the Stromata (Miscellanies) – сборник
Origenes Adamantius (184/185 – 253/254) was an early Christian theologian who was born and spent
the first half of his career in Alexandria. He was a writer in multiple branches of theology, including
textual criticism, hermeneutics, philosophical theology, preaching, and spirituality.
Origenes Adamantius was a founder of biblical philology. Created the term “God-man”. God is
Providence in action. In his doctrine, apocatastasis means reconstitution (воспроизведение) to the
primordial (к изначальному) condition (universal salvation-спасение)
Aurelius Augustinus – Saint Austin (354-430). Writing during the Patristic Era, he is viewed as one of the
most important Church Fathers. Among his most important works are City of God and Confessions,
which continue to be read widely today. The ancestor of the Christian philosophy of history.
“the City of God” can be divided into two parts.
Part I (books 1-10) is devoted to a critique of Roman cultures and of pagan philosophy. Interpreters
often take these first ten books to correspond with the Earthly City, in contrast to the City of God.
Part II (books 11-22) is where Augustine shifts from criticism to positing the relationship between the
City of God and an Earthly City subordinated to it.
“The Confessions” of St. Augustine outlines Augustine's sinful youth and his conversion to Christianity. It
is widely seen as the first Western autobiography ever written.
God created matter and endowed (наделить) it with different shapes.
Evil is the deficiency (недостаток) of good.
• Scholasticism is a systematic medieval philosophy, centered around universities and is a
synthesis of Catholic theology and Aristotelian logic.
The third period Scholasticism is characterized by two trends: the realists and nominalists.
According to realism only general concepts, or universals, have true reality (Guillaume de Champeaux).
According to nominalism, common concepts are only the names (Johannes Roscelin, Anselm of
Canterbury, William of Ockham etc.)
Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
Doctor Angelicus, Doctor Universalis
was an Italian Dominican priest and the most influential philosopher and theologian in the tradition of
Thomas Aquinas linked Christian faith with the philosophy of Aristotle.
Unlike many currents in the Church of the time, Thomas attempted to combine Aristotelian
philosophy with the principles of Christianity.
The works for which he is best known are the ”Summa Theologica” and the ”Summa contra Gentiles”.
His commentaries on Aristotle are an important part of his work.