-reaching ~ ; bring about/exert/have/produce/take/ recover from/come into/assess/ estimate/examine/measure/study/ameliorate/cushion/lessen/minimize/mitigate/reduce/soften the ~ of sth; (in)effective (adj); syn. result, outcome, impact | |
Efficient (adj) | capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy | ~ production/model/change/secretary/ manufacture/service/manner/procedure/feature/company/operation; (in)efficiently (adv) ; syn. productive ant. inefficient Cf. effective, | |
Environment (n) | the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates; the overall structure within which a user, computer, or program operates | working/safe/external/business/competitive/software/user/learning/physical/local/international/natural ~ ; create/provide/adapt to an ~ ; environmental (adj): ~ audit/art/medicine/ agency/committee/department/group/ ministry/policy/conference/protection/issues; environmentally (adv): ~ friendly; ; environmentalist (n), syn. surroundings, habitat | |
Evaluation (n) | the making of a judgment about the amount, number, or value of sth; assessment | ~ paper/panel/session/procedure/process/ study/issue; carry out/make an ~ ; scientific/ thorough/program/empirical/ comprehensive/project ~; evaluator (n), evaluate (v): be difficult/be hard ~; syn. assessment, judgment, appraisal | |
Event (n) | a thing that happens or takes place, especially one of importance; a single occurrence of a process | (about an event) happen/occur/take place/unfold; historic/important/major/ momentous/significant/media/field ~ ; witness/record/celebrate/ commemorate/enter/ take part in/mark/hold/organize/stage an ~ ; eventful(less) (adj): an ~ evening/day; syn. happening, incident, occasion | |
Experiment (n) | a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact | field/laboratory/educational/ medical/psychological/scientific/ practical ~; carry out/conduct/do/perform an ~; experimenter (n); experimental (adj): ~ data/psychology ; experimentally (adv), experimentation (n); syn. test, enquiry | |
Force (n) | strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement | great/terrible/tremendous/full/maximum/ external/internal/friction/elastic ~s; ~ of gravity; resort to/use/take sth by/increase/decrease/balance/come into/bring sth into/combine/lead/deploy/withdraw ~s; (en)force (v), (en)forceable (adj); syn. strength, power ant. weakness | |
Influence (v) | affect or change (sb or sth) in an indirect but usually important way | ~ sth/sb; influence (n): exert/have ~ over/on sth/sb ; considerable/enormous/great/ significant ~; influential (adj); syn. affect, impact, effect | |
Manipulate (v) | handle or control (a tool, mechanism, information, etc.) in a skillful manner | easy/know how/learn to ~; manipulation (n): symbolic/typeface/ conceptual/cynical/information/price/ genetic ~; manipulator (n), manipulative (adj), manipulatively (adv) syn. influence, control | |
Measure (v) | ascertain the size, amount, or degree of sth by using an instrument or device | easy/(im)possible/difficult/hard to ~; measure (n): precautionary/effective ~; take ~s; measured (adj), measurement (n): reliable/accurate/precise/system/ technique/scale/unit/error ~; measurability (n), measurable (adj), measurably (adv) ; Cf. calculate, compute | |
Model (n) | a representation, usually on a smaller scale, of a device, structure, etc. | a(n) ~ airplane/car/building/house/ bridge/computer/phone; assemble/build/construct/make/produce/design/develop/photograph/shoot a ~; modeler (n), model (v), modeling (adj) ~ agency/company; syn. prototype, mock-up copy | |
Optimize (v) | make the best or most effective use of (a situation or resource); rearrange or rewrite (data, software, etc.) to improve the efficiency of retrieval or processing | ~ the system/quality/variable/performance/ environment/condition; optimization (n), optimizer (n); syn .improve, enhance | |
Option (n) | a thing that is or may be chosen | have/choose/select/offer/limit/take an ~; an ~ scheme/agreement/contract/price; optional (adj): be entirely/purely ~; optionally (adv); syn. alternative, choice | |
Parameter (n) | a numerical or other measurable factor forming one of a set that defines a system or sets the conditions of its operation | ~ value/vector/setting/model/box/ control/equalizer/programming/ mapping/modeling/ software/solution/test/variable; system/path/configuration//interaction/characteristic/input/laboratory ~; parametric (adj): ~; optical ~; parametrical (adj), syn. specification, limit | |
Predict (v) | say or estimate that (a specified thing) will happen in the future or will be a consequence of sth | ~ the scenario/date/ outcome/event/rate /behavior/development/score/result/weather/change; prediction (n): make/confirm/fulfill a ~; (un)predictable (adj): ~ pattern/response/ reply/movement/flow/question/development/change/event; be/seem/become ~; predictably (adv), predictability (n), predictive (adj); syn. anticipate, forecast | |
Probability (n) | the extent to which sth is likely to happen or be the case | ~ of living/arrival/success; high/real/strong ~; have/increase/reduce/assess/calculate/judge the ~ of sth; probable (adj): ~ consequence/outcome/cost/profit/effect/source; probably (adv); syn. chance, possibility ant. improbability, improbable, | |
Proportion (n) | a part, share, or number considered in comparative relation to a whole | in/out of ~ with sth; ~ growth/increase/ rise/decline/decrease/fall; express sth/grow/increase/rise/decline/decrease/diminish/fall in ~; bodily/significant ~; proportional (adj): ~ distribution/growth/share; syn. percentage, ratio | |
Ratio (n) | a measure of the relative size of two classes expressed as a proportion | achieve the ~; (ir)rational (adj): ~ function/justification/person//basis/choice/action/analysis/calculation/expectation//behavior; (ir)rationally (adv): act ~; syn. rate, quotient | |
Result (n) | sth that ensues from an action, policy, course of events, etc. | demonstrate/indicate/reveal/show/predict/suggest the ~ of sth; result (v): ~ from/in/of; have/produce/ achieve/get/obtain/come up with/get/produce/give/show/wait for/ analyze/evaluate/ present/publish the ~ of sth; syn. outcome | |
Risk (n) | a situation involving exposure to danger | ~ group/assessment/reduction/management; face/run/take/entail/incur/involve/pose/ increase/minimize/reduce/avoid/assess/measure the ~ of sth/doing sth; risky (adj): ~ business/task/job/position/venture/situation; risk-taker(n), riskless (adj); syn. danger ant. safety, security | |
Sample (n) | a small part of anything, intended as representative of the whole | ~ set/book/bottle/unit/machine/part/ chip/test/ specimen; survey ~; collect/take/provide/draw/ analyze/study/test a ~ of sth; sampler (n): ~ filter/board/drive/ disc/design/idea; onboard/CD ~; syn. specimen | |
Shape (n) | the external form, contours, or outline of sb or sth | (about a ~): appear/emerge/loom; cut out/draw/alter/ change/determine/ influence distinguish/make out/see the ~ of sth; shaped (adj), shapeable (adj), shapeless (adj); syn. form, structure, architecture | |
Simplify (v) | make sth simpler or easier to do or understand | ~ the procedure/solution/construction/ data//process/condition/task; simple (adj): a ~ solution; ~ to operate; simplification (n), simplified (adj); ant. complicate, sophisticate | |
Simulate (v) | imitate the appearance or character of sth | ~ reality/application/process/location/effect; designed/used to ~; simulation (n): real-time/modeling/flight/sport/computer/ interview ~; simulative (adj): ~ approach/deception; simulated (adj): ~ environment/behavior; syn. imitate | |
Solution (n) | a means of solving a problem or handling a difficult situation; a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances in which the molecules or atoms of the substances are completely dispersed | easy/drastic/ moral/viable pragmatic/ management ~; sugar/soil/test/saline/iodine ~; look for/seek/work towards/achieve/agree (on)/arrive at/ come up with/find/produce/ reach/work out a ~ to a problem; solve (v): ~ a(n) problem/dispute/ equation/question/mystery; syn. mixture | |
Statistical (adj) | relating to the use of statistics or numeric data | ~ inference/linguistics/mechanics/physics/tables/reliability/control/return/technique/method/information/analysis/term/evidence/study/comparison; statistics (n): official/national/ government/(un)employment/criminal/regional/vital/financial ~; statistically (adv); syn. numerical | |
Structure (n) | the way in which sth is built, arranged, or organized; the arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of sth complex | internal/external/social/atomic/movable/basic/market/complex ~; have/lack/impose/be based on/ create/devise/establish a ~; (un)structured (adj): ~ plan/pattern/whole/ graphics/method/interview/CAD/lesson/system/approach; syn. form, architecture | |
System (n) | a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnected network; orderliness | ~ software/operation/failure/ breakdown; build/create/design/improve/develop/devise/set up/implement/introduce/ operate a ~; systematize (v), systematic (adj), systematically (adv); syn. order, structure ant. chaos, disorder | |
Velocity (n) | the speed of sth moving in a given direction | increase/decrease/achieve/attain/ reach ~; head/escape/wave/angular/wind/maximum/low/propagation/high/mean ~; syn. speed | |
Volume (n) | an amount or quantity of sth, especially when great; quantity or power of sound; a book forming part of a work or series | increase/decrease/ reduce/double/grow/rise in ~; ~ control/reduction/production/ platform/restriction; incredible/reference/immense/ classic/main/high ~ ; syn. amount, size |
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. component | |
2. concept | |
3. constraint | |
4. diagram | |
5. evaluation | |
6. optimize | |
7. probability |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. force | |
2. risk | |
3. simplify | |
4. probable | |
5. system | |
6. dynamic | |
7. effective |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
analyze | |||
condition, | |||
manipulatively | |||
predict | |||
simulation | |||
(non-)environmental |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
a proportion | |
Adj | Target vocabulary unit |
ratio | |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
a result | |
Adj | Target vocabulary unit |
structure | |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1. CAD | A. a thing that happens or takes place, especially one of importance; a single occurrence of a process |
2. dimension | B. ascertain the size, amount, or degree of (something) by using an instrument or device marked in standard units |
3. event | C. a representation, usually on a smaller scale, of a device, structure, etc. |
4. experiment | D. the use of computers to create 2D and 3D designs |
5. measure | E. a numerical or other measurable factor forming one of a set that defines a system or sets the conditions of its operation |
6. model | F. a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact |
7. parameter | G. a measurement of the size of something in a particular direction, such as the length, width, height, or diameter |
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
7. This experiment can be carried out only ___ laboratory conditions.
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
Concepts | Type of logical relations |
1. velocity - speed | A. general and specific |
2. efficient - unproductive | B. cause and effect |
3. dimension – 3D | C. contrast |
4. experiment - optimization | D. method and purpose |
5. risk – constraint | E. part and whole |
6. condition - state | F. equivalence |
7. diagram – arrow |
Activity 8. Decode a famous quote of Louis Gerstner (IBM CEO) and comment on it:
Activity 11. Explain the difference between the following concepts using the Venn diagram below:
1. experiment - measurement |
2. manipulation - modeling |
3. proportion - ratio |
4. system - structure |
5. parameter - dimension |
6. efficient - effective |
Activity 10. Say what can be … and how:
1. 2-dimensional | |
2. 3-dimensional | |
3. evaluated | |
4. manipulated | |
5. measured | |
6. predicted | |
7. simulated |
Activity 11. Say what the following is used for:
1. simulations | |
2. simplification | |
3. analysis | |
4. CAD | |
5. evaluation | |
6. experiment | |
7. prediction |
Activity 12. Describe the problems that make computer modeling vital in the following fields:
1. Space and air travel
2. Fire-fighting
3. Earthquake prediction
4. Medicine
5. Building
Activity 13. Name physical forces that affect a person in the natural environment, describe their effect briefly.
Activity 14. Say what CAD software is popular now and what it is used for. Comment on the CAD uses today.
Activity 15. Do a mini research and prepare a short report on the theory of the 4th dimension.
1 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “diagram - arrow”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) part and whole |
2 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “velocity - speed”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) equivalence |
3 | All of these are synonymous to the word “optimize” EXCEPT FOR: a) improve b) enhance c) manipulate d) advance |
4 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “risk - constraint”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) equivalence d) part and whole |
5 | A sketch, outline, or plan demonstrating the form or workings of something is known as a ____: a) diagram b) system d) parameter d) CAD |
6 | A small part of anything, intended as representative of the whole is known as a(n) ____: a) illustration b) instance d) example d) sample |
7 | The prediction turned _____ to be true. a) out b) off c) on d) in |
8 | Sensory evaluation is the process carried_____ to analyze a food product using 5 senses. a) on b) out of c) forward d) out |
9 | A ______ is a general idea or notion that corresponds to some class of entities and that consists of the characteristic or essential features of the class. a) component b) concept c) sample d) model |
10 | Mark the odd word: a) condition b) conditioner c) conditionality d) conditional |
11 | All of these are synonyms EXCEPT FOR: a) distortion b) restriction c) limitation d) constraint |
12 | All of these are antonyms to the word “simplify” EXCEPT FOR: a) complicate b) perplex c) sophisticate d) optimize |
13 | Mark the odd word: a) analytical b) analysis c) analyst d) analyzer |
14 | What does CAD stand for? a) computer aided development b) computer aided design c) computer assisted development d) computer assisted design |
15 | Gravity, friction, velocity are examples of ___. a) physical forces b) physical effects c) dynamic forces d) physical systems |
16 | All of these collocate with the noun “structure” EXCEPT FOR: a) external b) internal c) atomic d) efficient |
17 | This experiment can be carried out only ___ laboratory conditions. a) on b) at c) for d) under |
18 | People in Africa suffer _____ deterioration of living conditions. a) in b) upon c) about d) from |
19 | Which of these is NOT a kind of a diagram: a) Venn b) block c) flow d) picture |
20 | All of these verbs collocate with the noun “proportion” EXCEPT FOR: a) increase b) diminish c) measure d) simulate |
№ | Term | Definition | Usage |
Add (v) | join sth to sth else so as to increase its size, number, or amount | ~ a detail/category/symbol/figure/formula; additional (adj): ~ information/element/ benefit/supply/allowance/profit; syn. include ant. delete, exclude | |
Argument (n) | a reason or a set of reasons given in support of an idea, action or theory | ~ arise/break out/develop/erupt; get involved in/get into/reject/offer/ present/put forward an ~; legal/logical/aesthetic/scientific/general/heated ~; argumentation (n): consecutive/detailed/standard/moral/puzzling/explicit ~; argumentative (adj); syn. reasoning | |
Altitude (n) | the height of an object or point in relation to sea or ground level; the perpendicular distance from the vertex to the base of a geometrical figure | cruise at/fly at/maintain/ reach/rise to/gain the ~; ~sickness/problem/aerobatics/ record; ~ of a cone/parallelogram/prism/ pyramid/ trapezoid/triangle; altitudinal (adj); syn. height, elevation ant. depth | |
Angle (n) | the space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet | ~ selector/circuit; tilted/right/acute/obtuse/ straight/positive/negative/interior/exterior ~; form/make/adjust/alter/increase/reduce/measure/change an ~; view sth at/from some ~; angle (v); triangle (n); rectangle (n); syn. tilt, slant | |
Approximate (adj) | close to the actual, but not completely accurate or exact | ~ time/cost/position/length/location/price/ translation/number/value; approximate (v): ~ to/by sth; approximation (n): make/give/provide an ~; approximately (adv), approximative (adj) ~ value/description/measure; syn. rough ant. exact, precise | |
Average (adj) | an amount, standard, level, or rate regarded as usual or ordinary; a number expressing the central or typical value in a set of data | ~ score/consumption/price/wage/age/ growth/ density/length/size/number/ cost/rate/time/citizen/temperature/family/population; the national ~; on/below/above ~; arrive at/ calculate /find/work out the ~; mean ~; average (v): ~ out at/to; syn. median, norm | |
Axis (n) | an imaginary line about which a body rotates; a fixed reference line for the measurement of coordinates | the horizontal/vertical/x/y/z ~; central/economic/major/fundamental/ minor/principal ~; revolve/rotate on/around one’s ~; syn. pivot, pole | |
Base (n) | the lowest part or edge of sth, especially the part on which it rests or is supported; a number used as the basis of a numeration scale | ~ rate/pairing; firm/solid/strong/solid/ monetary /customer/capital ~; build/lay down/expand/increase the ~; base (v): ~ sth on sth; based (adj): London-~; syn. foundation, bottom ant. top | |
Calculate (v) | determine the amount or number of sth mathematically | ~ the distance/area/index/price/ equation/problem/task/percentage/cost/value/payment/time/wage/the average/length/formula/mean/ median/angle/density/proportion; ~ accurately/exactly/ carefully/correctly; calculation (n), calculator (n): ~ display; desk/hand-held/pocket/electronic/ programmable/ advanced ~; syn. compute, count ant. miscalculate | |
Coefficient (n) | a multiplier or factor that measures some property | correlation/phi/mean/gravitational/zero/ dissymmetry/frictional ~; a variable ~; the ~ of friction | |
Cube (n) | a symmetrical three-dimensional shape, either solid or hollow, contained by six equal squares; the product of a number multiplied by its square, represented by the superscript figure 3 | ice/sugar ~; ~ equation/ root; increase in weight by the ~ of its length; cube (v): ~ the total/a number Cf. cubicle | |
Degree (n) | an academic award conferred by a university or college on successful completion of a course or as an honorary distinction; a unit of measuring angles; the class into which an equation falls according to the highest power of unknowns or variables present | ~ angle/course/level; college/university/first/ ordinary/ undergraduate/higher/ master's/ postgraduate/research/BA/BEd/BSc/MA/ MSc/PhD ~; have/earn/hold/do/take/ measure a ~; | |
Derive (v) | obtain sth from a specified source; obtain a function by applying a sequence of steps | ~ from; largely/mainly/primarily/partly ~; derivable (adj), derivative (n); derivate (n), derivation (n); syn. extract | |
Deviate (v) | depart from an established course | ~ from sth; ~ considerably/(in)significantly; deviation (n); deviator (n), deviatory (adj) syn. veer from ant. stay on the course | |
Diameter (n) | a straight line passing from side to side through the center of a body or figure, especially a circle or sphere | calculate/measure the ~ of the circle/sphere; diametrical (adj), diametrically (adv); Cf. perimeter, radius | |
Discrete (adj) | separate or distinct in form or concept | ~ category/zone/form/equation; discreteness (n), discretely (adv); Cf. discreet | |
Divide (v) | separate or be separated into parts; find how many times a number contains another | ~ into/by/between/among sb/sth; ~ widen/narrow/bridge/open a ~; great/sharp/cultural/digital/ideological/religious ~; division (n); dividable (adj); syn. separate, split ant. combine, consolidate, unite | |
Equation (n) | a statement of the values of two mathematical expressions being equal | be a part of/come into/enter into an ~; complicated/simple/algebraic/mathematical ~; equational (adj): ~ phrase/assignment; equationally (adv) | |
Exponential (adj) | becoming more and more rapid; of or expressed by a mathematical exponent | ~ curve/equation/growth/rate/model/ component/progression/number/form/function/distribution/time; grow/increase at an ~ rate; exponentially (adv): grow/increase ~; | |
Finite (adj) | limited in size or extent | ~ world/resource/life/element/curve/point/ form /period/set; almost/practically/ virtually ~; (non)finite (adj), infinity (n): approach/tend to/ towards ~; syn. limited ant. unlimited, infinite | |
Formula (n) | a general relationship, principle, or rule stated, often as an equation, in the form of symbols | devise/work out/come up with/find/ provide/apply/use a ~; complex/empirical/ simple/algebraic/chemical/molecular/mathematical/scientific ~; formulate (v): ~ a/an expression/ solution/equation /view/plan/ goal/objective/idea/proposal/theory/ question; formulaic (adj): ~ pattern/structure/exercise/unit/ activity/framework/expression | |
Fraction (n) | a numerical quantity that is not a whole number; a small or tiny part, amount, or proportion of sth: a ratio of two expressions or numbers other than zero | common/complex/compound/ continued/decimal/diagonal/ (im)proper/partial/rational/simple/ split/unit ~; a large/significant/ sizeable/substantial/mere/small ~; syn. portion ant. whole, integer | |
Function (n) | the intended purpose of a person or thing in a specific role; a relationship or expression involving one or more variables; a large or formal social event or ceremony | chief/main/major/primary/prime/dual ~; hold/attend/go to/have/carry out/ fulfill/perform/serve a ~ ; functionary (n): state/chief/government/station/party ~; functional (adj): ~ specification / analysis/competence/skills/language/approach/procedure; functionally (adv) | |
Integer (n) | a number which is not a fraction; a whole number | ~ order/values/solution/variable/ performance /unit/application/number; decimal/algebraic ~; ant. fraction | |
Linear (adj) | arranged in or extending along a straight or nearly straight line | ~ equation/accelerator/algebra/ function/interpolation/programming/space/graph; (non)linearity (n): ~ error/test; linearly (adv); syn. straight ant. crooked, curved | |
Logarithm (n) | a quantity representing the power to which a fixed number (the base) must be raised to produce a given number | ~ of number/figure/price/volatility; common/natural ~; logarithmic (adj): ~ transformation/division /spiral/ expression/scale/progression/technique/ form/term/graph | |
Multiply (v) | increase or cause to increase greatly in number or quantity | ~ the weight/equation/risk/figure /coefficient; cross ~; ~ by ten; multiplication (n): ~ table/sign; multiplier (n): ~ effect; multiplicity (n), multipliable (adj), multiplicative (adj) | |
Number (n) | an arithmetical value expressed by a word, symbol, or figure, representing a particular quantity and used in counting and making calculations | registration/job/average/plate/car/card ~; add/divide/multiply/subtract/ dial/phone ~; cardinal/ordinal/ decimal/high/low/prime/ random/(un)lucky/winning/(un)even/odd ~; numbered (adj), outnumber (v) | |
Outcome (n) | sth that happens as a result of an activity or process | affect/influence/decide/determine/achieve/have /produce the (an) ~; final/possible/likely/ probable/anticipated/ (un)expected/inevitable/(un)intended logical/predicted ~; syn. result | |
Precise (adj) | marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail | ~ calculation/identification/solution/ wording /value/measurement/language/ concept/location/number/definition/length/width/height; extremely/very/absolutely/ fairly/quite ~; precision (n), precisely (adv); syn. exact ant. imprecise, approximate | |
Property (n) | sth of value, either tangible, such as land, or intangible, such as patents, copyrights, etc.; a quality, attribute, or distinctive feature of sth | ~ market/prices/value/developer/ owner/tax; hold/own/acquire/buy/invest in/purchase/inherit/sell/lease/let/rent out ~; attribute the ~ to sth; medical/mechanical/ basic ~ies; syn. possession, quality, feature | |
Proportion (n) | a part, share, or number considered in comparative relation to a whole; a ratio between two variable quantities | alternate/direct/inverse ~; ~ grow/increase/ rise/decline/decrease/fall; equivalent/ similar/different/differing/ varying/ fixed/exact/approximate/ average/overall ~; proportion (v); (dis)proportionate (adj); syn. percentage ant. disproportion | |
Ratio (n) | a measure of the relative size of two classes expressible as a proportion; a quotient of two numbers or quantities | reduce/calculate/find/work out/achieve/ have/improve/worsen the ~; high/low/ benefit-to-risk/power-to-weight, etc. ~; syn. correlation | |
Reduce (v) | make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size | ~ the emission/risk/cost/amount/number/ danger/incidence/proportion/ inflation; be designed/ intended/expected/likely to ~; reducer (n): noise/water/acid ~; reduction (n): ~ target; achieve/make/ secure /avoid/ask for/demand/seek ~; syn. lessen ant. increase, enlarge | |
Root (n) | the basic cause, source, or origin of sth; a number or quantity that when multiplied, typically by a specified number of times, gives a specified number or quantity; a user account with full and unrestricted access to a system | ~ cause/system/crops/vegetables; get/go back to/return to the ~; square ~; calculate the ~ of n; root (v): be deeply ~ed in sth, ~ sth out | |
Sequence (n) | a particular order in which related things follow each other | whole/continuous/complex/correct/alphabetical/chronological/logical/natural/random ~; complete/follow the ~; sequential (ad): ~ access/circuit/step/structure/procedure/stage/process/pattern/file/data; syn. arrangement | |
Square (adj) | a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles; the product of a number multiplied by itself: | ~ meter/kilometer/mile/foot; 15 meters/feet ~; ~ brackets/table; square (n): ~ on hypotenuse/radius/10 Cf. cubic | |
Subtract (v) | take away (a number or amount) from another to calculate the difference | ~ the number/amount/percentage/sum/ interest/result; subtraction (n): ~ process/problem/term/tool/assay/technique; subtractor(er) (n), subtractive (adj): ~ gesture/procedure; syn. deduct ant. add | |
Value (n) | the importance, worth, or usefulness of sth; an amount, esp. a material or monetary one, considered to be a fair exchange in return for sth | ~ system; place/put/set/add ~ on/to sth; increase/ raise/double/triple the ~ of sth; , etc.; high/low/full/total/real/true/nominal ~; valued (adj); valueless (adj); (in)valuable (adj): ~ service/contribution; syn. worth, price | |
Verify (v) | make sure or demonstrate that sth is true, accurate, or justified | ~ a(n) formula/code/equation/solution/ identity/address/detail/condition/position/ authenticity; verifier (n), verifiable (adj), verifiably (adv), verification (n): ~ data/center/procedure/place |
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. derive | |
2. altitude | |
3. calculate | |
4. deviate | |
5. divide | |
6. deduct | |
7. finite |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. add | |
2. approximate | |
3. average | |
4. fraction | |
5. precise | |
6. reduce | |
7. rigid |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
add | |||
argument | |||
calculating | |||
derive | |||
functionally | |||
multiplication |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
a number | |
Adj | Target vocabulary unit |
outcome | |
Adj/N | Target vocabulary unit |
proportion | |
Adj/Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
root | |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1. angle | A. a unit of measuring angles |
2. axis | B. a general relationship, principle, or rule stated, often as an equation, in the form of symbols |
3. coefficient | C. the space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet |
4. degree | D. a quantity representing the power to which a fixed number (the base) must be raised to produce a given number |
5. equation | E. the product of all the factors of a term excluding one or more specified variables; a numerical or constant quantity placed before and multiplying the variable in an algebraic expression |
6. formula | F. an imaginary line about which a body rotates; a fixed reference line for the measurement of coordinates |
7. logarithm | G. a statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal |
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
Concepts | Type of logical relations |
1. multiply - divide | A. general and specific |
2. equation - value | B. cause and effect |
3. equation – linear equation | C. contrast |
4. property - possession | D. method and purpose |
5. verification - trust | E. part and whole |
6. reduction – deficit | F. equivalence |
7. subtract - add |
Activity 8. Decode Tobias Danzig’s saying about mathematics and comment on it:
Activity 9. Explain the difference between the following concepts using the Venn diagram below:
1. equation – formula |
2. number – value |
3. altitude – angle |
4. approximate – average |
5. derivation – deviation |
6. division – fraction |
7. integer – number |
Activity 10. Say what can be… and how:
1. added | |
2. calculated | |
3. approximated | |
4. derived | |
5. divided | |
6. reduced | |
7. valued |
Activity 11. Say what the following is used for:
1. equation | |
2. base | |
3. average | |
4. verification | |
5. argumentation | |
6. approximation | |
7. coefficient |
Activity 12. Calculate the following equations, comment on every step you make to get the outcome:
<Object: word/embeddings/oleObject2.bin> | 8a - 8d = 74 |
4m2n4 + 2m = 0 | 5a2 – 5a = 35 |
<Object: word/embeddings/oleObject3.bin> | <Object: word/embeddings/oleObject4.bin> |
Activity 13. Analyze the complexity of different equation types:
a) linear
b) quadratic
c) exponential
d) trigonometric.
Activity 14. Write down three formulas and comment on them.
Activity 15. Do a mini-research and prepare a short report about famous mathematicians and their theories.
1 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “equation - value”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) part and whole |
2 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “property - possession”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) method and purpose d) equivalence |
3 | All of these are antonyms to the word “divide” EXCEPT FOR: a) combine b) unite c) split d) consolidate |
4 | What is the logical relationship between the concepts “reduction – deficit”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) equivalence d) part and whole |
5 | The space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet is known as a(n)______: a) angle b) base d) degree d) axis |
6 | A numerical or constant quantity placed before and multiplying the variable in an algebraic expression is known as a(n)___: a) value b) number d) argument d) coefficient |
7 | During debates students should put _____ good arguments to support their point of view. a) forward b) for c) aside d) in |
8 | Pi tends ____ infinity. a) forward b) for c) to d) towards |
9 | A ______ is a quotient of two numbers or quantities. a) coefficient b) ratio c) vale d) fraction |
10 | Mark the odd word: a) multiplication b) multiplicity c) multiplier d) multiple |
11 | All of these are synonyms EXCEPT FOR: a) derive b) calculate c) compute d) count |
12 | All of these are antonyms to the word “precise” EXCEPT FOR: a) incorrect b) imprecise c) approximate d) exact |
13 | The result obtained by adding together several amounts and then dividing this total by the number of such amounts is known as a(n)___ : a) average b) approximation c) reduction d) deduction |
14 | Linear, quadratic, exponential, trigonometric are examples of: a) equations b) formulas c) values d) functions |
15 | Subtracting, adding, dividing and multiplying are examples of ___. a) mathematical operations b) formulas c) functions d) values |
16 | All of these collocate with the noun “outcome” EXCEPT FOR: a) probable b) anticipated c) inevitable d) inverse |
17 | ‘S = v*t’ is an example of a___: a) fraction b) formula c) ratio d) function |
18 | Commercial jets fly _____ 9000 meters altitude. a) about b) above c) below d) at |
19 | Which of these is an example of an odd number: a) 15 b) 14 c) 18 d) 20 |
20 | Which of these is NOT an example of an equation: a) linear b) quadratic c) exponential d) derivational |
Module 1. People in IT
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. geek | nerd |
2. administrator | manager |
3. layman | amateur |
4. end-user | consumer |
5. client | customer |
6. wizard | genius |
7. provider | supplier |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. backend | front-end |
2. encrypt | decrypt |
3. layman | professional |
4. newbie | wizard |
5. master | slave |
6. vendor | buyer |
7. client | provider |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
operator, operation | operate | operational | operationally |
specifics | specialize | special, specialized | specially |
program | program | programmed, programmable | -- |
development | develop | developing, developed, developmental | developmentally |
consumer, consumerism, consumption | consume | consumable | -- |
analyst analysis | analyze | analytical | Analytically |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
system | administrator |
network | |
software | |
hardware | |
hotel |
Adj/N | Target vocabulary unit |
experienced | user |
skillful | |
end | |
power | |
default |
adj/n | target vocabulary unit |
application | programmer |
java | |
experienced | |
systems | |
skillful |
Adj/N | Target vocabulary unit |
network | manager |
product | |
program | |
company | |
department |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions: 1C 2D 3A 4E 5B 6G 7F
Activity 6. Insert prepositions: 1 on 2 on 3 in 4 beyond 5 to 6 in 7 up
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
1C 2D 3A 4F 5E 6B 7C
Activity 8. Decode John Pfeiffer’s saying about computers and people and comment on it:
Man is a slow, sloppy, and brilliant thinker; computers are fast, accurate, and stupid.
TEST 1c 2a 3a 4d 5c 6b 7c 8d 9c 10c 11d 12a 13c 14a 15a 16d 17c 18b 19b 20c
Module 2. TEXTING
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. justify | align |
2. alternative | option, choice |
3. cursive | italic(s) |
4. conspicuous | bold |
5. delete | erase |
6. folder | directory |
7. paste | glue |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. bold | debold |
2. select | deselect |
3. movable | immovable |
4. italicize | de-italicize |
5. movable | Immovable, unmovable |
6. correct | incorrect |
7. upper case | lower case |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
alignment | align | aligned | |
deletion | delete | deleted, un/deletable | |
movement removal | (re)move | removable im/movable | immovably |
option | opt | optional | optionally |
stroke | strike | stricken, striking | strikingly |
margin | marginalize | marginal | marginally |
image | imagine | un/imaginable | |
correction, corrector | correct | in/correct | in/correctly |
Activity 4. Make up phrases by matching the words in the left column with those in the right:
1C 2D 3A 4E 5B 6G 7F
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1B 2D 3E 4F 5A 6G 7C
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
1 in 2 on, on, to 3 by 4 for 5 for 6 to 7 in
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
1A 2F 3A 4E 5C 6E 7D
Activity 8. Decode Sherry Turkle’s saying about texting and comment on it:
What is so seductive about texting is you want to know who wants you.
Activity 12. Name things/operations you can do and say how you can do them:
1. To emphasize a word in a text – 3 (bold, italics highlight)
2. To eliminate mistakes in a text 3 (proofread, correct, edit)
3. While working with a text on a computer - 10 (type, paste, copy, cut, insert, select, save, align, etc.)
4. To make your text look better – 6 (indent, bullet, format, layout, align, margin)
TEST 1c 2a 3c 4b 5b 6a 7c 8b 9b 10d 11a 12b 13d 14b 15a 16c 17b 18a 19b 20b
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. upgrade | improve |
2. sensor | detector |
3. display | show |
3. monitor | screen |
4. connect | link |
5. swap | trade/exchange |
6. gadget | gizmo, device |
7. smart | clever, intelligent |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. conceal | display, reveal |
2. wearable | unwearable |
3. input | output |
4. clever | dumb |
5. downgrade | upgrade |
6. assist | hinder |
7. upgrade | degrade |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
optician | optical | optically | |
digit digitalization | digitize digitalize | digital digitized digitalized | digitally |
wear, wearability | wear | un/wearable worn-out | |
(dis)connection connectivity | (dis)connect | (dis)connected | (dis)connectedly |
monitor/ monitorship | monitor | monitorial/ monitored | |
assistance/ant | assist | assistive | |
resolution resolve | resolve | (ir)resolute (un)resolved | (ir)resolutely |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
digital | certificate |
signature | |
divide | |
film | |
audio |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
second-hand | gadget |
device | |
book | |
computer | |
car |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
tablet | PC |
pen | |
phone | |
case | |
computer |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
replace | speakers |
dis/connect | |
upgrade | |
configure | |
furbish |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1C 2A 3E 4G 5D 6B 7F
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
1 with 2 into 3 by 4 for 5 with 6 in, of 7 to
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
1C 2F 3E 4B 5D 6A 7A
Activity 8. Decode Steve Jobs’ saying about computer device and comment on it:
Our goal is to make the best devices in the world. Not to be the biggest.
TEST 1b 2d 3b 4a 5c 6a 7b 8d 9c 10d 11c 12b 13d 14a 15a 16b 17a 18 d 19a 20a
Module 4. HARDWARE
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. break down | crash |
2. remove | displace |
3. decoder | encipher |
4. repair | fix |
5. convert | change, transform |
6. defect | flaw, fault |
7. battery | power unit |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1.configure | misconfigure |
2. damage | repair |
3. periphery | center |
4. master | slave |
5. encode | decode |
6. uptime | downtime |
7. shrink | expand |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
repair repairer | repair | (ir)reparable | irreparably |
operation | operate | operational | operationally |
repetition | repeat | repeated | repeatedly |
breakage | break-up/break off/breakdown | un/non/breakable | breakably |
process | process | processable | |
configuration | (mis/re)configure | configurative/ configurational | configurationally |
expansion expandability | expand | expandable |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
dis/connect | a joystick |
upgrade | |
replace | |
fix | |
hold |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
create | a laser |
isolate | |
provide | |
develop | |
use |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
operate a | computer |
procedure | |
system | |
device | |
machine |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
process | information |
code | |
data | |
control | |
management |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1B 2D 3A 4C 5E 6G 7F
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
1 into 2 on 3 via 4 on 5 with 6 into 7 into
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
1C 2D 3E 4A 5E 6F 7B
Activity 8. Decode Ken Olsen’s saying about computer security and comment on it:
Software comes from heaven when you have good hardware.
TEST 1d 2a 3c 4c 5a 6c 7d 8d 9b 10c 11a 12b 13d 14d 15c 16d 17c 18c 19a 20c
Module 5. SOFTWARE
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. boot | reset, restart |
2. catalogue | archive, directory |
3. design | architecture, arrangement, construction, layout |
4. embed | enclose, inlay, engrain, insert |
5. emulate | imitate, copy |
6. function | feature, action, operation |
7. icon | picture, symbol |
8. implement | achieve, carry out, |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. add | subtract, deduct, decrease, diminish |
2. context | foreground |
3. install | uninstall |
4. kernel | periphery |
5. launch | cease, close, end finish |
6. release | detain, hold |
7. system | chaos, disorder |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
application applicability | apply | (non)applicable implicational applicative | applicably applicative |
installer installation installability | (un)install | (un)installable Installed | - |
iteration | iterate | iterative iterated iterating | iteratively iteratedly |
pointer point | point | pointless pointed | pointlessly |
update updater updating | update | Updated | - |
implement implementer implementor implementability implementation | implement | implemented implementable | - |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
a cluster | address |
administrator | |
administration | |
allocation | |
acceleration | |
bomb | |
address |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
desktop | publishing |
computer | |
application | |
configuration | |
presentation | |
analysis | |
environment |
Adjective | Target vocabulary unit |
system | interface |
program | |
graphical | |
object | |
user | |
functional |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
configure | software |
release | |
maintain | |
design | |
debug | |
distribute | |
implement | |
manage/control |
Adjective | Target vocabulary unit |
public | utility |
debugging | |
disk compression | |
maintenance | |
setup |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
specification | change |
deficiency | |
error | |
writer | |
requirements | |
review | |
statement |
Adjective | Target vocabulary unit |
demo | version |
beta | |
professional | |
trial | |
crippled | |
licensed |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1D 2F 3G 4A 5B 6C 7E
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
1 with 2 of/behind 3 to 4 into 5 on 6 out 7 to
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
1B 2D 3A 4B 5E 6F 7A
Activity 8. Decode Bill Gates’ saying about software and comment on it:
Software is a great combination between artistry and engineering
TEST 1d 2a 3b 4a 5d 6b 7a 8a 9a 10c 11b 12d 13a 14d 15b 16d 17c 18c 19b 20d
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. block | stop, prevent from, hinder, ban |
2. community | society, group |
3. emoticon | smiley |
4. forum | message board, conference, newsgroup |
5. link | tie, connection, (cross-)reference |
6. monitor | control, check, audit |
7. WWW | global network, the Internet |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. virtual | real, actual |
2. block | permit, give access, allow |
3. log in | log off, log out |
4. snail mail | |
5. implicit | explicit |
6. external | internal |
7. anonymous | known, identified, signed |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
account accountability accountancy accountant accounting | account | accounting accountable | accountably |
link linkage linkability | link | linked linkable | - |
mailing | mailing mailed mailable | - | |
monitor monitoring | monitor | monitored | - |
navigator navigation | navigate | navigable navigational navigating | navigably |
stream streaming streamer | stream | streaming streamed | - |
trace tracing traceability tracer | trace | traceless traced traceable | tracelessly traceably |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
cyber | space |
warfare | |
criminal | |
offence | |
culture | |
café | |
security |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
create | a blog |
maintain | |
contribute to | |
add content to |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
contents | page |
list | |
directory | |
dictionary | |
management | |
filtering |
Adjective/Noun | Target vocabulary unit |
latest | feed |
irritating | |
abusing | |
news | |
events | |
line | |
parallel |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
delete | cookies |
steal | |
spy | |
enable | |
disable | |
switch on/off |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
e- | |
book | |
journal | |
commerce | |
banking | |
cash | |
zine |
Target vocabulary unit | Adjective/Noun |
password | ageing |
generation | |
changing | |
authentication | |
identification | |
logout |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1C 2E 3H 4F 5A 6D 7G 8B
Activity 6. Insert prepositions
1 into 2 for 3 to 4 through 5 to 6 into/out of 7 by
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
1F 2D 3A 4C 5E 6B 7E
Activity 8: Decode Noam Chomsky’s saying about the Internet and comment on it:
The Internet could be a very positive step towards education, organization and participation in a meaningful society.
TEST 1a 2a 3a 4d 5c 6c 7d 8a 9b 10c 11a 12c 13d 14b 15b 16b 17b 18b 19b 20b
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. bootlegger | pirate |
2. combat | struggle, fight |
3. committed to sth | dedicated to sth |
4. breach | violation, infringement |
5. stealth | theft |
6. cyberslacking | cyberloafing |
7. filter | sift away |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. compliant | non-compliant |
2. repudiation | non-repudiation |
3. violation | compliance |
4.conformity | non-conformity |
5. copyright | copyleft |
6. piracy | antipiracy |
7. black-hat cracker | white-hat cracker |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
commitment | commit | committed | -- |
intruder | intrude | un/intrusive | un/intrusively |
crime criminal | --- | criminal | criminally |
stealth | steal | stealthy | stealthily |
fraud | fraud | Fraudulent | fraudulently |
flood | flood | flooded | --- |
(non-) compliance | comply | (non-) compliant | (non-) compliantly |
Activity 6. Insert prepositions
1 to 2 to 3 to 4 out of 5 on 6 in 7 with
Activity 5. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
control | fraud |
commit a | |
suspect a | |
combat | |
protect against |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
install | a worm/virus |
download | |
detect | |
neutralize | |
spread | |
disseminate |
Target vocabulary unit | Nouns |
commit | a crime |
a murder | |
an error | |
suicide |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
engage in | spoofing |
get involved in | |
be involved in | |
be caught | |
get caught | |
detect, suspect | |
protect oneself against |
Target vocabulary unit | Nouns |
comply with a | rule |
regulation | |
law | |
standard |
Activity 5. Match the terms with their definitions:
1C 2F 3D 4E 5A 6G 7B 8H
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
1F 2E 3D 4A 5F 6B 7D
Activity 8. Decode a Jewish proverb about crime and comment on it:
Commit a sin twice and it will not seem a crime.
Activity 10. Name at least 2 kinds of crime that involve:
1. violation of social norms (cyberbullying, trolling, cyberslacking)
2. telephone calls (phracking, phreaking)
3. copyright violations (piracy bootlegging)
4. misdirecting or impeding traffic (mousetrapping, pharming)
5. stealing confidential data (phishing, scavenging)
6. identity theft (spoofing, keylogging, piggybacking)
Activity 12. What kind of crime you might be a victim to if:
1. Your telephone/Internet bills have risen significantly (phreaking)
2. Your account information has changed (data diddling)
3. You receive threats and insults on the net (bullying, trolling)
4. The money in your bank account has disappeared (data diddling, spoofing, salami slicing)
5. You receive a lot of unwanted e-mails (phishing, spamming)
6. Your copyright is violated (piracy, bootlegging)
7. You can’t leave an Internet page (mouse-trapping)
TEST 1a 2b 3d 4b 5b 6c 7a 8a 9b 10c 11a 12c 13b 14c 15a 16b 17a 18b 19a 20d
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. authenticate | verify, validate, confirm |
2. authorize | entitle |
3. compromise | undermine, weaken, injure, harm |
4. deny | reject, dismiss, decline |
5. endanger | expose, imperil, jeopardize |
6. disrupt | discontinue, interfere |
7. intrude | encroach, infringe, invade, disrupt |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. encrypt | decrypt |
2. code | decode |
3. admit | deny |
4. vulnerable | protected safe |
5. confidential | public, open |
6. succeed | fail |
7. cipher | decipher |
8. proprietary | public, generic |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
confidence | confide | confidential | confidentially |
denial | deny | denied, deniable | undeniably |
validity | validate | in/valid/ated | validly |
safety | save | safe | safely |
detection detective | detect | detected (un)detectable | |
digit | digitize digitalize | digital | digitally |
penetration | penetrate | penetrating im/penetrable | impenetrably |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
renew | a certificate |
issue | |
grant | |
get | |
obtain | |
revoke |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
install | a firewall |
construct | |
bypass | |
Set up |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
confidential | information |
service | |
performance check | |
details | |
data |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
code | string |
generator | |
inspection | |
length | |
point |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
dedicated | channel |
security mode | |
link | |
terminal | |
web page | |
employee | |
LAN | |
line |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
deny | access |
a privilege | |
a claim | |
the existence of sth | |
evidence | |
a law | |
sb’s right to sth |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1B 2A 3E 4C 5D 6G 7F
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
1 under 2 upon 3 to 4 to 5 for 6 on 7 for 8 on/upon 9 into
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
1F 2D 3C 4D 5E 6A 7C
Activity 8. Decode Bruce Schneier’s saying about computer security and comment on it:
Security is not a product but a process
TEST 1b 2c 3b 4a 5d 6c 7b 8d 9b 10d 11b 12a 13b 14c 15c 16b 17d 18c 19b 20b
Module 9. TRENDS IN IT
Activity 1. Give synonyms and/or antonyms:
1. quantum programming | binary programming |
2. agile | waterfall, flexible |
3. accelerate | decelerate, quicken |
4. synchronous | asynchronous simultaneous |
5. integrated | disintegrated, discrete |
6. real time | virtual time |
7. remote | local, distant |
8. tolerant | Intolerant |
Activity 2. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
multiplication | multiply | multiple | --- |
modification | modify | modified | --- |
recognition | recognize | recognized, recognizable | |
tolerance | tolerate | in/tolerant | in/tolerantly |
amplifier, amplification | amplify | amplified | --- |
intelligence intelligentsia | --- | intelligent | intelligently |
robot | robotize | robotic/al | robotically |
Activity 3. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Noun | Target vocabulary unit |
water | -proof |
fool | |
idiot | |
bullet | |
earthquake | |
sound |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
nano- | technology |
material | |
fiber | |
particle | |
tube | |
scale | |
second | |
bot |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
remote | control |
access | |
terminal | |
location/area | |
administration tool | |
alarm sensor |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
tele | vision |
phone | |
transportation | |
kinesis | |
commuting | |
communication | |
marketing |
Activity 4. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1c 2d 3a 4b 5f 6e 7g
Activity 5. Fill in the blanks with the words “-tolerant”, “-proof”, “multi-“, “tele-“”-free”
1 tele 2 multi 3 proof 4 proof 5 tolerant 6 free 7 tele 8 proof
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
1 with 2 in 3 of 4 to 5 at 6 to 7 from
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
1A 2F 3F 4C 5D 6B 7F
Activity 8. Decode Bill Gates’ saying about innovations and comment on it:
Never before in history has innovation offered promise of so much to so many in so short a time.
TEST 1c 2a 3c 4a 5b 6d 7d 8b 9d 10a 11d 12c 13b 14b 15b 16d 17a 18b 19b 20c
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. maintain | control, keep, manage, support |
2. bug | failure, error, flaw, defect |
3. tool | instrument, apparatus, device |
4. command | direction, order, instruction |
5. condition | state, stipulation, prerequisite |
6. execute | accomplish, implement, perform |
7. manual | reference book, handbook, guidebook |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. binary | decimal, hexadecimal |
2. compile | decompile, decompose |
3. variable | invariable |
4. assemble | dissemble |
5. code | decipher, decrypt |
6. compress | decompress |
7. integrate | disintegrate |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
composition composite composability | compose | composed composable | composably |
computer computability computation computing | compute computerize | computable computational computerized | - |
error | err | errorless erroneous | erroneously |
generating generator | (de)generate | generated generating generative generic | generatively |
instruction instructiveness instructor instructress | instruct uninstruct | instructive instructional | instructively |
reversibility reverser reversion reversal | reverse | reverse reversed (ir)reversible | reversely (ir)reversibly |
test testability testing | test | testing testable | - |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
applet | version |
display | |
area | |
viewer | |
virus |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
array | access |
analysis | |
chip | |
data | |
component | |
element |
Adjective | Target vocabulary unit |
execution | thread |
multitasking | |
parent | |
main | |
group | |
package |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
write | a script |
compose | |
create | |
encode | |
decode |
Adjective | Target vocabulary unit |
standard | procedure |
established | |
build-in | |
embedded | |
long | |
complicated |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
default | option |
address | |
mode | |
network | |
parameter | |
user | |
value |
Target vocabulary unit | Adjective |
process- | bound |
driven | |
centered | |
flexible | |
independent | |
specific |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1D 2E 3C 4G 5A 6B 7F
Activity 6. Place the following words in the columns according to the prefix used to form a negative counterpart:
in- | de- | un- | mis- | dis- |
dependent | bug | skillful | configure | |
experienced | crypt | instruct | integrate | |
Stability | code | uninstall | ||
efficiency | construct | |||
compatibility | compress | |||
compile |
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
1F 2E 3D 4A 5B 6C 7C
Activity 8: Decode John Romero’s saying about programming and comment on it:
Programming is logic-based creativity.
TEST 1c 2d 3c 4c 5a 6d 7d 8c 9b 10b 11a 12d 13d 14b 15a 16d 17d 18a 19d 20a
Module 11. NETWORKS
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. allocate | assign, withhold |
2. bandwidth | frequency rate |
3. cable | cord, wire |
4. channel | pathway, tunnel, route |
5. framework | plan, scheme, structure |
6. session | conference, period |
7. hub | center, nucleus |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. connect | disconnect, disjoin, divide |
2. receiver | transmitter, sender |
3. frequency | infrequency, irregularity |
4. noise | silence, peace, calmness |
5. server | client |
6. transmit | receive, get |
7. wireless | wired, cable, landline |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
Forwarding | (re)forward | forward forwarded | - |
transmission transmitter | transmit | transmitting transmitted | - |
collision collider | collide | collided | - |
connection connector connectivity | connect | connected | connectedly |
Frequency | - | frequent | frequently |
Address | address | addressable addressing addressed | - |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
broadcast | television |
radio | |
news | |
live | |
media |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
find | a hotspot |
(dis)connect to | |
allow access to | |
place | |
relocate |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
packet | flow |
corruption | |
sniffer | |
access | |
address | |
analysis |
Adjective | Target vocabulary unit |
optimization | layer |
upper | |
lower | |
physical | |
transport | |
user | |
application |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
enable | a terminal |
program | |
access | |
build | |
adjust |
Adjective | Target vocabulary unit |
dedicated | network |
corporate | |
cable | |
television | |
radio | |
local | |
wireless |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
telecommunication | path |
route | |
access | |
bandwidth | |
satellite | |
hardware | |
device |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1C 2A 3H 4E 5D 6B 7F 8G
Activity 6. Insert prepositions
1 via/through 2 over/via 3 up 4 from 5 of 6 on 7 up
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
1F 2E 3D 4C 5B 6A 7D
Activity 8: Decode Alison Gopnik’s saying about the Web and comment on it:
On the Web we all become small-town visitors lost in the big city
TEST 1b 2d 3b 4d 5c 6a 7b 8a 9a 10d 11b 12c 13c 14c 15c 16a 17d 18d 19a 20d
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. erase | delete |
2. format | configure |
3. retention | preservation |
4. preserve | save |
5. archive | library |
6. backup | mirror |
7. cache | hide |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. subscribe | unsubscribe |
2. fragment | defragment |
3. compress | decompress |
4. upload | download |
5. capacity | incapacity |
6. preserve | destroy |
7. compress | decompress |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
record | record | recordable/recorded | - |
storage | store | storable | - |
archive | archive | archived | - |
compressibility/compression | compress | compressible | - |
subscription/subscriber | un/subscribe | un/subscribable | - |
retentive/retentiveness | retain | retentive | retentively |
in/accessibility | access | in/accessible | accessibly |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
upload | a file |
a document | |
information | |
music | |
a photo |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
restore | a file |
delete | |
create | |
transfer | |
store |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
memory | card |
stick | |
chip | |
protection | |
cycle |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
preserve | data |
evidence | |
integrity | |
system | |
identity |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
retrieve | a file |
information | |
data | |
archive | |
from memory |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1D 2B 3E 4C 5A 6G 7F
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
1 to 2 on 3 from 4 in 5 from 6 for 7 with
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
1E 2F 3C 4B 5F 6C 7F
Activity 8. Decode Charles Babbage’s saying and comment on it:
Errors using inadequate data are much less than those using no data at all.
TEST 1c 2a 3d 4b 5b 6b 7a 8b 9d 10c 11c 12a 13b 14c 15a 16c 17c 18c 19c 20a
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. aperture | breach, hole, eye, opening |
2. cover | screen, wrapping |
3. delay | suspend, postpone, put off |
4. module | unit, piece of, part of |
5. regulate | control, manage, administer, maintain |
6. synchronize | harmonize, coordinate |
7. terminate | cease, stop |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. attenuation | increase, enlargement, strengthening |
cover | uncover |
3. damp | dry |
4. exposure | concealing, covering, shelter |
5. resist | accept, surrender, give in |
6. scatter | collect, gather |
resistible | irresistible |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
disturbance | disturb | disturbing, disturbed | disturbingly |
recovery discovery, coverage, cover, coverage, coverer | (dis/un/re)cover | (dis/re/un)covered, covering, coverable, coverless (ir)recoverable | irrecoverably |
intensity | intensify | intense, intensified, intensive | intensely, intensively |
module, modulator, modulation | modulate | modulatory, modulated | - |
reflection, reflector | reflect | reflecting, reflected, reflectory | - |
terminator, termination | terminate | terminated, terminating, terminatory, terminative | - |
stability, stabilizer, stabilization | stabilize | stable, stabled | stably |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Adj | Target vocabulary unit |
sound | attenuation |
light | |
frequency | |
dissonance | |
signal |
Adj | Target vocabulary unit |
site | beacon |
fire | |
tower | |
system | |
center |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
acoustic | guitar |
bass | |
environment | |
wave | |
effect |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
calculate | density |
measure | |
change | |
vary | |
increase/decrease |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
electron | cloud |
optics | |
tube | |
pair | |
transfer |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1G 2F 3E 4D 5C 6B 7A
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
1 to 2 in 3 into 4 to 5 out 6 on 7 out
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
1F 2C 3F 4E 5A 6B 7D
Activity 8. Decode Alison Gopnik’s quote about telecommunications and comment on it:
The radio was an improvement on the telegraph but it didn’t have the same effect.
TEST 1d 2a 3c 4b 5a 6a 7a 8a 9a 10b 11d 12d 13d 14a 15b 16d 17a 18b 19a 20d
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. beam | ray of light, glow, laser |
2. bear | carry, support, hold up |
3. disperse | spread, diffuse, distribute, disseminate, propagate |
4. distort | pervert, falsify |
5. mount | ascend, increase, grow, fix |
6. power | capacity, energy |
7. sequence | series, arrangement, progression, string |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. detect | overlook |
2. landline | Wi-Fi, satellite connection, cellular |
3. standard | abnormal, atypical, substandard |
4. synchronous | asynchronous |
5. mobile | immobile, immovable, static |
6. remote | close, near |
7. vibration | stillness, calmness |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
detector, detection, detective, detectability | detect | detectable | detectably |
mounting, mounter | mount | mounted, mountable | - |
propagation, propagator | propagate | propagable, propagative | - |
sensor, sensitivity | sense | sensory, sensorial, sensitive | sensorily |
transition | transit | transitory, transitional, transitionary | transitionally |
vibration | vibrate | vibrational, vibratory, vibrationless | - |
Activity 4. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1D 2G 3E 4F 5A 6C 7B
Activity 5. Insert prepositions:
1 over 2 on/upon 3into 4up 5 about 6 up in 7 to, of
Activity 6. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
1 F 2C 3E 4F 5D 6A 7B
Activity 7. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Adj | Target vocabulary unit |
alternative | energy |
solar | |
nuclear | |
kinetic | |
internal |
Adj | Target vocabulary unit |
fuel | indicator |
battery | |
power | |
direction | |
frequency |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
remote | control |
area | |
storage | |
device | |
site |
Adj/N | Target vocabulary unit |
radio | sonde |
weather | |
air | |
rocket | |
satellite |
Target vocabulary unit | Noun |
traffic | control |
congestion | |
light | |
sign | |
density |
Activity 8. Decode Bob Poe’s quote about telecommunications and comment on it:
Telecommunications will make the world very small.
TEST 1b 2d 3c 4a 5a 6a 7b 8a 9b 10a 11d 12d 13c 14c 15b 16c 17ba 18a 19a 20a
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. component | part |
2. concept | idea, notion |
3. constraint | restriction, limitation |
4. diagram | figure, graph |
5. evaluation | assessment, judgement, estimation, appraisal |
6. optimize | improve, enhance |
7. probability | chance, possibility |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. force | Weakness |
2. risk | safety, security |
3. simplify | complicate, perplex |
4. probable | improbable |
5. system | Disorder, chaos |
6. dynamic | slow, idle |
7. effective | ineffective |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
analysis, analyst, analytic, analyzation, analyzer | analyze | analyzable, analytical, | analytically, |
condition, conditioner, conditioning, conditionality | condition | (un)conditional, | (un)conditionally |
manipulation, manipulator, manipulability | manipulate | manipulative, manipulable | manipulatively |
predictability, prediction, predictableness | predict | predictable | predictably |
simulation | simulate | simulative | - |
environment, environmentalist | - | (non)environmental, | (non) environmentally |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
grow | a proportion |
increase | |
decline | |
diminish | |
rise |
Adj | Target vocabulary unit |
function | ratio |
calculation | |
analysis | |
existence | |
behavior |
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
demonstrate | a result |
predict | |
indicate | |
reveal | |
suggest |
Adj | Target vocabulary unit |
external | structure |
internal | |
atomic | |
versatile | |
basic |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1D 2G 3A 4F 5B 6C 7E
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
1 from 2 to 3 out 4into 5out 6 to 7 under
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
1F 2C 3A 4D 5B 6F 7E
Activity 8. Decode a famous quote of Louis Gerstner (CEO, IBM) and comment on it:
Computers are magnificent tools for the realization of our dreams, but no machine can replace the human spark of spirit, compassion, love, and understanding.
TEST 1d 2d 3c 4b 5a 6d 7a 8d 9b 10d 11a12d 13a 14b 15a 16d 17d 18d 19d 20d
Activity 1. Give synonyms:
1. derive | gain, receive |
2. altitude | peak, height, elevation |
3. calculate | compute, count |
4. deviate | veer |
5. divide | Separate |
deduct | Subtract |
7. finite | limited |
Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1. add | exclude, subtract |
2. approximate | exact, precise |
3. average | extraordinary |
4. fraction | whole |
5. precise | imprecise, incorrect, wrong, approximate |
6. reduce | increase, enlarge |
7. functional | disfunctional |
Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
additive, addition | add | addible, addable | addedly additionally |
argument, argumentation | argue | argumentative, argumentated | argumentatively |
calculation, calculator | (mis)calculate | calculative, calculating | - |
derivative, derivation | derive | derivatory, derivative, derivational, derived | derivatively |
function, functionary functionality | function | (non/dis)functional | functionally |
multiplication, multiplicity, multiplier | multiply | multipliable, multiplicative | multiplicatively |
Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:
Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
add | a number |
divide | |
multiply | |
subtract | |
dial |
Adj | Target vocabulary unit |
probable | outcome |
anticipated | |
expected | |
inevitable | |
logical |
Adj/N | Target vocabulary unit |
alternate | proportion |
(in-)direct | |
continued | |
inverse | |
mixed |
Adj/Verb | Target vocabulary unit |
square | root |
get the | |
derive the | |
return to the | |
calculate the |
Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1C 2F 3E 4A 5G 6B 7D
Activity 6. Insert prepositions:
1 in 2 at 3 at 4 forward 5 up with 6 towards 7 in
Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:
1C 2E 3A 4F 5D 6B 7C
Activity 8. Decode Tobias Danzig’s saying about mathematics and comment on it:
Mathematics is the supreme judge; from its decisions, there is no appeal.
TEST 1d 2d 3c 4b 5a 6b 7a 8d 9b 10d 11a 12d 13a 14a 15a 16d 17b 18d 19a 20d
Accelerate (v) 91
Access (v) 125
Account (n) 61
Acoustic (adj) 134
Ad hoc (adj) 91
Add (v) 42, 165
Address (n) 114
Administrator (n) 5
Agile (adj) 91
AI (abbr) Artificial Intelligence 91
Algorithm (n) 104
Align (v) 14
Allocate (v) 114
Altitude (n) 165
Amplify (v) 91
Amplitude (n) 134
Analyst (n) 5
Analyze (v) 151
Angle (n) 165
Anonymity (n) 61
Antenna (n) 134
Aperture (n) 134
Applet (n) 104
Application (n) 42
Approximate (adj) 165
Architect (n) 5
Archive (n) 125
Argument (n) 165
Array (n) 104, 125
Assemble (v) 104
Assist (v) 22
Asynchronous (adj) 91
Attack (n) 81
Attenuation (n) 134
Authenticate (v) 81
Authorize (v) 81
Avatar (n) 61
Average (adj) 165
Axis (n) 165
Back (adj) 5
Back door (adj) 81
Backbone (n) 114
Backup (n) 125
Band (n) 141
Bandwidth (n) 114
Barcode (n) 22
Base (n) 166
Battery (n) 32
Beacon (n) 134
Beam (n) 141
Bear (v) 141
Behavior (n) 151
Best practices (n) 91
Beta test (n) 91
Binary (adj) 104
Biometric (adj) 92
BIOS (abbr) 45
Bit (n) 125
Blackout (n) 141
Block (v) 61
Blog (n) 61
Blogger (n) 5
Bluetooth (n) 32
Blu-ray (n) 125
Board (n) 32
Bold (adj) 14
Bookmark (n) 61
Boot (v) 45
Bootlegger (n) 70
Botmaster (n) 5
Braille (n) 22
Breach (n) 70
Break (v) 32
Breakthrough (n) 92
Bricks and clicks (n) 92
Bridge (n) 114
Broadcast (n) 114
Browse (v) 60
Buffer (n) 125
Bug (n) 104
Bullet (n) 14
BYOD (abbr) 22
Byte (n) 125
Cable (n) 114
Cache (v) 125
CAD (acr) Computer-aided design 151
Calculate (v) 166
Camera (n) 22
Capacity (n) 125
Card (n) 32
Carrier (n) 141
Case (n) 14
Cast (v) 60
Catalogue (n) 42
CD (acr) Compact disc 123
Cellular (adj) 141
Certificate (n) 81
Channel (n) 115
Channel integration (n) 92
Charge (v) 22
Chip (n) 32
Cipher (n) 81
Classified (adj) 81
Clickbait (n) 60
Clipboard (n) 14
Close (v) 14
Cloud (n) 92
Cluster (n) 42, 92
Cobot (n) 92
Code (n) 104
Code (n) 80
Coefficient (n) 166
Collision (n) 115
Combat (v) 70
Command (n) 102
Commit (v) 70
Community (n) 60
Compass (n) 134
Compatible (adj) 42
Compile (v) 14, 102
Comply (v) 70
Component (n) 33, 151
Compose (v) 102
Compress (v) 102, 123
Compromise (v) 80
Compute (v) 102
Computer (n) 32
Concept (n) 151
Condition (n) 103, 151
Confidential (adj) 80
Configuration (n) 33
Configure (v) 103
Connect (v) 22, 115
Constraint (n) 151
Consumer (n) 6
Content(s) (n) 60
Context (n) 43
Convert (v) 32, 123
Cookie (n) 60
Copy (v) 14
Copyright (n) 70
Correct (v) 14
Corruption (n) 80
Coupling (n) 134
Cover (v) 135
CPU (abbr) 33
Crack (v) 70
Crash (n) 33
Creep (v) 61
Crime (n) 70
Crowdfunding (n) 61
Cryptographer (n) 6
CTR (abbr) Clickthrough rate 60
Cube (n) 166
Customer (n) 6
Cutting-edge (adj) 92
Cyber (adj) 61
Cyberbullying (n) 70
Cybercide (n) 70
Cyberslacking (n) 71
Cybersquatting (n) 71
Cycle (n) 33
Damp (n) 135
Data (n) 123
Data diddling (n) 71
Decoder (n) 33
Dedicated (adj) 80
Default (n) 103
Degree (n) 166
Delay (v) 135
Delete (v) 15
Density (n) 135
Deny (v) 80
Derive (v) 166
Design (v) 43
Designer (n) 6
Desktop (adj) 43
Detect (v) 81, 141
Developer (n) 6
Deviate (v) 166
Device (n) 23
Diagram (n) 155
Dial-up (n) 115
Diameter (n) 166
Diffuse (v) 142
Digital (adj) 23, 81
Dimension (n) 155
Discrete (adj) 164
Disperse (v) 142
Display (n) 23
Disrupt (v) 81
Disseminate (n) 71
Distort (v) 142
Disturb (v) 135
Divide (v) 164
Domain (n) 115
Download (v) 123
Downtime (n) 33
Drive (n) 33
Driver (n) 43
DSL (abbr) Digital Subscriber Line 142
Duplex (adj) 115
Dynamic (adj) 155
E- (prf) 23, 61
Echo (n) 115
Edit (v) 15
Effect (n) 155
Efficient (adj) 155
Electron (n) 135
Embed (v) 43
Emission (n) 135
Emoticon (n) Emotion + icon 61
Emulate (v) 43
Encapsulate (v) 43
Encrypt (v) 80
Energy (n) 142
Engineer (n) 6
Engineering (n) 142
Enter (v) 15
Environment (n) 155
Equation (n) 164
Erase (v) 123
Error (n) 103
Ethernet (n) 115
Evaluation (n) 153
Event (n) 153
Execute (v) 104
Expand (v) 33
Experiment (n) 153
Expert (n) 6
Expire (v) 81
Exponential (adj) 164
Expose (v) 81
Exposure (n) 133
Extend (v) 123
Fail (v) 81
FAQ (acr) Frequently asked questions 61
Fault (n) 34
Fax (facsimile machine) (n) 23
Feed (v) 61
File (n) 15, 123
Filter (n) 81
Filter (v) 71
Finite (adj) 164
Firewall (n) 81
Flash (n) 123
Flash memory (n) 23
Flooding (n) 71
Flow (n) 116
FM (abbr) Frequency Modulation 133
Folder (n) 15
Follower (n) 6
Font (n) 15
Force (n) 153
Format (n) 15, 124
Formula (n) 164
Forum (n) 60
Forward (v) 15, 116
Fraction (n) 164
Fragment (n) 124
Framework (n) 116
Fraud (n) 71
Freelancer (n) 6
Frequency (n) 116
Function (n) 44, 164
Gadget (n) 23
Gamepad (n) 23
Geek (n) 6
Generate (v) 104, 142
Geotagging (n) 60
Google Glass (n) 23
Hacker (n) 71
Headset (n) 24
Highlight (v) 15
Host (n) 116
Hotspot (n) 116
Hub (n) 116
Icon (n) 44
Identity (n) 80
Identity theft (n) 71
IEEE (abbr) The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 142
Image (n) 15
Implement (v) 44
Import (v) 16
Indent (v) 16
Indicator (n) 143
Influence (v) 153
Innovate (v) 90
Input (n) 24
Insert (v) 16
Install (v) 44
Instruction (n) 104
Integer (n) 164
Integrate (v) 104
Integrity (n) 80
Intensity (n) 133
Interface (n) 44
Intrude (v) 80
Intruder (n) 70
Italic(s) (n) 16
Iteration (n) 44
Jacking (n) 70
Joystick (n) 34
Kernel (n) 45
Key (n) 34
Keylogging (n) 70
Keyword (n) 124
Knowledge (n) 90
Lamer (n) 6
Landline (n) 143
Language (n) 104
Laser (n) 34
Latency (n) 116
Launch (v) 45
Layer (n) 114
Layman (n) 7
Layout (n) 16
Lens (n) 24
Level (n) 133
Library (n) 124
License (n) 45
Life hacker (n) 90
Linear (adj) 165
Link (n) 60
Locate (v) 133
Log (v) 60
Log in/on (v) 80
Logarithm (n) 165
Loop (n) 102
LTE Long-Term Evolution (4G) 143
Lurker (n) 7
Manager (n) 7
Mail (n) 60
Maintain (v) 34, 102
Manipulate (v) 153
Manual (n) 102
Margin (n) 16
Master (n) 7
Measure (v) 153
Media (n) 61
Meme (n) 60
Memory (n) 34, 124
Menu (n) 45
Mobile (adj) 143
Model (n) 153
Modem (n) 34
Moderator (n) 7
Modify (v) 90
Modulate (v) 133
Monitor (n) 24, 34
Monitor (v) 61
Mount (v) 143
Mouse (n) 34
Mousetrapping (n) 70
Move (v) 16
MP3 (n) 24
Multi- (prf) 90
Multiply (v) 165
Nano (n) 90
Navigate (v) 61
Nerd (n) 7
Netbook (n) 24
Netizen (n) 7
Network (n) 114
Neural network 90
Newbie (n) 7
Next-generation (adj) 90
Noise (n) 114
Number (n) 165
Open source (n) 90
Operate (v) 35, 102
Operating System OS (abbr) 45
Operator (n) 7
Optical (adj) 24
Optimize (v) 154
Option (n) 16, 154
Oscillate (v) 133
Outcome (n) 165
Output (n) 24
Outsourcing (n) 90
Overwrite (v) 124
Package (n) 45
Packet (n) 114
Packet monkey (n) 70
Page (n) 124
Parameter (n) 154
Password (n) 61, 80
Paste (v) 16
Patch (n) 102
Pending (v) 16
Penetrate (v) 80
Period (n) 134
Periphery (n) 35
Pharming (n) 70
Phase (n) 134
Phishing (n) 71
Phracking (n) 70
Phreaking (n) 70
Piggybacking (n) 70
Piracy (n) 70
Pixel (n) 24
Platform (n) 35
Plotter (n) 25
Pointer (n) 46
Port (n) 35
Post (v) 61
Power (n) 143
Precise (adj) 165
Predict (v) 154
Preserve (v) 124
Printer (n) 35
Privacy (n) 80
Probability (n) 154
Procedure (n) 103
Process (n) 35
Process (v) 102
Program (v) 103
Programmer (n) 7
Projector (n) 25
Proof (adj) 91
Proofread (v) 16
Propagate (v) 143
Property (n) 165
Proportion (n) 154, 165
Proprietary (adj) 80
Protocol (n) 114
Prototype (n) 103
Provider (n) ISP 7
PTOYED (abbr) 25
Quantum (n) 136
Quantum programming (n) 91
Query (n) 124
Queue (n) 145
R&D (abbr) Research and Development 91
Radio (n) 134
Ratio (n) 154, 166
Ray (n) 134
Real-time (adj) 91
Receiver (n) 114
Recognition (n) 91
Record (n) 124
Recover (v) 46, 124
Recursion (n) 103
Reduce (v) 166
Redundancy (n) 104
Reflect (v) 134
Register (v) 125
Regulate (v) 134
Relay (v) 134
Release (v) 46
Rely (v) 81
Remote (adj) 91, 143
Remove (v) 35
Repair (v) 35
Repairer (n) 8
Repeat (v) 36
Repudiation (n) 71
Resist (v) 135
Resolution (n) 25
Resonator (n) 143
Restore (v) 125
Restrict (v) 125
Result (n) 154
Retention (n) 125
Retina display (n) 25
Retrieve (v) 125
Reverse (v) 104
Risk (n) 81, 155
Roaming (n) 143
Robot (n) 91
Root (n) 166
Rotate (v) 36
Route (n) 115
Safety (n) 81
Salami theft/slicing (n) 71
Sample (n) 155
Satellite (adj) 144
Saturate (v) 144
Save (v) 16
Savvy (adj) 8
Scan (v) 36, 81
Scatter (v) 135
Scavenging (n) 71
Scientist (n) 8
Script (n) 46, 104
Second-hand (adj) 25
Secret (n) 81
Sector (n) 36
Secure (adj) 81
Select (v) 17
Sensitive (adj) 81
Sensor (n) 25, 144
Sequence (n) 144, 166
Server (n) 36, 115
Session (n) 115
Shape (n) 155
Shield (v) 144
Signal (n) 115, 135
Simplify (v) 155
Simulate (v) 155
Site (n) 60
Smart (adj) 25, 91
Social media (n, pl.) 91
Software (n) 46
Solar (adj) 144
Solution (n) 155
Sonde (n) 144
Space (n) 17
Spam (n) 60
Speakers (n) 25
Specialist (n) 8
Specification (n) 46
Spectrum (n) 135
Spoofing (n) 71
Spreadsheet (n) 17
Square (adj) 166
Stabilize (v) 135
Standard (n) 144
Statistical (adj) 155
Status (n) 60
Steal (v) 71
Store (v) 125
Stream (n) 60
Stroke (n) 17
Structure (n) 155
Subscribe (v) 125
Subscriber (n) 8
Subtract (v) 166
Surfer (n) 8
Swap (v) 25
Switch (n) 115
Synchronize (v) 135
System (n) 47, 156
Tablet (n) 26
Task (n) 47
Technician (n)
Tele- (prf) 92,145
Telecommunication (n) 115
Telecommuter (n)
Telephony (n) 115
Template (n) 17
Terminal (n) 115
Terminate (v) 135
Test (n) 104
Textese (n) 17
Thread (n) 61, 104
Threat (n) 81
Threshold (n) 135
Tolerant (adj) 92
Tool (n) 104
Topology (v) 116
Touch (v) 26
Trace (v) 60
Track (v) 125
Traffic (n) 145
Transition (n) 145
Transmit (v) 116
Trojan Horse (n) 71
Trolling (n) 71
Troubleshoot (n) 104
Troubleshooter (n)
Tune (v) 136
Tunnel (n) 145
Type (v) 17
Underscore (v) 17
Unit (n) 36
Update (v) 47
Upgrade (v) 26
Upload (v) 125
User (n) 8
Utility (n) 47
Valid (adj) 81
Value (n) 105, 166
Variable (n) 105
Velocity (n) 156
Vendor (n) 8
Verify (v) 166
Version (n) 48
Vibration (n) 145
View (v) 17
Viral (adj, n) 92
Virtual (adj) 61
Virus (n) 71
Volume (n) 156
Vulnerability (n) 82
Ware (n) 48
Wave (n) 136
Wearable (adj) 26
Web (n) 61
Webcam (n) 26
Widget (n) 48
Wiki (n) 61
Window (n) 48
Wireless (adj) 116
Wiretapping (n) 71
Wizard (n) 9
World Wide Web (n) 61
WORM (acr) Write Once Read Many 125
Worm (n) 71